Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1288: Clues to the mysterious map [1]

Master Xiang? Qin Mansion?

The man who wanted to come just now was Qin Xiang! It's just such a coincidence.

But Mu Qianyue didn't intend to pester him too much, so she left.

Because she wouldn't let Qin Xiang go so easily, how could he just let him hurt his parents so easily?

Next, she just has to wait patiently.

Mood improved slightly, Mu Qianyue planned to turn around again, and came to a lively street unknowingly.

The crowds on the street were crowded, and many people on both sides set up street stalls, some selling antiques, some selling pills, and some selling magic crystal materials.

This is a trading area for civilians, the price is very cheap, and it is naturally much more cost-effective than shops. And if you are lucky, you can buy a lot of good things, so it also attracts many people to shop here.

Seeing that it was still early, Mu Qianyue decided to stroll around and return to the inn.

Suddenly, Mu Qianyue paused, and was caught by an ordinary little iron sign.

The small iron plate was embroidered with mottled spots and was thrown in the corner, making it difficult for people to pay more attention.

The reason why Mu Qianyue noticed it was because she felt a slight soul fluctuation that attracted her attention.

Mu Qianyue stopped in front of the stall in front of him, knelt down, picked up a magic crystal of a Tier 6 earth beast, and asked, "How much is this?"

The stall owner is a middle-aged man with strong muscles and a strong suit. There is a deep and long scar on his naked arm, which looks quite hideous.

"Sixty thousand Xuanjing coins." The stall owner looked up at Mu Qianyue and said lightly.

Mu Qianyue casually picked up the small iron card in the corner, "Big Brother, why did you even bring such a tattered thing to sell?"

"I picked it up in the woods and brought it together. It's just a waste. If you are interested, you can give it to you." The vendor said.

"Okay, thank you elder brother." Mu Qianyue raised her chin slightly, showing a small smile. She was still thinking about how to buy this small iron brand so that it wouldn't attract his attention, but she didn't expect that she would take the initiative to give it to herself.

After paying 60,000 yuan for the magic crystal, Mu Qianyue left.

Back in the inn, Mu Qianyue carefully washed the small iron plaque with clean water, removed the iron embroidery on it, and a complicated totem rune appeared before her eyes.

Because the small iron plate is incomplete, it looks like a small part of something, so this totem is also incomplete.

But instinct told her that this thing is not simple.

Looking at the totem on the iron plate, Mu Qianyue felt a familiar breath. She seemed to have seen it somewhere, but she couldn't remember anything. It felt like there were countless fragments flying in her mind, but nothing. She couldn't catch it, making her feel at a loss.


After Qin Xiang returned to the mansion, it didn't take long for Qin Xiang to feel itchy on his body. He didn't care at first, but scratched at random. Unexpectedly, the scratches became more and more itchy. In the end, the itching became unbearable, and he even scratched and bleeds. .

This time Qin Xiang felt something was wrong, and he quickly went to see a doctor, but he was helpless. This made everyone in the Qin family anxious.

This Qin Xiang will go to Biyu Palace in a few days. If there is something strange at this time and a good opportunity is missed, it will be regrettable for life! This is a very big loss for the Qin family!

So the ancestor Qin directly posted notices everywhere in Yanglong City, looking for a famous doctor to treat Qin Xiang.

"Xiang'er, what's the matter? How could you get this strange skin disease suddenly?" Fourth Lady Qin Bi Caiyu looked at him worriedly.

"Mother, I don't know either. I was fine during the day. After I came back, I felt itchy." Qin Xiang still kept scratching, only to feel that it was a painful itching.

During the day, he didn't come into contact with anyone, just met a woman on the way, but there was nothing wrong with him? He didn't even touch her, and his four guards had fought with the woman, but everything was normal for the four of them, and there was nothing uncomfortable...

Rao he couldn't guess that when Mu Qianyue was leaving, he cast a shadow on his sedan chair, so he didn't even think about Mu Qianyue's body.

Because there are few soul shadows in him, he is not as painful as Hao Kailin at the beginning, but his body is very itchy; on the other hand, because Qin Xiang is stronger than Hao Kailin, he is not as affected by Hao Kailin.

"What happened?" An old man's majestic voice sounded.

When Bi Caiyu and Qin Xiang saw the incoming person, they all showed a flustered expression, and said respectfully, "Elder Teng."

"Qin Xiang, what's the matter with your face and hands?" Bi Dongteng's eyes changed when they fell on Qin Xiang's face and hands.

"Elder Teng, I...I don't know what's going on. I suddenly got a lot of red ideas on my body, and it's very itchy." Qin Xiang resisted the urge to scratch and said with his head down.

"Qin Xiang, I have already told you before. I will set out to Biyu Palace the day after tomorrow. It is best not to have any moths. You have a red rash on your body now. It seems that you are now. Can't enter Biyu Palace anymore." Bi Dongteng's old face was indifferent.

Qin Xiang and Bi Caiyu's expressions changed drastically when they heard this, Qin Xiang flashed a panic in his eyes, what did Elder Teng mean? Don't you plan to take him to Biyu Palace?

As soon as he thought that his chance of entering Biyu Palace would be missed, Qin Xiang's face showed deep disappointment and fear of loneliness...

Bi Caiyu quickly knelt down to Bi Dongteng, with an anxious and pitiful expression on her delicate face, softly pleading, "Elder Teng, Xiang'er has always been well-behaved, and I dare not disobey your instructions. It's just that. The red rash on Xiang'er was inexplicable. We searched almost all the doctors in the city, and they were helpless. We also hoped that Elder Teng could help Xiang'er. My Qin family would like to listen to Elder Teng."

Bi Dongteng squinted his eyes and pondered for a moment, before he said slowly, "Well, because you used to serve Biyu Palace, I will help you this time."

Bi Caiyu and Qin Xiang both showed joy after hearing this.

When the words fell, he stepped forward, grabbed Qin Xiang's hand, raised his sleeves, grabbed his pulse, his eyes were gloomy, "This is not a disease, it is poison."

"What? Poison?" Qin Xiang glared at him, staring incredulously, "How could I be poisoned?"

He looked up and saw Bi Dongteng's expression of displeasure, and quickly changed his words, "Elder Teng, I didn't mean that, I'm just wondering how I was poisoned, and how could I have no symptoms in advance and no reaction?"

"Elder Teng, is there a solution to this poison?" Bi Caiyu asked.

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