Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1255: The end of Hao Xun [2]

After serving the Qiongqi Bloodline Pill, her power is naturally more than twice that of ordinary people. Cross-tier combat is normal.

Hao Xun struggled for a while, stood up from the ground, looked at Moshang Fengling with complicated eyes, "Ling'er, are you really going to give me another chance?"

"I was blind at the beginning to give you a chance!" Mo Shang Fengling said angrily.

On the other side, the people of Mo Ge had already been fighting with those of the Poison Dance Gate.

Because there are ten **** kings on Mu Qianyue's side, their strength has suppressed the poisonous dance gate.

However, the Poison Dance Sect is good at making poison, and when they see their strength is invincible, they start to take out various poisons.

But the members of Mo Ge did not show any panic on their faces, because they had taken the Poison Pill beforehand, which could restrain some common poisons.

The elders and members of the Poison Dance Sect were not high in strength. They all relied on poison to win surprisingly. Now even the cards are useless, and all that is left is to be beaten.

After a while, the people at the Poison Dance Gate suffered heavy casualties.

Moshang Fengling’s face was cold, and there was no sympathy. Although these people are members of the Poison Dance Gate, there are a large number of people she does not know. Obviously they joined later, and some of them are familiar. He was a former member of the Poison Dance Clan. Because he secretly took refuge in Hao Xun, he was exceptionally promoted to the current elder after killing his father and some of his elders.

So these people are damned!

Hao Xun was originally an ordinary person, but he has a good talent. In one experience, he met the beautiful and kind Moshang Windbell. She did not laugh at his ordinary origin like those people did. She was willing to help him, which also made him Can't help but fall in love with her...

Back then, he and Moshang Fengling fell in love, and her father didn't allow it, but seeing that Moshang Fengling was persistent, he reluctantly agreed, and he also entered the Poison Dance Gate as he wished.

Moshang Windbell taught him how to distinguish poisonous weeds and refine poisons.

Looking back now, I realized that that period was the happiest and happiest time in his life...

Hao Xun has a good talent in this area, he will learn it soon, and he will learn most of it soon, and gradually his position in the Poison Dance School has also improved. Only later, when he went out to practice alone, he met Pan Shuyi, and that time they were lingering together...

Later, Pan Shuyi was pregnant, and asked him to marry her, otherwise he would die with the child.

At that time, Hao Xun had just gained a foothold at the Poison Dance Gate, and the matter between him and Pan Shuyi was somehow hit by Mo Shang Feng Chime. She was heartbroken and wanted to cut off relations with him. Hao Xun finally coaxed her. Lived, and agreed that Moshang Fengling would no longer communicate with Pan Shuyi.

Moshang Fengling was moved by his affectionate appearance and decided to give him one last chance.

But I didn't expect that chance would be enough to make her fall into the abyss forever!

On the night of their wedding in the bridal chamber, this man actually fell into trouble in the cup of wine. Not only her, but his father and the elders were all caught in the matter.

Pan Shuyi wore a beautiful red robe and walked with a triumphant smile on her face. She personally destroyed her happiness in marriage and ruined her appearance...

All of this is still fresh in my memory, as if it happened yesterday.

Looking back now, it still filled Mo Shang Fengling's heart with hatred anger.

Hao Xun's face was frosty, he raised his head to look at Feng Chime on Moshang, with a cruel look in his eyes, and sighed, "Ling'er, you forced me!"

When he flipped over his palm, he held a black pill in his palm, crushed it into fine powders with true essence force, and then lifted his wrist to push the true essence force towards those Moge The members, Mu Qianyue and others pushed over.

Mu Qianyue's complexion changed, she was confused! Unexpectedly, there is still confusion in his hands!

"Mu Qianyue, you didn't expect it, I also guarded you, how can I completely trust you? I have made two love puzzles!" Hao Xun sneered.

Seeing that the poisonous powder was about to approach everyone, Mu Qianyue hurriedly used the realm of life to envelop the members of Mo Pavilion and Mu Xueying and others.

An astonishing scene happened to Mu Qianyue, and the poisonous powder was eroding her domain bit by bit!

What a strong poison!

And those members of the Poison Dance Sect were not so lucky. After being confused, they immediately fell to the ground, their expressions pale and dying.

Hao Xun's actions stunned the people of Mo Ge. I didn't expect him to be so ruthless, even if he didn't care about his own people, he would poison him together!

"It's so despicable! I didn't expect that he still has feelings in his hands! I was cheated by him!" Xiao Xuan'er gritted his teeth bitterly, and looked up at Mu Qianyue's eyes full of guilt and self-blame, "Master, I blame me for not Well, it was my monitoring error that caused things to be like this..."

"Don't blame you." Mu Qianyue faintly replied, squeezing the tactics with both hands, using her true energy to quickly make up for the holes that were corroded by the emotions.

Hao Xun sneered, "It's useless! Feelings can ignore any field! I didn't tell you this."

At this moment, suddenly a stream of light rushed from the sky, and the man dressed in white clothes, lightly rising with the wind, only saw his palm lifted and slammed forward.

Seeing those confused and poisonous fans immediately turned their directions and rushed towards Hao Xun fiercely.

Member Hao's complexion changed drastically, unexpectedly, he wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

I saw that the poisonous powder fell on him instantly, but in the blink of an eye, his face suddenly turned blue and it was difficult to breathe...

"Jing, you are here." Mu Qianyue put away the domain space and looked up at the man walking in the breeze, with a smile on his face.

"Lady, I'm late." Nalanjing fell beside her.

"Fortunately, you came in time." Mu Qianyue said with a light smile, even if Jing didn't come and they were poisoned, she could use them to take Jinlian Huisheng Pill, but it would be too wasteful.

"This is to say that many injustices will kill themselves!" Mo Shang Fengling looked at him coldly and contemptuously. There were still some people on his side. Although half of the dead and injured, at least half of them, they were killed by himself. Strangled.

Hao Xun quickly took out an elixir from the ring space on his finger and put it into his mouth. Then he took a breath, "I have already refined the antidote to the confusion."

"Uh..." Suddenly he changed his complexion and noticed something wrong. He only felt a weird sensation rising from his body, and his whole body began to itch. The heart and lungs were itching. The itch was extremely itch, he endured it. Can't help grabbing everywhere, the place where he has been caught is bloody.

Pieces of skin fell down, making him sweaty and grinning. Suddenly he noticed that his condition at the moment was exactly the same as the poison Hao Kailin had suffered before. His complexion changed drastically, and he looked up at Mu Qianyue and roared. ,"what did you do to me?"

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