Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1277: The Threat of His Majesty the Grey Wolf【2】

Luo Zhengqing was tortured into a manhood, ragged clothes and **** blood.

When he was taken back to Feibao Building, Mu Qianyue felt pain in her heart when she saw his appearance.

Luo Zhengqing, who had no face, looked like a ghost in hell, very terrifying. Some timid maids in Feibao Building saw them, and they all lowered their heads or covered their eyes, and looked more. At a glance, I was afraid of nightmares.

"Zhengqing, Zhengqing!" Mu Yan rushed forward, his eyes fell on Luo Zhengqing's faceless face, and a sense of suffocation surged in his heart, anger, sadness, worry and other emotions rushed up in an instant.

Although Luo Zhengqing was only an elder in charge of Feilou, he was usually responsible for the affairs of Feibao Building, but he came to Mu Yan's side since the establishment of Feibao Building, and he has always been loyal and dedicated.

It can be said that he is the most trusted one by Mu Yan's side. They have been together for more than 20 years, and have been in love with brothers and feet, experienced wind and rain, life and death, and that kind of relationship has long exceeded ordinary friendship.

Therefore, at the moment Mu Yan saw Luo Zhengqing being tortured so much, he felt heartache.

"Bring Elder Luo into the room, and I will heal him immediately." Mu Qianyue said lightly, turning her gaze to Xiao Wen, "Give me that human skin mask."

"Yes, Master." Xiao Wengong said, shaking his palms, took out a human skin mask, and carefully handed it to Mu Qianyue.

When everyone saw that Mu Qianyue wanted to save someone, they stood outside the house consciously. They believed that with the medical skills of the young lady, Elder Luo's injuries would be cured.

It's just Elder Luo's face... I'm afraid there is no way to recover, right?


The two guards carried Elder Luo into the house, carefully placed it on the bed, and then turned out of the house and guarded the yard.

"Yue'er, can Zhengqing's face be cured?" Mu Yan's eyes fell worriedly on Luo Zhengqing's **** face that could no longer be called a face...

"Father, don't worry, I will heal him." Mu Qianyue flicked her palm, took out acupuncture from Tongtian Tower, and drew ninety-nine-eighty-one needles on Luo Zhengqing's body, and then immediately opened the realm of life. .

Suddenly the whole room was full of vigorous vitality, and the rich spiritual energy turned into a stream of small streams. Following the 81 acupuncture and moxibustion, it slowly flowed into Luo Zhengqing's body, nourishing his veins and bones. , And every cell...

I saw that Luo Zhengqing's injuries were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Cough..." Luo Zhengqing let out a cough and opened his eyes faintly. When he saw Mu Qianyue, Mu Yan and others, his eyes changed, and his eyes filled with excitement and joy, "Pavilion Lord? Miss? It's really you..."

"Zhengqing, made you suffer!" Mu Yan walked to the bed and held his hand.

"Elder Luo, don't move, wait for me to heal your face and talk again. Now lie down obediently." Mu Qianyue held his shoulders and pushed him back to the bed.


Luo Zhengqing only then remembered that his face was gone, and he was torn off by the group of Xiao family alive, the kind of painful pain he still remembers now, and now when he thinks about it, he feels a burning pain on his face...

His face was taken away and made into a human skin mask. Can it be cured now?

"Yue'er said yes, then it's definitely OK." Mu Yan seemed to see through his mind and comforted softly.

In order not to disturb Mu Qianyue's treatment, Mu Yan got up and stood aside.

Mu Qianyue first soaked the human skin mask with a special spiritual liquid, and then carefully cleaned Luo Zhengqing's **** face.

Only then was the human skin mask carefully attached to Luo Zhengqing's face. This was originally his face, so it was just right when it was attached, there was no gap.

Of course, it is useless to just stick it up, and stitching technology is needed.

The suture technology was developed by Mu Qianyue as early as when he was in Huanzhou mainland. The special needles and threads needed for suture are available in the space, and they can be used.

Sewing up the wound is very simple. After sewing, Mu Qianyue will use the life energy in the field of life to heal Luo Zhengqing's face to prevent inflammation and the like.

"Okay, Elder Luo, you can get up now." Mu Qianyue put away the acupuncture and life fields, and looked at him with a smile.

"My face is healed?" Luo Zhengqing sat up with a surprised look in his eyes. He couldn't help but touched his face with his hand. The knife-like pain on his face has disappeared, replaced by a refreshing and refreshing face. .

What the finger touched was not the uneven flesh and blood, but a smooth and delicate piece.

"Elder Luo, this is a mirror." Mu Qianyue smiled and handed the bronze mirror to him.

Luo Zhengqing took the bronze mirror with trembling hands. When he saw the face in the mirror, a layer of mist appeared in his eyes. This was his own face!

Moreover, it was stitched without seams by the eldest lady, just like when she was born, it was very natural, without any stiff feeling.

"Elder Luo, although your face has been stitched up, it hasn't fully recovered yet. It will take a while to regenerate. It's best not to be too overjoyed and compassionate, otherwise it will have an impact." Mu Qianyue immediately reminded him when he saw him like this. .

"En, good! The old slave remembered." Luo Zhengqing collected the emotions in his heart and restored the calm and indifferent expression of the past.

"This is snow lotus cream and this is Shengji Dan. You can use these two together. You can apply snow lotus cream three times a day and put it on your face. Just take one Shengji Dan a day. For seven consecutive days, your face will have no problems. Now." Mu Qianyue shook her palm, took out two bottles and handed them to him.

"Miss Xie!" Luo Zhengqing raised his head and looked at Mu Qianyue with gratitude. With his knees bent, he knelt down in front of Mu Qianyue, his voice was sincere and firm, "Miss, help. For the kindness, the old slave can't repay him, he will use his life to protect the eldest lady and guard Feibao Tower!

"Elder Luo is serious. You were arrested by the people of the Xiao family because of Feibao Tower, and tortured like this. If you are an ordinary servant or maidservant in Feibao Tower, I will help you without hesitation. , Let alone you who are loyal to Feibaolou and have countless credits." Mu Qianyue smiled and helped him up.

"Yue'er is right, Zhengqing, during this period of time you can heal your injuries." Mu Yan smiled, and her eyes were full of petting and tenderness when she looked at Mu Qianyue.

He is proud of having such an excellent daughter!

I haven't taken care of her for more than 20 years, but she can grow so well.

While Mu Yan was proud, there was more guilt and distress...

It is conceivable that Yue'er has achieved such an achievement today, and she must have put in unimaginable hard work and effort.

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