Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1136: Ancestor Yan【2】

As he said, he glanced at the ruined palace below, and couldn't help but raise his head and glared at Yan Huang, "Useless things, not seen for a hundred years, the once brilliant and prosperous and magnificent Yanhuang Empire was ruined like this by you! It seems Yanhuang Empire It is really a wrong decision to hand it over to you!"

"Old ancestor, I was wronged! These people are from the temple, and the strength of the temple is as strong as our Yanhuang Empire. Also, if it weren't for the betrayal of these people, how could I fail so miserably! It's a traitor to my Yanhuang Empire!" Yan Huang cried.

"En? The temple?" Ancestor Yan's eyes turned towards Mu Qianyue, Nalanjing and the others, and then when his eyes fell on Yan'an, Yanli and others, countless more surged in his body. anger.

"You traitors! You dare to betray your clan and help the temple to kill your compatriots. You really deserve to die! The old man will solve you traitors first!"

When the words fell, he gently lifted his palm and took a picture from the sky. The palm shadow rose in response to the storm. It turned into a huge palm shadow like a mountain in an instant, and it suddenly pressed down on everyone!

The terrifying aura permeated the world, pressing like a hundred thousand mountains.

Everyone turned pale and had difficulty breathing, as if they were about to be crushed to pieces under this momentum!

Mu Qianyue's face was also pale, her chest felt blocked, the old man in grey clothes felt too strong for her! Too strong to match!

Just when everyone thought that the palm shadow would crush them all into slag, they saw a white figure skyrocketing, "Guardian of the temple!"

A strong defensive cover immediately enveloped everyone in it, and that majestic and terrifying palm shadow bombarded the defensive cover.


There was a muffled sound, and the defensive cover of the sanctuary was instantly blasted to pieces.

Nalanjing's face turned pale, her body trembled, and she took a step back. A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, her purple eyes squinted lightly, and there was a chill in the depths of her eyes, God Emperor!

The gray-clothed old man in front of him is a powerhouse of the God Emperor!

Feeling that fierce and terrifying aura, Mu Qianyue also guessed the strength of the ancestor Yan. Seeing that Nalanjing was injured, she quickly expanded the realm of life to heal him.

Old Ancestor Yan was taken aback for a moment. It seemed that he didn't expect Nalanjing to take his trick and protect the people behind him! This kid is only twenty-six and seventeen years old, so he has such strength that he can resist his attack!

You know he is the emperor!

The gap between the **** king and the **** king is not just a little bit!

No wonder he can almost destroy the entire Yanhuang Empire. It seems that he is going to re-examine him!

"Boy, I have to admire your talent, but you should never offend my Yanhuang Empire! Don't even try to take away the Yanhuang Empire's ten thousand years of foundation! So anyway, you must die!" Yan Patriarch's eyes Murderous spirit surged in.

Nalanjing ignored him, but turned to look at the woman beside her, with a bewildering smile.

"Yue'er, how about our husband and wife teaming up this time?"

"Jing, can you deal with him?" Mu Qianyue asked in a daze.

"Well, I can feel that he is just a second-order **** emperor! I still have the power to fight, as long as you continue to heal my injuries behind me!" Nalan looked at the spot, reached out and wiped his mouth. Blood stains.

"Good!" Mu Qianyue nodded.

Hearing Nalanjing’s words, the corner of Old Ancestor Yan’s mouth evoked a sneer of disdain, "Huh! It's so arrogant, I want to defeat me, the second-order divine emperor, with the strength of the ninth-order divine king. Daji!"

The words of Old Ancestor Yan seemed to have dropped a bomb in the crowd.

Everyone's faces were filled with horror, and Nalanjing turned out to be a ninth-order **** king! Gosh! Such a young **** king! What kind of talent is this perverted evildoer...

And the ancestor Yan was actually a second-order **** emperor!

God Emperor! The legendary emperor! !

At this moment, Cang Ming, Xuan Ye, Jin Liye and others were deeply worried and jealous.

The **** king can never defeat the **** king!

Besides, it is still a third-order! !

"How do you know if you don't try?" Nalanjing's eyes filled with cold light.

"Huh! I'm really powerless. I tried to hit the stone with the pebbles! This old man will fulfill you and let you see the power of the emperor!" Old Ancestor Yan snorted, raised his hand, and two palm shadows immediately bombarded. The power of the two palm shadows is obviously dozens of times stronger than the previous one!


The wind blew Nalanjing's snow-white robe into a hunting noise. His exquisite and innocent face was icy, Mu Qianyue stood quietly behind him, the realm of life covering his slender and cold figure.

"Yanlong Wushuang!"

A fierce and mighty sword light greeted the two palm shadows above!

Just hearing the "boom..." slammed together, Nalanjing's body was knocked out, blood sprayed in the air, like bright red plums flying in the air...

Fortunately, there is the realm of life, regardless of multiple injuries, healed instantly.

Ancestor Yan frowned, and Nalanjing's sword light had already attacked again.

In the next battle, Nalanjing was constantly injured, constantly healed, and constantly attacked. Even if his true vitality was strong, the ancestor Yan consumed half.

Deep jealousy appeared in his eyes, the couple really cooperated perfectly! He actually fought him for so long with the strength of the ninth-order **** king! This was impossible in the Profound Sky Realm, but it happened in this small Huanzhou continent!

How can I bear it? Fortunately, those old guys don't know, otherwise, where would he put Yan Shao's face?

No, it can't go on like this, let's make a quick fight!

After making up his mind, Old Ancestor Yan’s attack became more and more fierce, and Nalanjing was injured again and again. Although the realm of life is there, no matter how big the injury is, he can instantly heal, but the strength that hits him is real , And Nalanjing has to endure the piercing pain again and again!

His jade face looked paler!

The people below had already been shocked by the great battle, and they were stunned. This was the first time in their lives that they saw the wonderful showdown between the king and the king!

While sighing, their eyes all showed a worried look. If this continues, I am afraid Nalanjing will be defeated soon!

The eyes of Emperor Yan and Emperor Yan were filled with joy, "Hahaha, the two of them are dead! The ancestor is the second-order divine emperor, will anyone here be his opponent! You all have to die? This is the fate of betraying me!"

After Nalanjing's injuries healed again, the ancestor Yan was furious and turned his eyes to Mu Qianyue. This woman kept healing him from behind, which is really hateful! Let's solve this woman first!

Patriarch Yan suddenly rushed towards Mu Qianyue!

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