Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1362: Kill the Eighth God King【2】

"Xiaomeng, how are you doing?" Mu Qianyue asked in her heart quickly.

"Master, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me. My defense is very strong, even Thunder Tribulation can't break me! Hey..." There was a trace of pride in Xiao Meng's voice, "It's a pity that I don't have much strength. , Can't help you, can only serve as a shield for you."

"Xiaomeng, thank you." Mu Qianyue was touched in her heart, and her mind moved Hong Huangding into the space, "I will deal with the following things myself!"

She raised her head and looked at the old man on the opposite side coldly. The blow just now consumed almost half of his true vitality, even if he had the Qi recovery pill, he would still be short of supply.

And she also thought of a countermeasure!

"Hong Huangding is really a loyal guardian!" The old man's eyes showed a touch of jealousy.

Mu Qianyue let out a cold snort, and the Phantom stepped out, the true vitality on the Extinguishing Sword in her hand surged, surging and mighty, and once again used Extinction Dao!


The momentum is monstrous, and the space is shocking.

The fierce fiery red sword aura tears the space, making a sharp and piercing whistling sound!

A sword blasted out, and seven Yuanlongs suddenly appeared above the sky, roaring and roaring in the sky, making bursts of anger!

These seven Yuanlongs were originally cultivated from Mu Qianyue's Nine Dragon Soul Eater Art, and they were formed by the condensing of the true energy. The realm of Dzogchen is the emergence of Nine Dragons, and the world changes colors.

Mu Qianyue held the sword in one hand and pinched the tactics in the other. Seven drops of the king-level Azure Dragon's true blood popped out between his fingers, hitting the seven Yuanlongs.

I saw that the bodies of the seven Yuanlongs instantly became solid from their virtual bodies, and were no longer as transparent as before, and their aura rose several times in an instant!


At the same time, black clouds condensed from the void without knowing when.

The thunder and lightning clouds surging like silver snakes, exuding a terrifying breath.

"Yuanlong kills Dao, Zhu!"

The plain white wrist was raised and swung out fiercely, only to see the terrifying sword light slamming towards the old man in front!

The wind is whistling, and the world is full of murderous air.

At the same time, the seven Yuanlong roared and swooped down, and rushed towards the old man with the sword light!


Above the nine heavens, the thunder and lightning that had been brewing for a long time in the dark clouds also crashed down at this moment!

The thunder and lightning, which was as strong as a baby's arm, slammed down, and bombarded the old man's absolute realm with a muffled sound.

The realm of the old man was instantly ruthlessly destroyed!

His face turned pale, and his mental strength was instantly hit hard!

But the terrible thunder and lightning power above it continued to fall, slashing towards his head!

The old man's pupils suddenly shrank, and he quickly raised his sword and swung it towards the thunder and lightning above, trying to resist. But at this moment, the sword light and the seven Yuanlongs struck by Mu Qianyue from the opposite side had already arrived!

Restricted on both sides, the old man can only accept Mu Qianyue's attack to resist the power of thunder and lightning in nature.

After all, the power of this lightning is much stronger than Mu Qianyue's attack!

"Puff puff……"

Although the old man tried his best to block the power of thunder and lightning, he also consumed most of his true energy.

A stream of blood spurted out and fell in the air.

The terrifying sword light and the seven Yuanlong smashed into his body unobstructed, and saw that his body suddenly fell out like a flat boat, and smashed into the steep cliff behind.


The sharp rock penetrated his chest, his body was hung over the cliff, the rock was stained red with blood, and a drop of blood dripped from above into the green grass...

The old man's eyes widened unwillingly, and the light in his eyes faded little by little. He seemed very unwilling, unwilling to die like this.

It seems that he did not expect that he would die in the hands of a third-order **** king in the end.

This time Yaozihe asked him to deal with Mu Qianyue, he had full confidence! After all, with the strength of his eighth-order **** king, killing a third-order **** king, isn't it a matter of grasping it?

He never thought it would end like this!

The last bit of light in his eyes dissipated, and then he lowered his head unwillingly, and finally slowly closed his eyes...

Looking at the corpse hanging above the cliff, Mu Qianyue exhaled a suffocating breath, took a breath, and then his tight nerves slowly relaxed.

If she hadn't used the seven Yuanlongs to attract thunder and lightning and distract the old man's attention, she might not have killed him so easily!

After recovering her body with the realm of life, Mu Qianyue moved her body and swept upwards, took off the ring from the corpse, and received it in the space of the Tongtian Pagoda. Then she rushed upwards and carefully picked off the seven-colored flower. Memory flower.

Looking at the gorgeous memory flower in his hand, the corners of his lips gently persuaded to raise a curve, put it in a jade box, and put it in the space of Tongtian Tower.

After that, Mu Qianyue continued to walk forward, anyway, there was seven days in it, so she was not in a hurry.

The aura of this Medicine Spirit Realm is even stronger than that of the Tongtian Tower!

The aura of the Tongtian Pagoda was very sufficient before, but as the territory of the Tongtian Pagoda expands, the aura seems to be somewhat insufficient.

It seems that you have to think of a way to strengthen the aura of the tower world.

Although the space of the Medicine Spirit Realm is not as big as the Sky Tower, it is not small, at least a thousand miles in range.

Where did the aura in that medicine spirit realm come from? What is it to support?

The medicinal materials here are rich, and the age is long, there must be a spiritual stone or a large formation to maintain the realm of medicine spirit!

Mu Qianyue's eyes were stained with excitement. If he could find a way to increase aura in the realm of medicinal spirits, then there would be no need to worry about the lack of aura in the world of Tongtian Tower.

In the remaining few days, Mu Qianyue has been wandering in the realm of medicinal spirits, trying to unlock the secrets of the realm of medicinal spirits, but has not found any usable clues.

After all, the medicinal spirit realm was so big and so mysterious, it only took seven days to solve its secrets.

"Oh, today is the last day, I am afraid I can't find it. If you want to come in next time, you can only wait until three years later..." Mu Qianyue sighed lightly, her brows filled with regret.

Suddenly, Mu Qianyue's pupils shrank, and his eyes fell on a clear blue lake in front, where a thick spiritual energy overflowed, and a soft spiritual cloud was formed above the lake. The light breeze blew by, and the aura It turns into water mist or raindrops float down...

"Does the aura in the medicine spirit realm come from this lake?"

There was a touch of joy on Mu Qianyue's beautiful face, and she hurriedly walked towards the lake ahead.

The lake is small, crescent-shaped, and the longest in the middle is only 100 meters in diameter.

Standing by the lake, you can feel the incomparable aura and pounce on you! Taking a deep breath, I felt that my body was full of spiritual energy! It's refreshing!

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