Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1259: Life Eater【3】

"Lady, it seems that you have a good guess, this Feibao building has entered a thief." Nalanjing closed the account book, her purple eyes lightly narrowed a dangerous light.

"Elder Luo has always been loyal to his father, and the possibility of betrayal is very small." Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes suspiciously. If not, then Elder Luo would not have taken Liu Ruyan's back for the reputation of Feibaolou. This shows that Luo grows loyal to Feibaolou.

However, ordinary people can't enter the treasure house and warehouse.

Thinking of what Xiao Xuan'er said before, I feel that Elder Luo's breath is not right...


Zhu's lips lightly opened, and a ray of light flashed from Mu Qianyue's body, landed, and turned into a beautiful woman in red.

"Master, what's your order?"

"You go and watch Elder Luo secretly." Mu Qianyue's narrow and cold beautiful eyes flashed with coldness.

"Yes." Xiao Xuan'er moved and turned into a little red snake and quickly flew away, disappearing under the thick moonlight.

Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing also returned to the room.

The night is black and the wind is high, without stars and moon.

The street was cold, without a single figure, only the cold wind was blowing.

Suddenly a figure sneaked out of Feibao Building and headed towards Xiao Mansion all the way.

When it was determined that no one was following, he quickly entered the Xiao Mansion.

"Patriarch, things have changed, Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing are back." Elder Luo looked at Patriarch Xiao on the first seat, and said with a cold expression.

"They're back? That's okay, then solve them all at once!" There was a bit of hatred on Xiao Patriarch's face.

Originally, I wanted to solve Mu Yan first, and then solve Mu Qianyue. This would be much simpler and easier, but I didn't expect them to come back at this time.

It may be difficult to solve them together, but there is still no problem.

Humph! That **** Mu Qianyue killed his daughter, and now his son is deposed because of Situ Mingrui, how can he not be angry or angry?

If Situ Mingrui hadn't intervened, the six princesses would not have been snatched away, and Jing'er would not have been abolished, and it would be Jing'er who was named King of Ming!

Thinking that his son has now become a worthless trash, he is depressed and drunk in the mansion all day long, and his heart is full of anger and hatred!

He hadn't done anything before, just to find a suitable time!

"As soon as Namu Qianyue came back, she seemed to notice that there was a problem with Mu Yan's body, and asked me to get a thousand-year-old ginseng." Elder Luo reported the incident.

"Hmph! Thousand-year ginseng has no effect on the life-splitting pills. It can only restore a little vitality. It may support him for a few more days." A sneered sneered at the corner of the Xiao family's mouth, "It seems that Mu Qianyue's medical skills It's not that great, even the Life-Eater Pill can't be found."

"Patriarch, I think it's better for us to be careful, Namu Qianyue is very cunning." Elder Luo felt a little worried and faintly felt a little uneasy.

"Xiao Wen, you continue to go back to Feibao Tower, secretly monitoring Mu Qianyue's every move, and report to me if you have any situation. There is also a bottle of life-devouring pill here. Find a way to get Mu Qianyue and Nalan Jing to take it. This time, I must catch them all at once!" Two clusters of anger surged in the eyes of Patriarch Xiao.

"Yes." Elder Luo took the medicine bottle handed over by Patriarch Xiao and put it into Najie.

"Who?" At this moment, Patriarch Xiao's face suddenly changed, and he quickly rushed out of the hall with a roar. There was silence under the dark night sky, with only the whirring cold wind blowing the branches and leaves rustling, and no one was around.

Elder Luo and the others hurriedly chased them out.

"Patriarch, what's the matter? Did someone break in?" Elder Luo asked with a serious expression.

Patriarch Xiao didn't speak, but condensed the zombies with one hand. He strode forward and walked into the grass on the left corner.

Sen Leng's sword tip flicked lightly among the grass, and his sharp eyes swept across the grass inch by inch.

When Elder Luo and others saw Patriarch Xiao's solemn expression, they pulled out their swords and looked at the bushes.

For a long while, to no avail.

Only then did Patriarch Xiao take back his destiny, but the cold and murderous air on his face is still very gloomy and terrifying, "Maybe I feel wrong."

Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, he looked at Elder Luo and said, "If there is nothing going on recently, don't come to Xiao Mansion, so as not to make people doubt it."

"Yes." Elder Luo nodded and hurriedly left.

Patriarch Xiao and others inspected the surroundings again, and then returned to the hall after making sure that there was no one.

Xiao Xuan'er hiding in the soil secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It was really dangerous just now!

Almost found! Unexpectedly, Patriarch Xiao had such a strong sense of ability! This was the first time she was almost discovered! It seems you have to be careful in the future!

Xiao Xuan'er got out of the Xiao Mansion straight out of the soil, and flew towards Feibao Building all the way.

The red light flashed into the window and turned back into a human form in the house. Her beautiful face was still a little pale.

"Xuan'er, what's the matter?" Mu Qianyue quickly asked, seeing her expression a little unpleasant.

"Huh..." Xiao Xuan'er took a breath, patted her undulating chest, "I was almost found!"

"What's the matter?" Mu Qianyue frowned.

Xiao Xuan'er simply told what happened, and Mu Qianyue's expression changed when she heard the words. It seemed that this Xiao Patriarch was very strong, otherwise he would not have almost found Xiao Xuan'er.

However, I didn't expect that Elder Luo in Feibao Building was a fake now.

"Is it really Elder Luo killed?" Xiao Xuan'er asked.

Mu Qianyue shook her head, "No. Today I went to the ancestral hall to take a look. Elder Luo's life card is intact and there is no problem. Obviously they did not kill Elder Luo, they must have detained him."

People can be disguised, but there is no way to forge a life card.

Therefore, they could only imprison Elder Luo, so as not to arouse Mu Yan's suspicion.

However, Elder Luo fell into their hands, and it was bound to be suppressed. They had to find a way to rescue Elder Luo as soon as possible.

Hei Liang's eyes rolled around, and an idea came up in an instant.

The next day, dawn.

In the early morning, the warm sun shone on the ground, dispelling the coolness.

Mu Qianyue directly took the Elder Luo out of Canglang City with the excuse of collecting medicine, and headed towards Cangshan outside the city.

In addition to Elder Luo, there were also several members in Feibao Building. Elder Luo didn't notice anything, but vaguely felt that something was going to happen, and felt a little irritable inexplicably.

Soon after arriving in Cangshan, Mu Qianyue said which medicinal materials he was looking for, and everyone divided their work and began to look around.

Elder Luo was a little suspicious at first, but seeing Mu Qianyue and Na Lanjing look indifferent and serious, he dispelled his worries. Maybe Mu Qianyue really came to look for medicinal materials.

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