Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1257: Life-Eater【1】

In the water pool, Dongfang Ao frowned, "Well? He actually poisoned me secretly? However, this little poison also wants to harm me... It's too tender."

I want to make him impotence, huh, woman, don't let me meet you again, otherwise I will make you look good!

Dongfang Ao flew up from the pool, and when he lifted his palm, the robe hung on the tree fell into his hand. He quickly dressed and neatly moved, and flew out.


The night is as cool as water, the dark sky is covered with stars, the moon hangs high, and the breeze is slow.

Under the moonlight, a woman walked toward the courtyard murderously.

Mu Qianyue looked at Moshang Wind Chime, who was striding forward with a dark face, and a small smile was drawn at the corner of her lips, "Wind Chime, where have you been? All right?"

"Nalanjing, I'm going to kill him!" Mo Shang Fengling was so angry that his chest was ups and downs, Huo Huo gritted his teeth.

"In the house." Mu Qianyue replied.

Mo Shang Feng Chime walked into the house without thinking, only to hear Mu Qianyue's cold voice continued behind him, "Well, he should be taking a shower."

Mo Shang Fengling paused, turned around and looked at Mu Qianyue helplessly, "Yue'er, you definitely did it on purpose."

Mu Qianyue walked forward with a light smile, "Well, I will apologize to you for him, can't it? Where did you get thrown? Why did you come back so late?"

Upon mentioning this, Moshang Fengling became angry and said bitterly, "I met a pervert, a gangster!"

"Huh? Abnormal? Rogue? Are you okay?" Mu Qianyue cared.

"It's okay!" Thinking of the scene in the pool, Mo Shang Fengling couldn't help feeling his cheeks hot.

Mu Qianyue looked at the blush on the woman's face in surprise, a strange glow in her eyes, "Wind chime, why are you blushing? Did that gangster bully you?"

Hmm, I've known Feng Chime for so long, and it's the first time I saw her blushing. It really made her wonder who she met when Feng Chime was thrown out.

"I...I went to take a bath." Moshang Fengling dropped a sentence and hurriedly left, slipping faster than the rabbit, obviously evading Mu Qianyue's problem.

Mu Qianyue squinted suspiciously and looked at her panicked figure, eh...did something that shouldn't have happened? Did she treat others like that?

After two months of development, the Poison Dance Gate has basically stabilized.

The members of Moge who had entered the Poison Dance Gate along with Moshang Windbell at the beginning all possessed decent strength, and most of them were promoted to positions such as elders and captains.

Those who have merit will naturally be rewarded. This is also to stabilize and retain the hearts of the people.

But this is still not enough, because there are too few members of the Poison Dance School, and they add up to more than 50 people. Naturally, they have to recruit some from outsiders.

This kind of thing Moshang Fengchi was handed over to Qiu Xiao to do.

In the ancestral hall, Moshang Fengchi knelt in front of his father's spiritual seat, with a trace of tears hidden in his cool beautiful eyes in the dimness.

"Father, I'm back... I have regained the Poison Dance Gate, and the Poison Dance Gate that you worked so hard to create continues to fall into the hands of the dog men and women... Father, I'm sorry, if it wasn't me that was too innocent, it was not me If you are too capricious and disobedient, you won't die because of it...I'm not good..."

Speaking of the intermittent later, I was already crying.

After Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing stayed in the Poison Dance Gate for a while, they were going to leave.

The Poison Dance Gate is now left for Moshang Fengling to develop, and Mu Qianyue gave her a token of Feibaolou, if you have anything you can go there to find her.

Moshang Fengling was also greatly surprised when she learned that her father was the host of Feibaolou. He didn't expect Yue'er to have such a tough dad backstage, which was really shocking.


Back in the Feibao Building, only Elder Luo was taking care of the Feibao Building, and Mu Yan was not there.

After some inquiries, I learned that Mu Yan was looking for her mother's whereabouts. There was no clue to this day, as if the world had evaporated.

Mu Qianyue also had a headache because of this. Back then, her mother was seriously injured and jumped off the cliff. If she didn't die, she should have almost recovered from her injuries in the past two years, and she should be back...

But no.

If the mother is dead, but her life card is still there.

Why didn't the mother come back? Still said that the injury was too serious that year, even if he came back with his life, it was...

Thinking of this, Mu Qianyue's eyes were stained with cold light, and she suddenly felt that the punishment for Liu Ruyan in the past was still too light!

"Qian Qian, you are back." Six princess Cang Yuwei hurriedly greeted her when she heard the news of Mu Qianyue's return, with an excited smile on her face.

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded, her eyes fell on her jade-like delicate and smooth face, and she couldn't help but smile, "I haven't seen you in half a year, you seem to have been fatter! Look at this little face that is round and round. That kid Lai Mingrui raised you well."

Cang Yuwei's face blushed rare, with a happy and sweet smile on her face. Obviously Situ Mingrui loved her very much, and she was also very grateful for her decision.

"By the way, Qian Qian, I came here to tell you one thing, Liu Ruyan is missing." Cang Yuwei's face instantly became serious.

"What do you mean?" Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyebrows.

"I have sent someone to monitor that flower house day and night in order to prevent Liu Ruyan from escaping or something. But one day my people suddenly came back and said that Liu Ruyan had disappeared in front of him. I can't find it... I think things are a bit weird, so I rushed over to tell you the first time." Cang Yuwei looked worried.

Because Qian Qian is her best friend, she also hates Liu Ruyan's hypocritical women, especially her mother who caused Qian Qian to disappear.

So when Liu Ruyan was punished, she didn't even mention how happy she was.

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue frowned tightly, thinking in her heart, who did it? Is it from the Qin family? No, although Liu Ruyan had cooperated with the Qin family before, but now Liu Ruyan has been abandoned, they have no need to rescue Liu Ruyan.

Rescue Liu Ruyan is of no use to them.

Who would it be?

Suddenly, a figure flashed in Mu Qianyue's mind, Yan Shu? !

Yes, now she realized that Liu Ruyan and Yan Shu were somewhat similar.

Because there is only one point of similarity, so she didn't doubt it at the beginning.

But even if Yan Shu took Liu Ruyan away, it would have no effect.

Liu Ruyan's virgin body was broken, and his spiritual power was abolished, and the usefulness he could get was very few...

"By the way, how is the situation of the Xiao family recently?" Mu Qianyue paused and looked at Elder Luo beside him.

"The Xiao family is very quiet recently, nothing happened. I sent someone to stare there." Elder Luo replied respectfully.

"Very quiet?" Mu Qianyue frowned.

When she was in the City of Dreams, she killed Xiao Lanyan, and now Xiao Jing is abandoned, because of Situ Mingrui, and she is the master of Situ Mingrui, how can the Xiao family's temperament not forget about it!

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