Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1282: Ancient Venerable【3】

"Is my Blue Wolf Kingdom that you can humiliate and threaten with a beast?" His Majesty Blue Wolf flashed a fierce eye, shaking his fingers, took out a piece of jade and crumpled it, and a white light flashed in the air. His voice slowly sounded, "Cang Wolf Emperor, what are you calling this old man?"

Following an old man's figure slowly appeared in front of Mu Qianyue and the others. It was an old man wearing a dark red robe with white hair and beard, but his face looked extremely young, his face was ruddy, and his breath was firm.

He slowly raised his eyes, and his light and waveless eyes fell on His Majesty the wolf.

"Venerable Ancient, Yuan Han violated the regulations, trespassed into Canglang City, threatened me, and even tried to destroy my Canglang Kingdom, hoping that Venerable Ancient would be the master for me! Punish him severely and drive him into Cangshan. Never set foot in the world!" His Majesty Canglang said respectfully, looking up at Yuan Han coldly, his eyes filled with pride.

"Yuan Han?" Venerable Gu raised his head to look at the man in the cold black robe, his voice was cold and threatened, "It seems that the time has passed for a long time, and you have forgotten the pain of the previous things."

Hearing this, Yuan Han's face showed a humiliating look, but he still snorted in disdain, "The emperor has not forgotten the agreement. I have nothing to break the covenant between mankind and Warcraft."

"Then why did you come to Canglang City and stay in your Cangshan Mountain?"

"The Canglang Emperor wants to be unfavorable to my master, so naturally I am here to protect the master." Yuan Lengren snorted.

"The Lord Protector?" Venerable Gu's eyes changed, and a flash of shock flashed across his eyes, "Who is your master?"

"It's her." His Majesty Canglang pointed at Mu Qianyue immediately, his voice was jealous and anger, "This woman is just a second-order **** king, Yuan Han is the beast emperor, how could she recognize her as the master? ?"

Venerable Gu's gaze fell on Mu Qianyue's body, looking recklessly.

The woman stood indifferently, with a cold expression, neither arrogant nor humble, and Huaxian showed a panicked expression because of Venerable Ancient's inquiry. This concentration made Venerable Gu slightly surprised.

Mu Qianyue’s heart was causing a huge wave. When Venerable Gu was looking at herself, she clearly felt that her soul and everything was exposed under the other’s eyelids. His eyes were calm. Bo seems to be able to see through everything and understand everything!

Really terrible!

The feeling that the ancient venerable gave her was even more terrifying than Yuan Han! This proves that his strength is even higher than Yuan Han!

With a move, Nalanjing blocked Mu Qianyue's body, blocking the sight of Venerable Gu.

The ancient Venerable's gaze fell on Nalanjing's body again, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes. After a while, he retracted his gaze, looked at Yuan Han, and his divine consciousness fell on Yuan Han's body, half-squinting his eyes.

"Yuan Han, I saw that your divine consciousness does not have any contractual relationship with humans! It seems that you are lying!"

His Majesty Canglang was overjoyed when he heard this, he just said, how could Yuan Han be contracted with Mu Qianyue's strength? I heard that Mu Qianyue rescued Yuan Han's wife before. Did Yuan Han say that on purpose in order to save Mu Qianyue?

Ha... As long as Yuan Han is not Mu Qianyue's contract beast, then he must not interfere in this matter!

Without Yuan Han's shelter, wouldn't Mu Qianyue have to wait for her own disposal?

Yuan Han’s face was indifferent, not panic, and his cold voice was as domineering and calm as ever, “There is indeed no contract, but it doesn’t mean she is not my master. If you have to look at my contract, then It’s okay. Why don’t I just make a contract with her in front of you now, so I can cut off some people’s thoughts!"

When the words fell, his robes flicked up, and his robe was harsh, he strode to Mu Qianyue's face, grabbed her hand, and bit her between his lips. A ray of light flashed from both of them. A sign of contract success.

"Kunpeng, Tier Nine Beast Emperor."

Yuan Han's voice resounded in Mu Qianyue's heart.


Mu Qianyue stared in surprise. She had been curious about what kind of beast Yuan Han was, but she didn't expect it to be Kunpeng! And the strength reached the Ninth-order Beast Emperor, really terrifying!

It's no wonder that I was only allowed to handle it...

There are fish in the north, whose name is Kun.

Kun is so big, I don’t know how many miles it is; when it turns into a bird, its name is Peng, the back of Peng, I don’t know how many miles it is, it flies in anger, and its wings are like clouds in the sky.

Kunpeng is proficient in change, proficient in everything, extremely fast!

And the legendary Nine Sky Kunpeng, with one wing spread out 1.8 million miles, and both wings spread out 3.6 million miles. He is known for his speed, and it can be said to be the fastest among all mythical and fierce beasts.

I don’t know if this Kunpeng is the same as the legendary nine-day Kunpeng!

But His Majesty Canglang and others were directly dumbfounded, Yuan Han really contracted Mu Qianyue like this?

At this moment, His Majesty Cang Wolf just wanted to vomit blood. Yuan Han did not make a contract with Mu Qianyue before, but now it is because of his help that Mu Qianyue has an extra Beast Emperor-level contract beast...

His Majesty Cang Wolf is so depressed that he wants to die!

Venerable Gu was okay, but he was a little surprised before he came back to his mind.

"Hehe...If Venerable Mei knows that you would rather choose a second-order **** king woman than choose him, you will probably go crazy."

"This is my business, what to do with him? I, Yuan Han would like to recognize whoever is the master." Yuan Han snorted.

"Yuan Han, haven't you always hated humans? Why are you suddenly willing to recognize this woman as the master? This is not your character." Venerable Gu's eyes fell on Mu Qianyue's beautiful face, could it be that he liked it This woman, so willing to follow her?

"No comment." Yuan's cold black eyes were filled with a gleam of cold light, and he raised his head to look at the ancient Venerable in front of him, "Enforcer, now I have to deal with the grievances between my master and the Blue Wolf Kingdom. If you have nothing to do, , You can go."

"Yuan Han, the old man only warns that if you break the rules, not only you, but even this woman will also be punished!" The ancient venerable dropped a word, shaking his figure, and disappeared into the air. .

His Majesty Cang Wolf was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly shouted, "Old Venerable, Ancient Venerable..."

It’s a pity that Venerable Ancient did not stay because of him. The departure of Venerable Ancient means that he will no longer care about this matter. As long as the Blue Wolf Nation survives, as long as Yuan Han does not betray the covenant between mankind and Beasts, it doesn’t matter what Yuan Han does. ...

This also means that he was given up, waiting for him will be a tragic end!

"Master, how do you want to punish him?" Yuan Han looked at Mu Qianyue and asked with a smile, his brows raised lightly, and there was a trace of wickedness between the cold and harsh eyebrows, and he faintly glanced at His Majesty Canglang next to him.


His Majesty Canglang's face was pale, and his body fell helplessly on the ground. He no longer had the terrible aura of coldness and pride, he was like a **** that was defeated...

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