Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1239: You guys continue? 【1】

"I have been here for half a year. At that time, it happened to be near Huazhou County, so I went to Situ Mingrui." Mu Qianyue smiled faintly at the corner of her mouth, "I didn't expect to meet you when I came to Yunluocheng."

"This is not a place to talk, go, go to my Moge." Mo Shang Fengling smiled.

Moge is a force created by Moshang Fengling. It is in Yunluo City. Since this force has just been established, it has only been more than a year, so the scale is not large, it can even be said to be very small, including Moshang Fengling. There are only fifty or so people, but these people are all good.

In Mo Pavilion, Mu Qianyue was talking with Moshang Fengling, and this time Moshang Jiaoling and others were also looking for an antidote to resist the poisonous gas of the Ten Thousand Poison Swamp with Wisteria Grass.

"Unexpectedly, Miss Mu and Young Master Nalan are old friends of the pavilion master, so they really don't know each other." Qiu Xiao smiled.

The other members of Moge also had excited smiles on their faces. Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing were not weak, even stronger than them. With the two of them joining, Moge's strength would definitely increase.

"Sometimes fate is a coincidence." Mu Qianyue raised a smile on her face. Fortunately, when she was in the Yunluo Mountains, the two sides did not fight, otherwise it would be really difficult to handle.

Putting away the smile on her face, Mu Qianyue looked at her seriously and slightly solemnly, "Windbell, what's the current situation of Poison Dance Gate?"

"I haven't gotten into it yet. The Poison Dance Gate has a natural barrier of Ten Thousand Poison Swamp, and it is difficult for ordinary people to break in." Mo Shang Fengling frowned slightly.

"The Poisonous Swamp is too dangerous. Not only is poisonous gas lingering all year round, but there are also countless traps that make people hard to guard against. Someone accidentally broke into it before, and even the dead body could not be found." A Moge member said.

"The Poison Dance Sect has done a lot of bad things in recent years. In the past, some warriors went to the Yunluo Mountains to experience, but they always disappeared for no reason. I suspect this is related to the Poison Dance Sect." Elder Qiu said solemnly.

"Missing for no reason?" Mu Qianyue asked.

"The Poison Dance Gate has a very bad reputation right now. They rob the property of those who have gone into the mountain for their own possession to develop their sect. However, there is a poisonous swamp in the middle, many people even want to replace their relatives and friends who died. Revenge is impossible!" Mo Shang Feng Chime's voice was icy.

"These **** guys are really disgusting!" Qiu Xiao's eyes were also stained with coldness.

"Many of our relatives and friends have disappeared in the Yunluo Mountains for no reason." A Moge member said bitterly, clenching his fists under his sleeves, and the blue veins on his forehead, wishing to go to the Poison Dance Gate to find those now People desperately.

This is also the reason for the members of Moge. Most of the members of Moge have relatives or friends who have disappeared in the Yunluo Mountains.

"Although the former Poison Dance School focused on refining and making drugs, it never did bad things. Since Poison Dance School fell into the hands of the dog and the man, its reputation has plummeted, and it is dedicated to doing a shameful deed. It has become the object of hatred and punishment by everyone!" Mo Shang Fengling's face showed a heartache, it was the foundation that her ancestors worked so hard to create...

"This matter has to be discussed in a long-term, and can't be anxious." Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, and said a little more solemnly, "Since the poisonous gas in the Ten Thousand Poison Swamp is so powerful, they must have an unexpected trump card in their hands. Without absolute certainty, you must not act rashly."

Her words were like a stone thrown into the lake, and everyone's hearts were ups and downs, and they all fell silent. They had to admit that Mu Qianyue was right. This was a problem they had thought about, so they never broke into the Poisonous Swamp.

Otherwise, the revenge cannot be achieved and the life is lost, and it is worthless.

"Jing, what can you do?" Mu Qianyue asked, looking at the person beside her.

"The best way is to get into the inside by one person, and interact with the people outside. This is the safest way to catch them all." A cold light surged in Nalanjing's purple eyes.

Mu Qianyue nodded, "It seems that this can only be done."

"I'm going!" Elder Qiu quickly stood up, his rough face showed a fierce light, "Let me go! I will definitely fulfill my mission and complete this task!"

"I go!"

"I go!"

The members of Mo Ge said one after another.

"Don't say anything, I'll go." Mu Qianyue's voice sounded faintly, as cold as a song, with a trace of determination.

Moshang Wind Chime is obviously not good, and other people are not very relieved, only if she goes in person, the chances of winning will be greater, and she is also proficient in poison.

Moshang Fengling shook his head resolutely, "No! Hao Kailin has seen you, if you go, you will definitely wear help, it is too dangerous!"

Hao Kailin is the young master of the Poison Dance Sect. He had a conflict with Mu Qianyue in the City of Dreams in the past. Later, he was rescued by the elders of the Poison Dance Sect during the chaos.

"Heh... Hao Kailin? He doesn't have any threats. I think he should have been in bed for the past few years?" Mu Qianyue sneered.

Mo Shang Fengling's eyes stared incredibly, and a flash of joy flashed in his eyes. He quickly asked, "Yue girl, how did you know?"

In the past few years, the Poison Dance Sect has searched almost all the pill masters in the Profound Sky Realm, and they are all helpless with Hao Kailin's poison. The pill that he refined can only temporarily relieve the pain in his body, and it cannot cure him.

This is a headache for the sect master of the Poison Dance Sect. Recently, he has been looking for pill masters everywhere. Even the ten-pin pill masters of Yaowangzong have not cured the poison on his body unless they can refine the pill that can bring back the dead. .

The medicinal materials that can refine the pill for resurrection to life are very scarce and rare in the world. Even if there are, it is very difficult to refine the pill. So this is almost impossible for Hao Kailin!

Looking up, there was a faint smile on Mu Qianyue's face, the flying eyebrows, and her expression, Mo Shang Fengling had an idea in her heart, "Did you secretly poisoned him when you were in Dream City?"

Otherwise, Mu Qianyue would never know the news when she just came here.

"En! At that time, because of the large number of people, I did not directly attack him, but secretly killed him. This kind of poison will not kill him all at once, but will devour his life bit by bit. Tortured him, his body festered a little bit from the outside to the inside, peeling...well, maybe he could last for eight or nine years." The woman's beautiful face was covered with a faint smile, light and breezy The tone seems to be talking about the weather.

But what he said made people feel shocked.

"Those are just asking them for some interest." Mu Qianyue raised her head and smiled at Mo Shang Feng Chime, "Those people still need you to solve them."

"Yue girl..." Mo Shang Fengling looked at her moved.

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