Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1158: Shameless, invincible [2]

"If you don't know, please check it out for me!" The elder of the Xiao family said angrily. "There is also that strange woman, who seems to be very skilled in medicine. Many people went to her, so I went to buy medicinal materials! I don't care. You must stop the Situ family by whatever means!"

"Elder Xiao, don't worry, I will send someone to make trouble tomorrow morning to ensure that their Situ family can no longer sell medicinal materials!" A sinister light flashed through the eyes of the Mo Family.

"En! What happened? My Xiao family is responsible for it! This time, all the shops of the Situ family will belong to you, but we have to take away 70% of the medicines and pills that have been used for thousands of years, and the rest will go to you. You guys." Elder Xiao's eyes flickered, and it seemed that those had already become his possessions.

"No problem!" Family Master Mo said excitedly. Although Elder Xiao wanted to take away 70%, he still left them with 30%, and these shops will be owned by his Mo family. In the future, his Mo family can definitely be transformed into a first-class family in Huazhou County!


Inside Situ's mansion, the voice of the Great Elder's dissatisfaction sounded, "Patriarch, what do you mean? Why did you send someone to follow me? What did I do wrong?"

"Elder, have you misunderstood something? Did I send someone to follow you?" Patriarch Situ looked suspicious.

"Then how do the two of them explain?" The elder pointed at the two elite disciples in the family behind him, and said with an angry expression.

"I didn't let them follow you." Patriarch Situ shook his head.

"Elder, we admire you too much, so we want to learn how to plant medicinal materials with you so that we can work for our Situ family in the future." The two elite disciples said in unison with a sincere expression.

The Great Elder obviously didn't believe this, Patriarch Situ smiled and said, "Elder, you see that the two of them are diligent and studious. Why don't you let them follow you first?"

"Since the Patriarch has spoken, there is no reason for me not to follow it." The elder's eyes quickly flashed with a shadow.

After that, he snorted coldly and turned back to his yard. The two elite disciples followed him every step of the way, saying that they wanted to learn from him because they admired him, rather than watching him.

After he left, Patriarch Situ's face slowly cooled down, "How's the situation?"

As his voice fell, a figure slowly walked out from the curtain behind it. It was Elder Yi, "Patriarch, I went to the nearby city to investigate the news this morning, and I got an unexpected clue, that family He is a cousin of the Mo family. The purchase of medicinal materials five months ago is indeed a trap designed by the Mo family for our Situ family!"

Hearing this, Patriarch Situ's face changed, and his diminished pupils flashed with anger, "It seems that Ruier is right. The elder may have betrayed our Situ family. You can check why the delivery was the night before. All the people in the medicine field withered and died suddenly. This is very strange. If it is found that the elder is really inseparable from the relationship, then don't blame me for cleaning the door!"

"Yes! Patriarch." Elder Yi answered, turned and disappeared into the darkness again.

Early the next morning, after Mu Qianyue got up to wash, she left the yard and was about to go to the drugstore to continue her work the next day. Since you are willing to help the Situ family, you must do what you say.

In addition, she is not a white gang to help the Situ family. Situ Mingrui is a good friend of loyalty.

Now that she has just arrived in the Profound Heaven Realm, she has no influence. If the Situ family can be her backing, she can be regarded as a good deal.

After all, the Situ family has a certain prestige and status here, and they are more convincing in many ways than her.

After leaving the yard and walking in the garden, a young man walked towards him, it was Situ Xing who had a fate in Tianfang City before Mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue twisted her brows slightly, as if she didn't expect to meet him here, she was about to go around.

The opposite Situ Xing had found her and walked over quickly.

He looked at Mu Qianyue with bright eyes, looked at her unscrupulously, with a flattering smile, "Miss Mu, why are you in my Situ Mansion? Did you come here to find me?"

Mu Qianyue's brows wrinkled almost inexplicably, "You misunderstood, I didn't come to you."

"Then why are you here? We are really fate. Since the last time we said goodbye, I've been thinking about you girl Mu, but I didn't expect that we would meet so soon!" Situxing smiled.

Mu Qianyue didn't intend to pay attention to this kind of people, and walked forward, Situxing kept following her, "Miss Mu, where are you going? Why don't you go shopping with you."

"Young Master Situ, please stop following me." Mu Qianyue stopped, a touch of coldness in her cold beautiful eyes.

Situ Xing's face changed, and all the flattering smiles on his face were condensed, and his expression became a bit sullen, "Mu Qianyue, you don't have to pretend to be with me! You come to our Situ family, don't you just see the wealth of our Situ family? Is it? As long as you follow me, I'm sure you will be delicious and spicy, and you will enjoy endless glory and wealth..."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and wanted to touch Mu Qianyue's face.

Suddenly a streamer came from the side and hit the pig's paw that Situxing stretched out. It hurt so much that he screamed, and immediately retracted his hand. He stared fiercely, "Which animal with no eyes dare to hit? Ben Shao!"

"I played it, what do you want?" Situ Mingrui looked cold, and quickly walked over from the side path. He walked straight to Mu Qianyue's side and looked down at her, "Miss Mu, you are all right. Right?"

Mu Qianyue shook her head, "I'm fine."

Just now, even if he didn't make a move, she would make a move. If she made a move, I was afraid that Situ Xing's salty pig hand would not be protected. Situ Xing should thank Situ Mingrui for saving him.

Situ Xing stared at Situ Mingrui angrily, his face was filled with anger, "Situ Mingrui, you dare to hit me! Even if you are the young master of the Situ family, you can't hurt people at will!"

"Ms. Mu is a distinguished guest of my Situ family, senior guest, what right do you have to be rude to her? Next time I see you being rude to her, don’t blame me for being polite! Even if your grandfather is a great elder, you can guarantee Can't stop you!" Situ Mingrui's eyes fell cold, he still doesn't know what virtue is this Situ Xing?

It must be because of Mu Qianyue's appearance.

In recent years, Situ Xing has not missed those fireworks places, a typical **** ghost, and there are many wives and concubines in the mansion.

VIP? Senior guest?

Situ's eyes clearly showed a look of unbelief, "You said she is the distinguished guest of our Situ family, senior guest, who would believe it? She is so young, but only twenty years old, weak, without status, and even a pauper. One!"

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