Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1223: Seduction under the table [2]

"Are you trying to say that there seems to be movement under the table when eating?" Mu Qianyue asked with a smile on her mouth.

"Yes." Cang Yuwei nodded repeatedly.

Although she felt a little abnormal at the time, she was only a guest after all. If she rushed to lift the table, she would be very impolite.

Moreover, this would make Qian Qian and Uncle Mu lose face, so she restrained them.

"Do you want to know what's going on?" Mu Qianyue's black pupils were stained with a smile.

"Of course. Qian Qian, you can tell me quickly, do you know what?" Seeing the smile on Mu Qianyue's face, Cang Yuwei now dares to conclude that the movement under the table while eating, Mu Qianyue is Informed.

In that case, why didn't she stop it? And why is he so indifferent and laid back, it seems that he is not in a hurry.

"Because the foot under the table is me!" Mu Qianyue raised her lips and smiled.

"Um..." Cang Yuwei was puzzled by me.

Mu Qianyue explained the matter briefly.

She knew that Liu Ruyan would try to seduce Nalanjing, so she had been prepared. When Liu Ruyan stretched her feet, she stretched her feet out and put them under Nalanjing’s table, making Liu Ruyan think That foot is from Nalan Jing.

Then it was Liu Ruyan who provoked her, and she began to provoke her, and Nalanjing's expression was always faint, and Liu Ruyan thought he was afraid of being discovered by Mu Qianyue, so she only dared to provocation under the table... …

"Hahaha... really fun! If she knew that the person she seduced was you, she would have vomited blood." Cang Yuwei laughed excitedly, and the worry on her face disappeared.

"If Yijing had a temperament, she would have chopped off her feet on the spot, but I want more than that, I want to ruin her! Live in pain for a lifetime..." Mu Qianyue's eyes gradually became cold.

Now she can almost conclude that her disappearance must be related to Liu Ruyan, although there is no evidence yet.

Since Liu Ruyan dared to calculate herself, it was enough to prove that she would definitely have calculated her mother.

A woman trapped in love is crazy, let alone her poisonous woman? It is hard to guarantee that she will not be hateful because of love, and do not forget that Liu Ruyan tried to seduce her father before!

Therefore, it is light to chop off her leg. First expose her mask bit by bit, and then slowly ruin her and taste the pain of the world.

Of course Liu Ruyan didn't know all of this at this time. He thought it was easy to seduce Nalanjing, and returned to the yard where he was happily, doing some elaborate dressing.

Looking at the beautiful face in the bronze mirror, she became more satisfied with it, and no man could resist her charm.

Except for foster father.

When she thought that Mu Yan was still indifferent to herself, a chill came into her eyes. But thinking of Nalanjing, the chill in his eyes faded a little, and the corners of his mouth raised a smug smile.

It is also good to be able to seduce Nalanjing.

After all, he is a Tier 1 God Emperor! Can reach the first-order **** emperor at such a young age, presumably the talent is the best in the world! The status and status are naturally extraordinary, even better than the uprising father!

Especially those purple eyes, as beautiful as colored glaze, they looked extremely beautiful.

She found that when she saw him at the first glance, she couldn't help being attracted by those eyes, sinking into it, unable to extricate herself...

As for the foster father?

Oh, it's not important anymore.

The anti-righteous father didn't like her either. Now that she has Nalanjing, it doesn't matter whether she has a foster father or not! Taking Nalanjing over, she will not only have a genius husband who is envious of everyone, but she can also hit Mu Qianyue severely, which is really killing two birds with one stone.

As long as she can see Mu Qianyue crying and heartbroken, her heart is full of revenge pleasure.

After painting the makeup carefully, Liu Ruyan went out in a happy mood.

Only when I got out of Feibao Building, I saw a man standing in front of him. Liu Ruyan frowned, and a trace of dissatisfaction appeared in his eyes. He looked around carefully, but there was no acquaintance or stranger watching him. He asked in a cold voice, "What are you here for? Didn't I tell you many times and told you not to come here again?"

"Yan'er, I, I'm out of money..." The man was about forty or fifty years old. He looked runny. He wore plain old clothes and his hair was messy as if he hadn't been cleaned for more than ten days.

Liu Ruyan frowned in disgust, her eyes filled with anger, looked around, and quickly dragged him to the side alley.

There was anger and disgust in her eyes, "I know money, money, money all day long! Do you think money is so easy to get? Since I was seven years old, you have kept asking me for money. , All the money I have given you over the years is 10 million Xuanjing Coins, right? I have given you a lot of pills, but you gambled all of them! I know you gamble all day long! Can't we just gamble?"

She roared angrily, her voice a little excited.

The man curled his lips indifferently, "Aren't you the eldest lady of Feibao Building? Some are money, but you still care about that little money. Ten million Profound Crystal Coins are just a sneeze for this Feibao Building... "

Liu Ruyan's eyes were filled with hideousness, "What do you know? Now I am no longer the eldest lady of Feibaolou. The real eldest lady of Feibaolou is back. Where can I find a place? All my resources The use of power has been stopped, and now it is no different from an ordinary disciple..."

"How could this be?" The man was shocked, with a panic expression on his face, "Then you won't have any money anymore? No pill?"

Liu Ruyan said with a calm face, "So don't come to me again in the future!"

This selfish man is her biological father, and now he is only thinking about money and pills, and he doesn't mean to worry about her at all.

"Then how?" The man's expression changed. He saw Liu Ruyan going to leave, and he quickly stopped her, "I don't have any money on my body now. Give me one hundred thousand profound crystal coins first."

Liu Ruyan paled when she heard the words, "I have no money now!"

"Don't tell me that there is no money, I don't believe it! Even if all your right to exercise in Feibaolou is stopped, you can't have no money for all these years! Give it to me quickly!" The man angered. .

"Also, you are really stupid. The real lady in Feibaolou is here, won't you drive her away? Yan'er, you need to know that everything in Feibaolou belongs to you! It doesn't belong to that woman!" There was a strange light in the man's eyes.

Liu Ruyan sneered with a sneer in her eyes, "Do you think she is so easy to deal with? Ten-pin Pill Pharmacist, this identity alone is enough to trample me under my feet! What shall I fight with her?"

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