Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1263: I'm dizzy... [3]

Cang Yuwei curled her lips depressed, and stretched out her hand to caress her flat belly, the expression on her face was very tangled and painful.

Her beautiful eyes are full of deep worries. One is her best friend and the other is her husband. Can she not worry?

Not only is there an attack by a monster, but also be careful to prevent the Xiao family from making deceit behind...

"Prince, you can command from the rear." His Majesty Canglang said lightly, and then made some other arrangements, so that he disbanded.


The hall was full of solemnity, full of strong murderous air.

There was a trace of sorrow on the Xiao Patriarch’s face, "This time Mu Qianyue must die without a place to bury her! After we solve her, we will deal with Feibaolou! Without her realm of life, Mu Yan would not belong to us. opponent!"

"Son, your strategy this time is good. Let Mu Qianyue be the vanguard. Then she will be isolated and helpless, and she will fall into the belly of the beast, ha ha... In this way, your majesty can't blame us." Xiao family ancestor sat in the first seat Going up, holding the tea in one hand, he took a leisurely sip, with a sneer on his face.

"It's a pity that I can't kill her personally!" Patriarch Xiao gritted his teeth bitterly.

"So what? As long as she dies, that will be enough." The ancestor of the Xiao family lifted the lid of the cup with one hand and blew the heat in the cup. The green tea leaves dripped gently in the cup, which was so beautiful.

"As long as you are wronged, you pretend to grow old and hide in it." The Xiao family said.

This time, in order to kill Mu Qianyue with a single blow, even the ancestors of the Xiao family were dispatched together, pretending to grow old.

Although only Mu Qianyue was the vanguard in Feibao Building, his Majesty would definitely send many powerful people to protect her and let the ancestors of the Xiao family take action, also for better planning.

"It's okay." The ancestor of the Xiao family waved his hand disapprovingly, as long as he could kill Mu Qianyue, he could say anything.

The two geniuses of his Xiao family, one died because of Mu Qianyue, and the other was abolished. Naturally, these feuds must be reported!

If it hadn't been for the fear of Feibao building, he would have rushed to tear Mu Qianyue!

It's really cheap for her to live so long!

"Xiao Wen, you didn't give Mu Qianyue the life-devouring pill?" Patriarch Xiao asked, looking at the face of Elder Luo beside him.

"Yes, but the portion is very small. Because Namu Qianyue is too cautious, she is also a pill master, I am afraid that she will detect it, so I only put a little bit. Waiting tonight I will continue to have her dinner Add a little more." Xiao Wen nodded.

"Well, that's fine, be careful." Patriarch Xiao ordered, Na Mu Qianyue was indeed cautious, and it seemed that Xiao Wen was right.

It's just that he never thought that the seemingly respectful person in front of him had already become Mu Qianyue's puppet.

"Patriarch, in addition, I applied to the prince to protect Mu Qianyue for personal protection, and the prince agreed. When the critical moment comes, I can give her a fatal blow!" Xiao Wen continued.

"Well, it's so good! Mu Qianyue will die this time!" The cold light in the eyes of the Xiao Patriarch flickered, and he didn't have the slightest doubt about Xiao Wen's words.

After all, Xiao Wen is the powerful third elder of his Xiao family. He is a high-ranking elder, and he is also the Xiao family. He has always been loyal to the Xiao family and it is impossible to betray.

The ancestor of the Xiao family nodded in agreement, and had no objection.

Later, Patriarch Xiao urged Xiao Wen to return to Feibao Building as soon as possible to avoid being discovered.

After Xiao Wen hurriedly bid farewell, he secretly left Xiao Mansion and carefully returned to Feibao Building.

In the courtyard, the woman sits cross-legged, and the light golden sunlight falls on her jade-like face, which seems to be coated with a halo of mist, with stunning beauty.

The eyelashes thin as a cicada's wings tremble gently, like a butterfly that spreads its wings at any time.

Hearing the footsteps coming from outside the courtyard, Mu Qianyue's eyes trembled lightly, and then slowly opened, looking at the incoming person.

Xiao Wen stepped forward respectfully, "Master, this time the ancestors of the Xiao family will pretend to be ordinary elders to participate in it, and the purpose is to put you to death."

"The ancestor of the Xiao family? Ha, I didn't expect that he would even make a move. He really looked straight at me." Mu Qianyue's mouth was sneered at the corner of her mouth, but she didn't show any fear.

"Master, the ancestor of the Xiao family is a Tier 3 **** emperor. You will not be his opponent. It is better to be careful." Xiao Wen worried.

"You think of a way to let Patriarch Xiao and Old Ancestor Xiao take this." Mu Qianyue took out a medicine bottle and handed it forward. There were two poison pills in it, which was just love.

These days Mu Qianyue refined it according to Hao Xun's poison pills.

"Yes." Xiao Wen took it over carefully.

The whole month was still calm, nothing happened.

However, the city of Canglang was very lively, everyone gathered together, or purchased blood clotting pills, return gas pills, etc., to prepare for this beast tide.

Soon came the day of the animal tide.

Early in the morning, a roar of monsters came from outside the city, roaring, shaking the sky thoroughly.

And the Canglang City had already opened the defensive cover that guarded the city last night, and the entire Canglang City was enveloped in it, extremely strong.

Under the tall city wall, huge monsters roared, all black and dense, extending from under the city wall all the way to the end of the dense forest behind their hands, it is impossible to count how many there are.

But undoubtedly, there are hundreds of thousands of such a huge army of Warcraft.

Moreover, the strength of these monsters is very strong, ordinary warriors can't participate in them at all, they will be sent to death as soon as they enter, and even Mu Qianyue's realm of life can't save them.

Some bloodthirsty and militant warriors, with excitement in their eyes, squeezed the weapons in their hands, and only waited for the prince to give orders, they rushed into them!

Mu Qianyue, Nalanjing and others were also standing under the city wall. On the other side were Patriarch Xiao and others. He turned his head and looked at Mu Qianyue with a ferocious look, waiting for her to die!

Mu Qianyue didn't seem to feel the killing intent in Patriarch Xiao's eyes, and looked at the beast tide in the city indifferently.

"Pioneer is ready!"

With the flag flying on the tall city wall, the Cang prince wore a glorious armor, raised the sword in his hand, and waved, "Go!"

A group of silhouettes flew down, the true essence of various colors shot out, a group of sword lights swept out like a streamer, and a group of majestic palm shadows blasted, in short, the scene was very chaotic.

Mu Qianyue flew down and rushed into the beast tide below. Situ Mingrui and Elder Luo guarded Mu Qianyue. Following the Xiao family, the Lin family, the Li family, the Situ family, and an elite imperial army, they quickly Rush into the beast tide and go directly into the interior.

With this vanguard charging forward, the rest of the people also raised their swords and rushed out.

A brutal fight began.

Gradually, Mu Qianyue discovered a problem. In addition to the Yulin army around him, the Li family, Lin family, and Xiao family deliberately stayed away from the Situ family. As a result, the Situ family suffered the fierceness of the Warcraft, and many people were injured for a while.

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