Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1226: Don't you need money for pill?

When Mu Qianyue unblinked her eyes and took out the medicinal plants and the medicinal pills, everyone was shocked from the initial shock to numbness...

"Guru... Guru..." There was a drooling voice all around.

The hall was strangely quiet, so quiet that there was only the sound of everyone's breathing and drooling...

Both eyes opened wide, as if stupid.

His Majesty Cang Wolf was already stunned, and his face was also full of horror. He stayed for a long while and couldn't help but ask out, "Are these pills for money?"

"Of course you need money! But Qian Qian is a pill master. As long as she has the medicinal materials, she can refine a lot. The success rate of Qian Qian's alchemy is very high. Basically, there is no failure. There are several elixir in a pot. This is not like other pill masters who are always fryer..." Cang Yuwei's face was flushed, and she said excitedly, almost unable to wait to stand up.

It turned out that Qian Qian was all refined for her.

In the past few days, she went to the Feibao Tower to look for Qianqian to play, but saw that she was always doing alchemy and didn't play with her anymore. Bored, she had to look at Qian Qian's alchemy, but she didn't expect that Qian's alchemy movements were very graceful and skillful. The alchemy seemed very easy, unlike other alchemists who were tired and sweating.

She was shocked when she first saw Qian Qian's one furnace of pill refining more than a dozen pills.

She has also seen other pill masters making alchemy before, and the rate of alchemy is very low. Even if it succeeds, there will only be one or two pills, and Qian Qian makes a dozen pills every time...

She was so shocked that she couldn't even speak, and she was also numb from the initial shock.

In short, Qian Qian is a pervert.

What surprised her even more was that these pills were refined for her, they were a bride price for her, in order to save her face, in order to let her marry gracefully...

The civil and military officials have never seen such a strange and amazing scene, and they have never seen so many elixirs for a while, and they are already shocked to speak.

This is so weird!

Too abnormal!

"Hahaha... I was excited for a while but forgot. Girl Mu is a ten-level pill pharmacist, and she was able to refine the pill. But I didn't expect that girl Mu's alchemy was so powerful, which really surprised me! So many pills! Medicine, this is the first time I have seen it!" His Majesty Canglang laughed.

As the majesty of the Blue Wolf Kingdom, he has seen countless elixirs, and there are many elixirs in his treasury.

But these medicines were collected over decades and hundreds of years. They are extremely precious and will not be taken out easily at all. They will only be given to cultivated geniuses or people who have national merits to the wolf...

But today, it is indeed the first time that he has seen people take out so many pills...

Even those pill masters don't have so many pill.

The officials also slowly awakened from the horror, looking at the pills and medicinal materials, their eyes were full of fiery and envy.

"As Situ Mingrui's master, I also have a dowry gift. Here are two elementary fairy tools and fifty high-level spiritual weapons." Nalanjing shook her palm, and took out fifty high-level spiritual weapons, again cruelly to everyone. Hit hard.

Those envious and fiery eyes stared at the two primary fairy artifacts unblinkingly.

His Majesty Cang Wolf was very excited, and he was not the kind of insatiable person. He gave the two primary immortal artifacts to Situ Mingrui and Cang Yuwei on the spot, but Situ Mingrui refused, "Thanks to my father, I already have them in my hand. The Frost Sword is gone. The master shot it for me at the auction."

"Flowing Frost Sword, I know, it came from the hands of Master Ye, the master craftsman." His Majesty Canglang nodded, and did not reluctantly put away the remaining primary fairy artifact.

And Cang Yuwei is holding the sword in her hand in love, she has been wanting a fairy for a long time...

"Qian Qian, Son Nalan, thank you!" A bright and beautiful smile spread across his lips.

"Weiwei, we are good friends, no need to say thank you." Mu Qianyue smiled.

The chief **** on the side took notes one by one and recorded them in the annals...

His hand holding the pen trembles a little. This is definitely the biggest and most solemn dowry in history!

"Since Rui'er and Wei'er are in love, I also hope they get married soon, Patriarch Situ, which day do you think the wedding date is better?" His Majesty Canglang asked.

If it were placed in the past, he would decide on these matters under the imperial decree, but this time he asked the opinion of the Situ Patriarch, apparently putting the Situ Family in their hearts, which made the ministers very envious, and they wished to have them too. The master who owns a ten-pin pill pharmacist...

Patriarch Situ did not answer, but turned to look at Mu Qianyue next to him, "Miss Mu, which day do you think is better?"

"I can only make alchemy. I really don't know how to choose auspicious days. It's better to leave it to your Majesty to decide." Mu Qianyue smiled, and the question was pushed back to His Majesty Canglang.

His Majesty Cang Wolf smiled, she understood Mu Qianyue's mind, she did not take credit or power, and to return the decision right to him, the emperor, obviously showed respect and made him more serious.

"In that case, the date should be the sixth day of next month."

When Mu Qianyue heard the words, there was also a slight smile on her face. Obviously, His Majesty Gray Wolf had already thought of the date in her heart, and the words just now were nothing but modest.

If she decides the date, His Majesty Cang Wolf will not say anything, and there will be slight displeasure in her heart.

So why not let His Majesty the Grey Wolf decide, and make him happy, without suspicion.

"The subjects are everything but your Majesty is the master!" Patriarch Situ quickly bowed his hands respectfully.

Although he is now the in-laws of His Majesty Cang Wolf, the etiquette he should have is still indispensable, and he can't rely on it to be defiant.

Otherwise, even if you go to the sky, you can fall into the abyss, which he understands very well.

"Today, Situ Mingrui was named the King of Ming, and I gave him a palace. You can choose the location at will. Just give it to the city, Dafeng City." His Majesty Canglang's words fell, and everyone was surprised.

Since ancient times, it has been very good for Lord Fu Ma to appreciate the royal mansion. I did not expect that he also sealed the King of Ming, and even bestowed Dafeng City. Such treatment is simply the treatment of the king!

"Xie Father Huang! I will definitely use my life to love Weiwei, and this life is only her one wife! She is born, I am born! She is dead, I am dead!" Situ Mingrui knelt on one knee with a handsome face The above is full of firm light.

"Get up. I believe in you, and I believe in the girl's vision even more. To become her apprentice, you must have something to excel, and your character is nothing to say." His Majesty Canglang said, this is not only a boast. After Situ Mingrui, even Mu Qianyue praised it together.

Situ Mingrui got up, the smile on his face was full of happiness.

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