Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1317: The humiliation of Chi Guoguo [1]

"But what he likes is that Mu Qianyue, and now there is another Yaoxin, I have no chance at all!" Yang Qinchun gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

Empress Yun squinted her eyes for a long while, and a sharp and vicious light flashed under her eyes, "Chun'er, if you really like King Mo, the queen will help you figure out a solution."

Yang Qinchun's eyes lit up when she heard the words, with an expression of excitement on her face, she hurriedly rushed to her, "Queen, did you think of any way?"

"Not yet, but we can watch it change."

Empress Yun said casually, she raised her eyes to look at the maids in the palace, waved at them, and signaled them to leave.

Several court ladies respectfully blessed the body, withdrew from the bedroom, and gently closed the door.

"Didn’t Mu Qianyue and Yaoxin both like King Mo? But King Mo likes Mu Qianyue. Miss Wang Zongsan’s temperament is definitely not so easy to give up! She will definitely take action. , When the time comes, we only have to add to the flames when their two dogs bite them, and get rid of them at the same time... If Mu Qianyue dies in Yaoxin’s hands, King Mo must hate Yaowangzong, and you will be at that time Go out to comfort the sad heart, presumably King Mo will be able to see your good."

Empress Yun had a confident and smug smile at the corner of her mouth, but her voice seemed to be soft but insidious, she whispered in Yang Qinchun's ear.

Hearing this, Yang Qinchun's smile widened a bit, and he looked at Queen Yun with a cheerful face, "The mother is still smart."

"Chun'er, what you have to do now is to wait patiently. Only by waiting can you find the best opportunity." Empress Yun looked at her lovingly.

If Chun'er could marry King Mo, it would be the best. King Mo is a first-order **** emperor, so he would have a son-in-law of the **** emperor. Who would dare to be disrespectful to himself?

The emperor had to give himself a face when he saw it!

"Well, Chun'er would like to listen to the mother's words." Yang Qinchun's lips curled slightly, and a cold light swelled in his eyes. "Tomorrow morning, Yaoxin will go to King Mo's Mansion to negotiate with King Mo. Then I will only It is enough to provoke Yaoxin and Mu Qianyue in secret."

"Yes! Chun'er, you've finally got the hang of it." Queen Yun smiled. "Sometimes we don't need to do it ourselves, but let others do it. That's the best way."


King Mo's Mansion

Mo Lin looked at Yaoxin, Yang Qinchun and others with cold eyes, and stopped in front of the house, "What are you doing here?"

Yaoxin narrowed her eyes, and there was a sense of displeasure in her eyes. Before she could speak, Yang Qinchun on the side had already angered first, "Bold Mo Lin! You are just a little guard, you dare to be like this. Miss speaking? How presumptuous!"

Yao Xin's expression eased a little.

Mo Lin curled his lips indifferently, and said coldly, "No one can trespass into Prince Mo's Mansion without his master's order. Girl Yaoxin, please go back!"

"Miss Yaoxin is here to visit King Mo, please go and pass it through." Yang Qinchun said coldly. Seeing Mo Lin standing still, she couldn't help but yelled, "Mo Lin, you should know that Yao Xin is People from Yaowangzong, Miss Yaoxin is here to represent Yaowangzong!"

Yaoxin raised her slender neck gracefully, her delicate face with a gentle and generous smile, and her whole body exuded an elegant and noble breath.

Mo Lin's complexion changed, and he thought for a moment, "Wait a moment, I'll go in and report."

After speaking, he turned and entered the palace.

In the flower hall, Huo Xi and Mu Qianyue were having breakfast. Hearing Mo Lin's report, Huo Xi frowned, his eyes narrowed.

"Since they are here, it's okay to see them, I just want to see what they want to do." Mu Qianyue had a cold light in her eyes, but there was a wicked smile on her beautiful face.

"If you want to see, you will see." Huo Xi looked at her tenderly.

As long as she wants to do, he will unconditionally follow Cong.

As for those who want to hurt her, they had better not do anything, or he would make them regret coming to this world!

"Let them in." Huo Xi raised his eyes to look at Mo Lin and said lightly.

Then Huo Xi and Mu Qianyue moved into the lobby.

After a while, I saw Mo Lin walking in with Yaoxin, Yang Qinchun and others.

In the lobby, Mu Qianyue leaned languidly on the chair, Huo Xi sat on the chair next to her, holding a dagger in her hand, peeling the peel.

The dagger flies flexibly between his slender jade fingers, and the movements are elegant and neat, like moving clouds and flowing water, which is very attractive.

Huo Xi didn't seem to see Yao Xin and the others who came in, and straightly handed the well-peeled pear fruit to Mu Qianyue, looking at her with a gentle and indulgent expression.

"Master, the pear fruit's skin is very thin, so you don't need to cut it." Mo Yu kindly reminded him.

"Qianyue doesn't like to eat skin." Huo Xi said lightly.

What he meant was obvious. She didn't like to eat, so he rejected it, just wanting to leave the best to her.

The corners of Mu Qianyue's lips were slightly bent, she reached out and took it with a gentle bite, and the sweet and refreshing juice poured into her mouth, and she felt that her whole heart was happy with it. The taste of this pear fruit was really good.

Pear fruit is a bit like pear, but not like it. It tastes much better than pear, and it is very sweet and crisp!

This scene deeply irritated Yaoxin and Yang Qinchun who came in.

Yao Xin's face is a bit ugly, this Huo Xi is really too much! I came here, not only didn't mean to let myself sit down, but ignored myself, just looking at Mu Qianyue's affection!

Yang Qinchun's heart was also full of anger. This man dismissed her, being cold and merciless at all times, but willing to peel Mu Qianyue and do such trivial things...

He is a **** emperor! He is the lofty prince and the **** of war in the hearts of the people of Yunying Kingdom! To do such a thing for a woman!

This **** Mu Qianyue actually didn't know that he felt sorry for King Mo, if she was not willing to peel the peel for himself or something, but peeled the peel for him. This is what a woman should do, how can a man do it!

After a while, Huo Xi still didn't seem to see them. Instead, he looked at Mu Qianyue with a smile and asked, "Is it delicious?"

"Well, it's not bad." Mu Qianyue nodded inarticulately, Yu Guang glanced at the dark-faced Yaoxin and Yang Qinchun, seems that Yaoxin also likes Huoxi. Our Huoxi is so charming that it can't be stopped no matter what!

As a woman, she naturally saw Yaoxin's thoughts at a glance, and she could tell from the way she looked at Huo Xi, it was very different.

"King Mo, leave the guests aside, is this your way of hospitality?" There was a trace of sullenness between Yao Fei's eyebrows, and he did not dare to speak loudly to Huo Xi.

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