Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1204: Lost his wife and broke down [2]

"No! I must be your regular wife! No one except me! Xiao Jing, don't force me!" Liu Ruyan roared angrily.

The virgin body is her only thing, and it is also the last card, but he gave it to Xiao Jing like this, but he didn't cherish it at all, he was just playing with her!

No matter who she marries Liu Ruyan, she will not be just a concubine! You can definitely have the position of a true wife!

Why can only be a concubine in the Xiao family? She absolutely couldn't bear it, let alone Cang Yuwei riding on her head in the future!

"Huh! Liu Ruyan, you'd better figure out the current situation, your body is already unclean, you are not qualified to ask me any more. If you are not married, you will have a relationship with me, willing to fall, like you How can a casual and slutty woman be my wife of Xiao Jing?" Xiao Jing's words slammed into her heart like a knife, causing her whole body to tremble.

The beautiful face is blue, as ugly as it is.

She stared at Xiao Jing angrily, "Xiao Jing, you are shameless! Last night, it was obviously you last night..."

Now he even dislikes his loss of virginity before marriage, casually debauchery?

The person who had the spring night with her last night is obviously him! Now he hurt her with such words!

If it weren't for him, how could she...

Her heart was so painful that she couldn't breathe, making her extremely uncomfortable.

If she had known that Xiao Jing was such a person, she would never have a relationship with him if she was killed.

"Heh... last night? You obviously seduced me first last night, isn't it the one you took off?" Xiao Jing sneered.

"You... shameless!!"

Liu Ruyan was trembling with smoke, there is such a despicable villain in the world! Compared with the foster father's gentleness, coldness, aloofness, and elegance, Xiao Jing is inferior to mud!

She never thought that Xiao Jing was just playing with her, she never thought about marrying her!

Unfortunately, even if she regrets everything in her heart at this moment, it is useless.

Xiao Jing looked disapproving.

Now Liu Ruyan understands that once a woman loses her virginity before marriage and is chased by a man, she will no longer cherish it, and she will no longer be a high goddess, but humble like an ant...

"Xiao Jing, you bastard, I want to kill you!"

The zombies in his hand condensed and stab Xiao Jing without hesitation.

Liu Ruyan suffered a lot of violent storms last night and this morning, and a fierce pain underneath her almost made her stand unsteady, and the sword energy she found was naturally not as strong as usual.

Xiao Jing easily resolved her attack.

Xiao Jing stretched out his hand to push her to the ground, and looked at her with cold contempt, "Liu Ruyan, you don't know what is good or bad!"

"Haha..." Liu Ruyan smiled miserably, "From the very beginning when you defrauded the Qiongqi Bloodline Pill from me, you were already playing with me, right?"

"That's right! You Liu Ruyan thinks she's smart and lofty, but she's still a little tender when she plays tricks in front of me." Xiao Jing snorted coldly.

Liu Ruyan knew that the matter was over, she said no more.

She staggered to get up, walked to the door disheveled, opened the door, and when she saw the figure at the door, she couldn't help but stunned, and then a sneer of contempt was dyed in her eyes.

Turning around and deliberately blocking the figure, he looked at Xiao Jing inside the room, "Xiao Jing, I hope you can abide by the promise between us and get me the bloodline pill in the hands of the Six Princesses. Follow you..."

"This is natural." Xiao Jing's voice came from the room, and he strode out.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his shocked eyes fell on the slender and beautiful figure in the courtyard.


Cang Yuwei's beautiful and lovely face was pale at this time, and crystal water mist surged in her black eyes like stars, containing humiliation, anger, sadness, and deep disgust.

She didn't say anything, turned around and left.

Xiao Jing was shocked, and quickly walked out of the house, grabbing Cang Yuwei's hand, "Weiwei, listen to my explanation..."


Cang Yuwei waved her hand mercilessly, and a loud slap suddenly fell on Xiao Jing's face, printing five red finger prints.

"Explanation? What else is there to explain? What you said and everything you did, I have heard it clearly! Xiao Jing, I didn't expect you to be such a shameless villain! You want to use mine. Give the pill to Liu Ruyan...hehe...I Cang Yuwei is really blind, so I will like someone like you!"

Cang Yuwei glared at him angrily, clenched the pill in her hand, raised her hand to look at Liu Ruyan, "Do you want my pill? Oh, go to dream!"

Raising his head, he threw the Blood Vessel Pill into his mouth without hesitation, the pill melted in the mouth, and immediately turned into a pure medicinal solution into the body.

Liu Ruyan's complexion was green, biting her teeth bitterly, and her venomous gaze fell on Cang Yuwei's face, as if she could poke thousands of holes in her face.

"Weiwei, things are not what you think... Last night I was only emotionally out of control to be with her... It's not because you and Mu Qianyue are so close and don't care about my feelings. Weiwei, in me The person I love in my heart is only you from beginning to end..." Xiao Jing said that he wanted to take her hand again.

Cang Yuwei stepped back without a trace, avoiding his stretched hand.

There was a trace of sarcasm in her cold beautiful eyes, "Xiao Jing, don't you use me as an excuse anymore? Do you think I will continue to be stupid? Hanging with other women, but saying love me , What a hypocrisy!"

Also tried to trick her pill to Liu Ruyan...

With an ironic smile on his face, he looked at Liu Ruyan and said quietly, "Liu Ruyan, thank you."

Liu Ruyan was taken aback. Are these six princesses stupid? Why do you still want to thank her now?

"Thank you for letting me see Xiao Jing's ugly face clearly, and thank you for taking him away."

Throwing a cold sentence, Cang Yuwei stopped nostalgic, turned around and left without any nostalgia.

Seeing Cang Yuwei's disappearing figure, Xiao Jing then turned to look at Liu Ruyan, his eyes were dark and severe, and he slapped Liu Ruyan's face with a merciless slap, "Did you mean that? "

This sudden slap directly slapped Liu Ruyan, and she stared at her incredibly, as if she had never expected Xiao Jing to hit her!

There was a smirk at the corner of his mouth, "Yes! I did it on purpose! I just want the sixth princess to see your hypocritical face! Xiao Jing, this is the price you play with me!"

Liu Ruyan looked at him angrily. With a movement, he turned and flew towards the sky before leaving quickly.

Liu Ruyan, who had gone through torture and shock, returned to Feibao Building.

The morning sun was shining and warm. In the courtyard, Mu Yan looked at Mu Qianyue with a fond look, and personally served her lotus porridge. Mu Qianyue took it with a smile, "Father, the lotus porridge you made by yourself is really true. good to eat."

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