Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 137: The mind of the Chu family

Because of its existence, Mu Qianyue didn't have to worry about not having good medicinal materials. He grabbed a lot of medicinal materials. Of course, the premise was that he had the seeds of this medicinal material.

With seeds, you can naturally multiply and plant them.

Before the sky was dark, there were long queues at the door of Huangqi Pharmacy, in order to buy bone-shaping pills that can transform bones, marrow-removing pills that cut muscles and marrow, as well as Lingyuan pills and Zunyuan pills. Some people just arrived at the Huangqi Pharmacy and saw that the long dragon at the door was almost at the end of the street, and couldn't help but look depressed. Today's medicine is out of play!

In the Chu family, the owner of the Chu family took a round aquamarine pill, took a closer look, and muttered softly, "This is the bone-shaping pill? Can it transform the bones and muscles of the human body?" It took a day and night for Qiyaofang to buy it. I wanted to buy a few more, but it turned out that one person can only buy one!

It stands to reason that he thinks the owner of Huangqi Pharmacy is a fool. These good medicines are only sold for two million gold coins. If they are auctioned, they can definitely get a high price of five million gold. Of course he didn’t know Mu Qianyue’s thoughts. Huangqimen wanted to take root here. Of course, he talked about moving people’s hearts step by step. The most important thing is to make the Huangqimen deeply rooted in the hearts of everyone. Crowd in one of the four big families in Qingfeng City.

Patriarch Chu's turbid eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the old man next to him and asked, "Pill Lingzi, can you see its refining method from this pill?"

Dan Lingzi is a 60-year-old old man, skinny and bald, but with white hair on the back of his head and temples, he looks very strange. He took the Bone Sculpting Pill, first put it on the side of his nose and smelled it, his small eyes squinted, and a flash of light flashed, and he said confidently, "Patriarch, you can rest assured, just give me half a month Time, I will definitely be able to crack its refining method."

Half a month? Patriarch Chu heard that there was a glimmer of light and depression in his eyes, I am afraid that after half a month, the business will be worse, and may face closure, and even if the pill can be researched, it may not be able to be refined, just like a respect Yuan Dan, only one is made in half a year, and Huangqi Pharmacy has ten each day!

Chu Banxue on the side seemed to see his worry, and said, "Father, Huangqi Pharmacy is just a newly emerging power. What kind of background can it have? Why don't we dig up the medicine master from Huangqi Pharmacy? As the saying goes, people go to high places and water flows to low places. As long as we put out enough chips to make his heart beat, he will definitely come to our store."

After all, her family is one of the four major families in Qingfeng City. What is Huangqimen?

"Xue'er is right." A smile flashed across Chu Nanxing's eyes. After a while, he frowned. "I heard that the medicine master at Huangqi Pharmacy is very mysterious. I haven't seen him show up until now. I don't know. What does he look like? Who is his first name and last name? How do I dig?"

"Father, don't worry, just leave it to me." Chu Banxue's face raised a confident look.

"Okay, Xue'er, since you are so confident, I will leave this to you." Chu Nanxing smiled cheerfully, and the previous haze was wiped out.

"Father, you just wait for the good news from your daughter." Tiange is a member of Huangqimen, it seems that he is still in a low position, he will definitely help himself.


In the box on the second floor of Huangqi Pharmacy, Mu Qianyue was leisurely sipping tea, leaning on the window, watching the pedestrians passing by on the street, in a surprisingly good mood. It was a good day with smooth winds, but not now Time to enjoy. Xicheng District is currently stabilized, but it is inevitable that the people of the four major families will not be greedy and attack the imperial flag, so they still have to develop quickly.

Also, to improve her strength as soon as possible, her goal is to go to Magic State!

At this moment, Chu Tiange knocked on the door and said that Patriarch Xu had come.

Mu Qianyue got up to greet her, with a bright smile on her beautiful face, "Patriarch Xu, long time no see, I don't know the distinguished guests are here, and I hope to forgive me if I miss you far."

Family Master Xu hadn't spoken yet, but Xu Yurong, who was behind him, stepped forward, "Qianyue, it's strange that you look so elegant. I still like the original you."

Mu Qianyue touched her nose and smiled, "Why are you free to come here?"

Xu Yurong smiled and said, "It's still natural to talk like this, don't learn that from my grandpa in the future, it's annoying."

Patriarch Xu pulled his mouth depressed, he didn't say a word when he came in, right? Why are you bothering him? Who did he provoke?

"Smelly girl, did you harm your grandfather like this?"

"Originally, you are always flattering and complimenting, and the words are verbose, it is annoying to listen." Xu Yurong muttered, so angry that Patriarch Xu blew his beard and stared, and then raised his head to look at Mu Qianyue. With a smile, "Rong'er's parents have died since childhood and I was spoiled by me. Don't mind.

Mu Qianyue's eyes changed when she looked at Xu Yurong, but Xu Yurong stared at her, and said depressedly, "Don't sympathize with me or say anything to comfort me."

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind."

A word of choking made Xu Yurong roll her eyes. Is there any friend who does this?

"By the way, Patriarch Xu, what's the matter with you coming to see me?" Mu Qianyue led the two of them to sit down at the table, and asked them personally.

The faint fragrance of tea is full of fragrant fragrance, which is refreshing and pleasant.

Family Master Xu took a sip while holding the tea cup, his eyes were rather complaining, "It's not because you robbed the business of Huangqi Pharmacy when it opened. My Xu's Changchun Pharmacy is about to close. ,Hey……"


Mu Qianyue looked slightly stunned, and touched her nose with some embarrassment. Patriarch Xu said that she had given her a lot of face in such a tactful way. Maybe the other three families had already cursed behind her back. However, for business, there will inevitably be competition, and she has not used improper means, so this is just fair competition.

"Patriarch Xu, you don’t need to worry. The current situation is only temporary, because the amount of medicine in the Huangqi Pharmacy is running out. If it is sold for about half a month, it is estimated that it will be out of stock. Will go back to your Changchun Medicine Shop to buy it."

"Half a month?" Patriarch Xu couldn't help but smile when he heard the words. After half a month, I am afraid that his Changchun Pharmacy will lose money.

Seeing the bitter smile on Patriarch Xu’s face that was more ugly than crying, Mu Qianyue thought for a while, and said, “Well, you Changchun Medicine Shop will buy some medicines from our Huangqi Medicine Shop every day, and give you 20%. How's it divided into?"

Patriarch Xu's eyes brightened upon hearing this, this is a good way! With this batch of elixirs, it can definitely attract some people back!

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