Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1185: Slander【4】

"Hehe, I'm afraid she has taken the pill long ago, and I can't find it if I want to find it. When did a thief like her have seen such precious pill? Miss Ruyan, I think you should just take her Get caught and tortured! People like her will never tell the truth if they don’t torture a confession!" Xiao Jing stared at Mu Qianyue with stern eyes. If it weren’t for her meddling in the affairs of his Xiao family and Situ family, he Xiao How could the family plan fail?

Unexpectedly, she is now involved in such major events as stealing, regardless of whether she stole or not. After all, once detained, they still have the final say?

Liu Ruyan thought the same way, pretending to be cold, "Since you are willing to cooperate, then you can only be arrested and talked about! Come on, take this thief down for me!"

As her voice fell, dozens of high-ranking emperor martial artists swarmed from all around and surrounded Mu Qianyue, while those onlookers hurriedly backed away, for fear of getting into trouble.

At this moment, there were only three people standing beside Mu Qianyue, one was Nalanye, the other was Situ Mingrui, and the other was Cang Yuwei.

"Weiwei, come here quickly, don't want to be with that kind of thief, it will tarnish your identity!" Xiao Jing shouted.

Cang Yuwei's expression suddenly became tangled and hesitant.

"Yuwei, you go over, I'll be fine, the clearer will be clear." Mu Qianyue's lips raised a slight arc, even though she was in the encirclement, facing the scrutiny or contemptuous eyes of everyone, her face appeared Still indifferent and leisurely.

Seeing her doing this, Cang Yuwei gritted her teeth and did not leave, "Qian Qian, since we are good friends, then I believe you! I believe you will not lie to me! I also believe you will not do things like stealing. !"

Mu Qianyue's gaze softened, and a gleam of light surged in her gaze, "Yuwei, I am very happy to have friends like you."

Unexpectedly, in Canglang City, I would meet such a good friend!

They only met for a few days, but she was willing to believe in herself! This is not just a trust, but also a friendship between them.

A trace of jealousy surged in Liu Ruyan's eyes.

"Six princesses, it is not glorious to spread such a thing, I advise you, it is better not to interfere with it, otherwise it will be bad if you get a fishy!"

"Huh! Didn't you just say that you want to search? Why do you want to arrest people forcibly if you don't even search? Are you trying to get beaten up? I didn't expect that the dignified Feibao Building was so dark! Within the territory of my Gray Wolf City, you can still bend into a move!" Cang Yuwei snorted disdainfully.

Liu Ruyan's face suddenly looked ugly. If the sixth princess insisted on protecting Mu Qianyue, I am afraid that things would not be handled so easily. She turned her head and looked at Xiao Jing who was on the side. Xiao Jing immediately understood her gaze, and looked at Cang Yuwei gloomily, with an angry look in her eyes, "Weiwei, I will count three times now. Come to me, otherwise we will be strangers in the future!"

"Brother Jing!" Cang Yuwei paled, and a trace of pain and sadness appeared in her eyes.



"I..." Cang Yuwei was almost crying in a hurry.

Seeing her not leaving, Xiao Jing walked to Cang Yuwei's face with a green face, and ignoring her opposition, directly dragged her out.

"Enough!" Elder Luo sullen his face, he looked at Liu Ruyan disappointedly, "Miss Ruyan, you really disappoint me!"

"Elder Luo, you are the one who really disappointed me. You defended a thief?" Liu Ruyan said angrily.

"I know who the thief is. The thief is the one who guards the Appreciation Room. There is no chance for anyone except this person!" Elder Luo's voice just fell, and the eyes of a man beside him opened incredibly. , A look of astonishment appeared in his eyes, "Elder Luo, I didn't..."

It's just that before he finished speaking, he received the gaze from Elder Luo and the secret transmission, "This matter is not trivial, you cooperate with me first, and I will double to compensate you afterwards."

The man was silent when he heard the words.

There was a surprised look in Liu Ruyan's eyes. It seemed that he didn't expect that Elder Luo would say that the guard, did Elder Luo really want to protect that woman? What is the origin of that woman, that makes Elder Luo a little jealous?

"Why are you doing such a thing?" Elder Luo looked at him with painful eyes.

The man squeaked and said, "I saw the medicinal fruit of that pill is amazing, so...Elder Luo, I was confused for a while..."

"Where is that pill?" Elder Luo asked in a deep voice.

"I was...eaten by me..." The man lowered his head with a guilty conscience and depressed, and his heart was filled with doubts, as if he was puzzled why Elder Luo had to carry it on himself?

"Since the thief has been found, the matter is fine. As for the Qiongqi Bloodline Pill, my Feibaolou is willing to use 50 million Xuanjing Coins as compensation, and other compensation, everything is negotiable." Elder Luo said. It was definitely for Mu Qianyue.

Seeing that Elder Luo wanted to cover the matter, Liu Ruyan stopped entanglement any more. Undoubtedly, this was the best ending. It was not a loss to buy this pill for fifty million Xuanjing coins, was it? If you really want to auction, you may not be able to buy it at this price!

The most important thing is that no one will doubt himself again...

Everyone was shocked and depressed. It turned out that this pill was stolen by the people in his Feibaolou!

Such precious medicine is gone!

What a pity...

It's just that Elder Luo wants to uncover this easily, so he has to ask Mu Qianyue if he wants to.

"I don't want money. Now I only have one request. I strongly request you to return my Qiongqi Bloodline Pill from Feibaolou! An auction that is not trustworthy like you is not worthy of auctioning my pill!" Mu Qianyue scribbled The anger of the two races was surging in the pupils, and the beautiful face was also stained with a bit of frost at this moment.

When her voice fell, there was an uproar, each of them widened in surprise, what? !

What did she just say?

Her poor blood pill? What does it mean?

Even Liu Ruyan and Xiao Jing opened their eyes in surprise and astonishment, and they didn't seem to react.

Seeing the different expressions of everyone, Situ Mingrui let out a long sigh of relief, only to feel that the suffocating breath in his heart was gone.

"What? Qian Qian, you said that pill is yours?" Cang Yuwei broke free from Xiao Jing's hand and walked to Mu Qianyue, looking at her with an incredible expression.

"Yes! That pill was refined by my master himself, who is a ten-pin pill pharmacist! We trusted Feibaolou and entrusted them to auction the pill. Unexpectedly, they were guarding and stealing the medicine! I thought it was 50 million! Can Xuanjing coins cover this matter? I don’t need money now. You Feibaolou must return the Qiongqi Bloodline Pill immediately and apologize to my master. Otherwise, don’t blame us for being polite!" Hanshuang said coldly.

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