Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1369: The tortured Yang Qinchun [2]

"You all go down."

Yao Xin waved impatiently.

The maidservants were relieved with heavy burdens, one by one quickly and respectfully blessed their bodies, turned and retreated.

"Yang Qinchun, you stay."

Yaoxin's cold and merciless voice sounded in the hall, causing Yang Qinchun to shiver suddenly. She raised her head and looked at Yaoxin with a trace of fear.

The shadow of the ‘Strong Soul Pill’ last time hung in her heart and could not dissipate.

At this time, when she heard Yaoxin asked her to stay, she was naturally scared in her heart and hesitated to step forward.

Yao Xin frowned displeased, her voice was cold and whistling, with a bit of chill, "Yang Qinchun, are you trying to disobey my orders?"

"Don't dare!" Yang Qinchun stopped, looking at her with a little horror. Seeing Yaoxin's cold and frightening eyes, she quickly lowered her head. It was obvious that the incident caused a lot in her heart. s damage.

The corner of Yao Xin's mouth evoked a satisfied sneer, "Take this down."

The palm of her hand flickered, and a pill appeared in the palm of her hand.

Yang Qinchun glanced at her, her face showed deep fear and panic, "Miss Xin, what is this?"

Is it another strong soul pill?

The pain last time was really painful, and death is better than life. She didn't want to experience it a second time!

"Ask so much what to do, let me take it if you take it!" Yao Xin's eyes widened, her eyes filled with dissatisfaction.

"No... I don't want..." Yang Qinchun looked back in panic, Yao Xin stepped forward, grabbed Yang Qinchun's chin, and forced the pill into it with a ferocious expression. Yang Qinchun's mouth.

The pill melted in the mouth, and it poured into her throat in an instant, and she couldn't vomit it out no matter how she vomited or buckled it.

A violent pain instantly hit the whole body, causing Yang Qinchun's entire body to convulse, curled up on the ground, his entire face twisted due to the pain...

This pain is not like the deep soul pain of the strong soul pill, but every inch of skin on the whole body seems to be bitten by ants.

The clothes on his body have long been wet with sweat, and the whole figure looks like a fished out of the water...

I don't know how long it hurt, Yang Qinchun had already fainted.

The maidservants in the yard did not go far. They looked at Yang Qinchun, who was alive and fainted again in the temple, with deep sympathy in their eyes.

"Hey, this Yang Qinchun is really pitiful, being so tortured by Miss Xin..."

"Yes! I heard that Yang Qinchun is still a princess of a country, but he lives a life that is worse than death..."

"What is a princess? In our Medicine King Sect, it is just an ant-like existence."

"Why did Yang Qinchun give up her identity as a princess and come here? Although Yunying Country is not comparable to a behemoth like Yaowangzong, it is still a lifelong glorious life, right?"

"Who knows! But she is indeed very pitiful! Miss Xin beats and scolds her at every turn, and now she acts as a medicine man. Anyway, she is also a fifth-order emperor martial artist..."

The maidservants talked in low voices with sympathy, but they didn't dare to fight for her unless they were tired of their lives.

When encountering this kind of thing, the only thing you can do is to treat yourself as if you haven't seen it so that you can protect yourself.

Otherwise, Yao Xin treats them as medicine people, and I am afraid they will not be able to support one day, after all, they are just Lingwu practitioners.

During the next six months, as long as Yaoxin was unhappy, Yang Qinchun would make Yang Qinchun take all the messy pills that she had researched.

Some time ago, Yao Xin had just obtained a medical book left by Yao Qing, the ancestor of the king of medicine, from the realm of Yao Ling. In addition to recording various intractable diseases, there were also various prescriptions.

So Yaoxin tried various experiments with Yang Qinchun, which made her feel unhappy. During this period of time, Yang Qinchun's figure has lost more than ten kilograms. Originally, her figure was slightly fat, but now it has become directly. He was skinny, pale, without blood red.

The eyes of the past, which were full of lustrous colors, became dull, colorless, dull and dull, like a silly wood.

Living in a muddle-headed manner every day, she really regretted at this moment, regretting that she followed Yao Xin to Yao Wangzong.

It turns out that the Medicine King Sect is not as beautiful as imagined, but an extremely gloomy place full of resentment...

In fact, it cannot be said that Yao Wangzong is not good, only that Yang Qinchun's luck is very bad, and he met a frenzied Yaoxin.

If she followed other medicinal pills, as a medicine boy, she would not have had such an experience.

Just like the medicine ruler, he was just an ordinary warrior before, but because he met Yao Ziqiu, his status and status have undergone earth-shaking changes, and he has become the fifth-order **** emperor!

So, meeting a good master is a very important thing.

Chollima often has it, but Bole does not often have it. This is the truth.

Of course, a big part of all this is due to Yang Qinchun herself. If it wasn't for her greed for fame and fortune, if it wasn't for Mu Qianyue's jealousy in her heart, she wanted to kill Mu Qianyue, so she set foot on this issue. On the way back, she would not end up like this.

She asked for all this.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in life.

So every time you make a choice, you need to think carefully, and then think again, so as not to leave regrets and regrets in your life.

In the garden, Yang Qinchun was like a soulless corpse, walking slowly, his hair was slightly messy, and his pale face was so thin that only a layer of bone was left.

"Yang Qinchun, I haven't seen you for a while, why are you so thin?" Yao Fei, who was in retreat, saw the inhuman figure in front of him, and his eyes quickly flashed with surprise.

"It turned out to be Young Master Yao Fei. I'm fine, but I'm a bit homesick." Yang Qinchun said in a low voice with red eyes, her eyes dim and she looked so pitiful.

Yao Fei narrowed his eyes, "I have heard about you. Hey..."

He had been in retreat for half a year after the last medicine spirit realm. As soon as he came out, he heard the maids in Xinyuan whispering about the matter. Seeing Yang Qinchun so thin, a trace of complex emotions appeared in his heart.

I still remember that Yang Qinchun was still a pretty, plump and pretty person half a year ago, but he didn't expect to become this way now.

"These are blood nourishing pills, beauty pills, and energy recovery pills. Take them all. Oh, yes, there are some medicinal spirit spars here. You can also take them to practice." Yao Fei said, as if digging. Like a baby, he took out bottles and jars from the space, as well as some spars, and stuffed them into Yang Qinchun's hands.

Yang Qinchun was taken aback, she raised her head in a daze, looking at Yao Fei in confusion, and gradually, her eyes became more red, and drops of crystal tears slipped off her jade-like face.

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