Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1321: Poor medicine fly【4】

"Miss Mu, we know you don't believe it. We couldn't believe it at first. Who would believe this?" Mo Yu shook his head and sighed.

The dignified generation of Dan Huang, since it is good!

"Yeah, I also saw him take out the slender silver needle... I guess he likes tormenting while doing something..." Mo Lin squinted suspiciously, resting his chin in one hand, thinking. .

Mu Qianyue's face turned black decisively, this time she finally understood it!

Yao Ziqiu should be doing acupuncture and human acupuncture experiments with Yaofei, and then let these two guys misunderstand!

With a smile on the corners of her lips, Mu Qianyue turned and walked away from the house.

Originally, she wanted to find Yao Ziqiu to give her some pointers, but now it seems that she doesn't need it. It's not bad to let him toss and toss Yao Fei, it's a vent for herself.

The sun is shining and there is no cloud.

Mu Qianyue walked on the street alone, the quiet feeling in her ears made her raise her lips and let out a light breath.

After strolling in the street for a while, she suddenly felt a few auras following her in the dark, following her far behind, if there is nothing, if she is not careful, it is difficult to detect it.

His long, narrow black eyes narrowed, and a glimmer of cold light flashed under his eyes.

Mu Qianyue thought that he hadn't noticed, and kept walking outside the city.

The two people who followed secretly saw her going out of the city, and couldn't help feeling happy, and hurriedly followed.

They have been guarding the Mo Prince's Mansion for half a month, and they have never seen Mu Qianyue alone. Every time she came out, she was surrounded by Huo Xi or her pet beast.

Today she even dared to go outside the city alone, and was finally given a chance by them!

After leaving the city, I came to the ancient forest near the city. The lush branches and leaves covered the blazing sun in the sky, leaving only a little mottled light.

Suddenly, Mu Qianyue's footsteps stopped, and the corners of her white lips floated with a small smile, "The two have followed all the way. It's been hard work. Can you come out now?"

The faces of the four people who followed secretly changed, and there was a trace of doubt in their hearts. How could she know them? No matter what, even if she found out, it's too late now!

With a movement, the four of them flashed out of the dark and fell in front of Mu Qianyue.

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, **** has no way to break in, no one can save you today." One of them said.

All four of them wore black clothes and black face towels, only revealing a pair of murderous eyes.

Mu Qianyue's eyes swept over the four of them, her hands around her chest, a wicked sneer at the corners of her lips, "You are using the wrong words. This does not mean that there is a way to heaven. You should not go, but you should say and do. Just wait and wait, you should have been waiting for a long time at King Mo's Mansion!"

"Did I use the wrong words?" A trace of doubt appeared in the eyes of the person who had just spoken, and he reached out his hand and touched his head, looking confused.

"Idiot, I told you that you don't need to work hard when you study, and now you can't even speak!" The other person slapped him on the head and cursed, turning his head to look at Mu Qianyue's eyes with unexplained killing intent. "You care if he uses the wrong words, you must die today!"

The smile on Mu Qianyue’s mouth was a bit bigger. In the light breeze, her chin was slightly raised, and her beautiful face was calm and relaxed, without a trace of fear. "In fact, you don’t need to wear a mask at all, because I know you are Who. Why didn't Yaoxin come?"

The four of them were taken aback, as if they didn't expect that Mu Qianyue would guess their identity all at once!

The person who had spoken before had a cold light flashing in his eyes, and he stared at Mu Qianyue coldly, "Since you already know our identity, then we don't need to hide it!"

Saying that he tore off the face towel on his face, his expression was cold and ferocious, and he clenched the knife in his hand, "Although you are Yao Ziqiu's apprentice, you should never insult my Yao Wangzong, let alone offend him. Our third lady. But you choose this place as your burial place, it is also very good, I hope you will have a good baby in the next life!"

The other three also tore off the facial tissues.

It was the few people who had been with Yao Xin, but there were eight or nine people around Yao Xin, and only four were sent out this time.

Mu Qianyue sneered, her narrow and dark eyes with a trace of mockery, "It is you, not me, who wish to have a good baby in the next life."

As her words fell, two rays of light flickered from her body and turned into two figures on the ground, it was Jin Liye and Mu Xueying.

The complexion of the four of them changed drastically, as if they were facing a big enemy. They had clearly seen Mu Qianyue's side with no pets or people, so they would follow! Where did the two in front of you pop out?

"Hurry up and give the signal!" one of them hurriedly shouted, and the one standing behind him quickly took out a bamboo tube-shaped object from the ring space.

Mu Qianyue's gaze changed, and a sharp flash of sharpness flashed through her bright black eyes, and the death domain instantly displayed and enveloped the four of them. How could she give them a chance to send a signal?

As soon as the death field came out, the world changed color instantly, and the surrounding was dim and pitch black, only the wind and anger were left, countless ghosts and ghosts were flaring their teeth and claws in the air, and the air was filled with a strong breath of death!

"En? Death Realm?" The man narrowed his eyes and snorted angrily. The big knife in his hand was raised, slashed fiercely, and slashed towards the realm.


The entire field immediately twisted and trembled, faltering, and seemed to collapse at any time!

This person was actually a fifth-order **** king, his strength was stronger than Mu Qianyue, and he could naturally break through her domain.

"Qinglong blood, talent is unlocked. Taiji nine changes, immortality is immortal!" Mu Qianyue raised a bloodthirsty arc, and directly displayed two big trump cards. She saw her aura all over her body, and her momentum soared. Directly the second-order **** king soared to the realm of the seventh-order **** king peak, then stopped.

The domain that was about to collapse instantly recovered as before, and became stronger than before!

Such a terrifying soaring speed shocked all four of them, and there was a touch of panic and fear in his eyes, and his heart was also full of doubts. Mu Qianyue was clearly a second-order **** king, how could he instantly become a seventh-order **** king? Could it be that she deliberately hid her strength before?

At the same time, Mu Xueying and Jin Liye launched a fierce attack on the four of them, all in one battle and two, but they were not defeated.

Mu Qianyue's body exudes a majestic and terrifying pressure, like a terrifying mountain pressing on their hearts, actually suppressing their aura a little.

"The Shadow of the Blood Moon!"

In the dim world, the purple clothes were lightly raised, and the figure of the woman danced in the air, cold and brazen.

The Extinction Sword in his hand waved with a thrilling light, and a blood-red sword light slashed forward fiercely, and a Tier 3 **** king was instantly split into two...

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