Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1296: A glance at ten thousand years [3]

Huo Xi wanted to take root and develop here first, and by the way, he helped the master to find out the whereabouts of her parents. When the master came, he would have his own power and he could also protect her.

With Huo Xi's strength and talent, he was reused by His Majesty Yunying Kingdom not long after he came to Yunying Kingdom. After six or seven years, he is now the only king of Yunying Kingdom with a different surname.

No one knows his life experience, and no one knows where he came from. In short, he appeared like a **** and suddenly came to the world, surrendering everything with a arrogant and ruthless attitude toward the world! Including the rebellion and wars of Yunying Kingdom in those years...

I didn't see how he shot, but everything was quietly calmed down.

He is like a legend in this cloud shadow country, the dream lover of countless girls in the city!

It's just that he is so cruel and ruthless that many women are afraid of him, but they dare not get close!

At this moment, there was a burst of noise and noise from outside the house. Mu Qianyue heard the sound. It was the five princesses.

"Lord, the fifth princess brought a team of Yulin Army to come in!" Mo Lin stepped forward and looked at Huo Xi cautiously, with a layer of sweat on his forehead.

Mo Yu's face also showed a nervous look.

Huo Xi frowned displeased, and the evil charm's cold eyes rolled up with a bloodthirsty killing intent, "If you can't stop her, you don't need to stay by my side anymore."

"Yes." Mo Lin and Mo Yu glanced at each other, then quickly turned around and walked out.

Mu Qianyue looked at Huo Xi, who exuded a cold and violent murderous aura, and couldn't help sighing slightly, he changed! Become colder than before, but also more calm and charming, full of charm! Want to come to the five princesses who are Huo Xi's admirers, right?

Also, how can such a magnificent Huo Xi be unlovable?

"Master, how did you come over these years?" Huo Xi looked at the woman in front of him, his eyes were like fire, and you were warm and entwined around her.

After the lead was washed away, she was still graceful, like a green lotus, cold and aloof, beautiful and unparalleled!

"In these years, I have experienced a lot..." Mu Qianyue's voice was light and gentle, she whispered what had happened in these years, Huo Xi's eyes fell on the woman in front of her from beginning to end, quietly Listening to her talking about what happened over the years.

Mu Xueying and Jin Liye sat quietly on the sidelines and did not disturb. Jin Liye's performance made Mu Xueying quite satisfied.

Time is quiet and beautiful, like a beautiful picture.

The woman's voice was very soft, and those thrilling things seemed to be insignificant in her mouth.

Huo Xi's gaze couldn't help but deepen. It turned out that so many things happened when he was not by her side these years!

At the thought of so many times, she had passed by the **** of death, and his heart clenched tightly...for so many life and death dangers, he was not accompanied by her, and for the rest, he must not leave. Guard her!

One thing was extremely thrilling, but she said so lightly and didn't care, but Huo Xi's heart, but there was a wave of distress in his heart, which made him have a kind of embracing the woman in front of him. The impulse to take care of her, after a few years, she was still so cold and arrogant, still so indifferent.

Outside the house, Yang Qinchun stared angrily at Mo Lin and Mo Yu who were blocking her. "You two are just lowly guards. You dare to block this princess's way. Believe it or not, this princess will kill you immediately. !"

Mo Lin and Mo Yu are like a cold sculpture, standing in front of the vermilion gate, blocking the way.

"He is a lowly guard, but it is only King Mo's guard. Only King Mo is qualified to decide my life and death!" Mo Lin said coldly.

"Bold! The entire Cloud Shadow Nation belongs to my father, King Mo is also a courtier of my father, and your guards dare to speak to this princess like this, it's really **** it! There is no loess in the world, this princess can't decide yet. Is your life or death?" Yang Qinchun was furious.

Every time I came, these **** two always blocked her way! It makes it extremely difficult for her to see King Mo every time!

"Then you can try! How will King Mo punish you, I think the princess should be very clear in her heart? Last time the five princesses trespassed into King Mo's mansion, have you forgotten? Do you want to experience it again?" Yu's expression was cold, and said coldly.

As if thinking of that experience, Yang Qinchun's face turned pale, and a touch of fear floated in her heart. That time she was just trespassing into Prince Mo's Mansion, and happened to meet him in the bath, but he almost had her eyes gouged out. When he went out and said all the good things, he let himself go, maybe he would really goug his eyes!

Sometimes she didn't understand that the father, the emperor, was obviously the ninth-five-thirty, who controlled the lives and deaths of all people, but why should she be afraid of him?

Yes, she obviously felt that the father was a little afraid of Huo Xi, and she couldn't understand why this was so!

Since that time, she never dared to trespass into Prince Mo’s Mansion without permission. This time she was so confused that she would forget what happened last time. Now that Mo Yu reminded her, she remembered it, which aroused the deepest part of her heart. Fear.

But she is still very unwilling!

She wants to figure out who that woman is?

The arrival of that woman made her feel a strong sense of crisis!

Although Huo Xi was indifferent to her before, at least he was the same to every woman, which made her nervous heart relax a lot. Anyway, she is the fifth princess of Yunying Kingdom, and she wants to be closer to him than others. Women should be simpler and easier.

The plan in her heart was to slowly move Huo Xi to make him accept and fall in love with herself, but her plan had not worked yet, but she saw Huo Xi lead the woman into Prince Mo’s Mansion with her own eyes. How is she not in a hurry? , How not angry?

At this moment, she could not wait to rush into Prince Mo's mansion and throw that nasty woman out! Now she finally knows why that woman was not surprised when she heard that she was the fifth princess of Yunying Kingdom at first, and she was so rampant, it must be because she thought that Huoxi was supporting her behind her back. I don’t put my princess in my eyes!

"Princess Fifth, if it's okay, please go back!" Mo Lin snorted coldly, ignored her, turned around and entered the mansion with Mo Yu, closing the door with a ‘bang’.

Yang Qinchun's face was pale, his fists under his sleeves clenched, he snorted and quickly turned and left.

The Yulin Army behind her was secretly relieved when they saw this. God knows that their legs were trembling just now, they don't want to break into Prince Mo's Mansion!

Who didn't know that King Mo had a bad temper and was very cold?

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