Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1127: The Conspiracy of Emperor Yan [4]

Ye Wenyuan and the others were not in the realm of death, so they couldn't see those resentful spirits and evil ghosts at all, only Yanyi was hacking and slashing inside like crazy, his face was full of panic. A look of fear.

How is this going? What did the sect master do to him? So Yanyi, an emperor martial artist, was so afraid?

Mu Qianyue's eyes were coldly locked on Yanyi's body, "I should have killed you, but you still have some usefulness, so I will spare your life temporarily, but you must obey me unconditionally in the future!"

Pinching the tactics with both hands, a ray of light shot out, fell on Yanyi's head, and quickly entered his mind.

Yanyi held his head in pain and struggled constantly. He only felt that a divine sense that did not belong to him had penetrated into his mind, and then bit by bit swallowed his divine sense, occupying this one. body……

Although he doesn't know what happened, one thing he can be sure of is that if this divine consciousness that does not belong to him takes over his body, he will die and become no longer himself...

So he kept struggling and resisting, but it was a pity that his struggling and resisting were of little use.

The blood of the gods is domineering and unrelenting, and ruthlessly swallowed his divine consciousness, his gaze gradually became stunned, his eyes hollow and confused.

"Yanyi, you will take orders from me in the future, remember, I will be your master from now on." Mu Qianyue stepped forward and patted his shoulder.

Yan Yi's originally empty and confused eyes gradually became more radiant, no longer like a puppet without a soul, he respectfully bowed his hand at Mu Qianyue, "Yes, master."

The Flame Wing at this moment is no longer the former Flame Wing, his mind has been completely changed, and he is completely loyal to Mu Qianyue.

This is Mu Qianyue's second use of the blood contract after refining Mu Yifeng.

If it weren't for the Yanhuang Emperor, Yanyi would still be useful. Otherwise, what Yanyi did to Ye Wenyuan and the others would have long been dead!

"Go and let them go." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

"Yes, Master." Yan Yi stepped forward, took out the key, and unlocked the chains that had locked Ye Wenyuan's bodies.

Muqian Yuesheng's realm expanded, directly healed the injuries of the five of them, and then took out the bodies of the five guards from the space of the Tongtian Tower, "put their clothes on."

The five Ye Wenyuan naturally understood what Mu Qianyue meant, and swiftly took off the clothes from the five guards, changed them, and put their own clothes on them.

"Sect Master, although we changed our clothes, but this look..." Ye Wenyuan hesitated.

"Don't worry, I was prepared." Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with a shallow arc, and took out five human skin masks, "You put this on."

Ye Wenyuan's face was joyful, "The master is really thoughtful."

The five of them put on human skin masks without any hesitation, and it was the faces of the five guards.

Then Mu Qianyue used the Extinguishing Sword to destroy the faces of the five guards, and inflicted many sword wounds on their bodies. Then, she raised her head and looked at Yan Wing, "Do you know what to do?"

"Master, don't worry, your subordinates will do it perfectly." Yan Yi looked at the corpse on the ground coldly.

Mu Qianyue nodded, and led the five Ye Wenyuan and quickly left. Before leaving, she drew out the silver needles from the four guards at the gate of the black prison. Only then did the four woke up and turned around, with doubts in their eyes. , They seemed to be asleep just now?

If your majesty and the fourth prince knew that they had fallen asleep while guarding, they would definitely have their heads!

So the four of them made up their minds and vowed not to tell what happened tonight.

At this moment, I only heard Yanyi's roar from inside, "Come here."

The four guards' complexions changed, and they ran in quickly, bowed their heads and replied respectfully, "What is the command of the four princes?"

"Drag the corpses of these five people out to feed the snake demon!" Yan Yi said coldly.

The four guards nodded respectfully, and hurriedly dragged the five corpses out. They didn’t even know what happened in the dark prison...

After Yan Yi left the black prison, he went straight to the palace where Emperor Yan lived.

"Yi'er, what's the situation?" Yan Huang couldn't help but asked aloud when Yan Yi came over.

"Father, the five people inside are really worthy of death. I would rather die than say the pill of bleeding vein pill. I have killed them and dragged them to feed the snake demon. They said that the pill of bleeding vein pill is not important anymore. , Mu Qianyue is much more useful than them." Yan Yi replied lightly.

"Well, you are right. Since they refuse to say it, it's okay to kill it. Mu Qianyue must make good use of this chess piece, she can bring endless wealth and strength to our Yan Wing Empire!" Yan Huang's eyes were bright. Flashing.

The role of a senior pill medicine master is unlimited. At this moment, Yan Huang’s heart was thinking about a better life in the future, how to control Mu Qianyue to refine for himself, how to dominate the fantasy state and even the mysterious world, he did not know that the good son standing in front of him at this moment had already become Mu Qian. Puppet of the month.

Mu Qianyue also wanted to prevent Yan Huang from suspicious, so he asked Yan Yi to come over and reply as usual, so Yan Huang never thought that Yan Yi was no longer his wing.


"Thank you for the sect master's life-saving grace, if it weren't for the sect master to arrive in time, I'm afraid we will all die in Yanyi's hands." Ye Wenyuan looked at Mu Qianyue in awe and said deeply.

The other four people also made a deep tease towards Mu Qianyue, "Thank you, the master!"

"Four elders, fifth elders, you are originally from my Jingyue Pavilion, you can be regarded as my uncle in the seniority. I should save you if you are in a sense and reason." Mu Qianyue hurriedly helped him.

"Why did you fall into Yanyi's hands?"

"Hey, it's like this..." Ye Wenyuan sighed slightly and told the general story of the matter. He raised his head to look at Mu Qianyue, and a little doubt flashed in his eyes, "Sect Master, you put the flames Yi, won't he reveal anything? And why does Yan Yi suddenly recognize you as his master?"

"That's one of my secret methods. He is completely obedient to me now. You can rest assured about this." Mu Qianyue's beautiful face showed a confident look.

After that, Mu Qianyue told the five of them about the plan in the Yanhuang Palace. The five of Ye Wenyuan were members of the holy doctor. They followed her from the Tianwu Continent. They were naturally credible people. There is nothing to hide.

Time went by like this, Yanyi would come to Mu Qianyue's courtyard to'surveillance' every three days, and it was actually to reveal the news to Mu Qianyue.

Emperor Yan didn't know that his good son had betrayed him long ago, and thought that his good son was checking the poisoning situation of Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing.

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