Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1354: Slap on the face [4]

At this moment, a fragrant and refreshing medicinal scent appeared on the competition table, which was very pleasant.


The sky was covered with dark clouds and thunder bursts, and the entire sky was very gloomy.

Silver lightning lingered in the sky, seeming to burst out of the clouds at any time.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

"This is Thunder Tribulation?"

Someone stared in horror, his eyes filled with incredible expressions.

"It seems to be! Her pill seems to have caused Thunder Tribulation..." the other person said stupidly.

In the stands, Yao Xin's beautiful eyes stared incredibly, and her eyes were full of shock. She murmured, "No! This is impossible! How could she succeed in refining?"

That's the eleventh-rank Wang Dan, Shenhuang Dan!

The smile on Yaozihe's face was still frozen, and he couldn't laugh anymore. His eyes were staring so hard that they were dark and strange.

He underestimated this little Nizi, but he didn't expect that she could actually refine the Eleventh Grade God Emperor Pill!

Only when she is only twenty-four years old, her alchemy has reached the level of eleventh grade?

With her full cultivation, Xin'er has only reached the 9th rank now!

Yao Ziqiu's eyes gleamed, locking the slender figure in the middle tightly like a wolf.

Haha, Mu girl turned out to be King Pill! Yesterday she also said that she was a ten-pin pill.

Hmm... Could it be that she broke through in this competition?

Wow Kaka! This time I really got a big deal! Humph, these unsightly people dare to laugh at Mu girl, now they can’t laugh one by one, right?

This is really a slap in the face!

This feeling is so cool!

After seeing them, dare not to look down on Mu girl! It is estimated that these people will regret to death in their hearts!

The horror on Sect Master Yao's face was also endless, in addition to shock, it was more of appreciation.

"Ziqiu, this girl Mu's talent for pill refining is better than you! The 24-year-old King Pill, tut tut...If you didn't see it with your own eyes, it would be really incredible! I believe her future achievements It must be better than you!"

Yao Ziqiu raised his eyebrows triumphantly, "That is! Will the apprentice I like to Yao Ziqiu be worse?"

Sect Master Yao smiled and shook his head, "I don't seem to have worshipped you as a teacher yet, right? Why did you get caught up first?"

Yaoziqiu seemed to have been stepped on his tail, and his expression was very depressed, "She will definitely worship me as a teacher!"

"I'm really curious about who the master of the girl is, who actually cultivated such an excellent disciple!" Sect Master Yao's eyes showed envy.

Unknowingly, Sect Master Yao's name for Mu Qianyue has become Mu Girl.

Originally, he admired Mu Qianyue very much, but now seeing her strength in alchemy, his admiration and goodwill for Mu Qianyue have even increased.

After all, there are not many such rare geniuses! And she didn't grow up in Yaowangzong!

Medicine King Zong is the master of Xuantian Realm Medicine Master!

But now there is a disciple who is better than Xiner!

Just why haven't you heard of Mu Qianyue's name before? It stands to reason that such an outstanding genius will definitely be famous in the mainland!

And the person who taught Mu Qianyue to make alchemy, is his alchemy better than Ziqiu?

Yaoziqiu snorted disdainfully, "The master of Mu Girl is not competent at all! After taking Mu Girl as a teacher, she just threw a notebook to her and let her understand it, and then went to play around! If Mu girl worships me as a teacher, he might already be Emperor Dan and Zun Dan! Becoming a pill God is not a problem!"

Speaking of this, I feel angry.

Such a good apprentice, that **** guy is a waste, regardless, he really wants to strangle that wicked guy!

Hearing Yao Ziqiu's words, Sect Master Yao was stunned long ago, with an incredible light surging in his eyes, "You mean Mu girl's alchemy is self-taught?"

"It should be." Yao Ziqiu nodded.


Sect Master Yao couldn't help taking a breath, and the shock in his eyes was wave after wave like ocean waves.

"What a waste of such a good seedling! Her alchemy talent is definitely a rare one in a thousand years! No, maybe it is ten thousand years!" Sect Master Yao sighed with regret.

Relying on the experience of a notebook can reach the realm of Pill King. If she has been carefully cultivated in the Medicine King Sect, maybe she is really the Pill Emperor and Dan Zun at this moment!

"Ziqiu, you must accept her as an apprentice regardless of any means! Such a good seedling can't be let go to waste! Even if we are exhausting our medicine kingzong, we must cultivate her well!"

"Sect Master, don't worry, even if it's a stubborn face, I will rely on her." Yaoziqiu's eyes filled with a rather wretched light, unknowingly thinking that he was making a bad idea.

Yaozihe and Yaoxin on the side heard the words of Sect Master Yao, and their hearts filled with jealousy and anger.

What does suzerain mean? Decided to use the entire Medicine King Sect to cultivate Mu Qianyue? She is an outsider!

"Sect Master, this Mu Qianyue's alchemy talent is indeed shocking the world, but she is an outsider after all! And she is unwilling to worship the great elder as a teacher, if we devote all our medicine king sect to cultivate her, she finally abandoned our medicine king sect, The consequences..." Yaozihe said quickly.

"Hehe... it doesn't matter if she doesn't want to go to a teacher. Well, I will let my grandson sacrifice her hue to seduce her, hehe, if she becomes my granddaughter-in-law, she will definitely consider the king of medicine more." Sect Master Yao was excited. Laughed loudly.

Yao Ziqiu rolled his eyes angrily, and looked at him with a bitter look, "Sect Master, you are so unkind!"

"Hehe..." Sect Master Yao showed a sly smile on his face.

"Sect Master, Young Sect Master is only fifteen years old!" Yaozihe was startled, and he naturally wanted Mu Qianyue to die. If she became a young lady, would he and Xin'er have a good life in the future?

"What's wrong at fifteen? You can be a biological child at fifteen!"

"But Mu Qianyue is nine years older than Sect Master Young! This difference...they are not appropriate!" Yao Zihe was full of anger, but he only endured anger, and said respectfully.

"How do you know that they are not suitable?" There was a hint of dissatisfaction in Yao Zong's eyes. "Warriors have a long lifespan. Although Mu girl is 24 years old, she looks like fifteen or six. It's not a good match! Girl Mu is nine years older than Tao'er, and she can still take care of him, teach him to practice, and alchemy... so much to enhance the relationship!"

Yao Ziqiu curled his lips silently, "Are you looking for a wife for Tao'er or a nanny for him?"

"You take care of me!" Sect Master Yao rolled his eyes, anyway, he has identified Mu Qianyue as granddaughter-in-law, "Counting the time, Tao'er should come back! After all, tomorrow is the opening of the realm of medicine spirit day……"

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