Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1373: The dog bites the dog, a hairy mouth [3]

Mu Qianyue held the teacup in one hand and took a sip. There was a sneer in her narrow, black eyes. I was afraid that Yang Qinchun's miscarriage was not easy.

But what she didn't expect was that Yang Qinchun's thoughts were not simple, she even hooked up with Yao Fei, and thus got out of Yao Xin's control.

According to Yaochi, Yaoxin treated Yang Qinchun as a medicine person before, but this time the case of Yaoxin's captivity of the medicine person was known to the suzerain, and it must be inseparable from Yang Qinchun.

Hmm... It seems that she is not very stupid.

Because Yang Qinchun was seen by other men, she was just a concubine next to Yao Fei, and could not become his wife. This made Yang Qinchun even more hate Yaoxin, so Yang Qinchun would not To make Yaoxin feel better, relying on the power of the eight elders, she actually got the upper hand.

Although Yang Qinchun is only Yao Fei's concubine, she is pregnant with Yao Fei's child. Now that the child is gone, the Eighth Elder is naturally very angry.

And the second elder who had been confined in the wall of Cold Valley for thought, unexpectedly came out in advance. It seems that it is time for him to find Yaozihe for revenge.

Mu Qianyue's eyes were stained with coldness.

"Hey, isn't this all being taught by Yaozi? What's the point of having a genius daughter but not being able to raise him? Isn't it a black sheep?" Yaozhi hummed disdainfully.

At this moment, a figure hurriedly walked in. It was the Ninth Elder Yaoziquan, "The Great Elder, the Ten Elder, the Sovereign announced that you two will go over and discuss the matter of Yaoxin's captive Yaozi."

Then Mu Qianyue and Yao Ziqiu came to Yaowangzong’s discussion hall. Twenty elders from the inner door gathered here. Yao Sect Master sat coldly on the upper seat of the main hall. Yaoxin and Yaozihe with pale complexion.

And Yang Qinchun with a sad and crying face, Yao Fei with an expressionless face, and the eight elders who are extremely angry.

Sect Master Yao's gaze fell on Mu Qianyue and Yao Ziqiu who were walking slowly outside the temple, their expressions softened a bit, "Mu girl, how is the retreat recently? What gains have you gained?"

"Thanks to the concern of the Sect Master, it's okay." Mu Qianyue said lightly. The retreat for more than half a year has improved her strength to the realm of the fourth-order **** king. The reason why she has improved so quickly has a lot to do with Lingzhu. .

Otherwise, she would never have such a fast speed.

"Yes! A level of realm in half a year, this speed is indeed very fast." Sect Master Yao showed a touch of appreciation in his eyes.

Both Yaoxin and Yaozihe looked at Mu Qianyue with hatred anger.

"Ziqiu, Mu girl, what do you two think about Yaoxin?" Sect Master Yao asked.

Yao Ziqiu snorted coldly, "You can deal with what you should do, don't be merciful."

"Yaoziqiu, you are clearly falling into trouble!" Yaozihe's expression changed drastically.

"Mu girl, what do you think?" Sect Master Yao looked at Mu Qianyue and asked again.

Everyone's gaze fell on Mu Qianyue's body, and Yao Xin's eyes were filled with envy. She and Mu Qianyue had an enmity, and Mu Qianyue would definitely take this opportunity to shoot herself!

Yang Qinchun looked at Mu Qianyue nervously, with calculations flashing in his eyes from time to time.

"Sect Master, I am just a Keqing elder, and I don't understand the rules of Yaowangzong. However, I think the Sect Master already has the answer in his heart." Mu Qianyue's lips lightly raised.

Sect Master Yao sighed helplessly, this little fox is cunning! It is difficult for her to say anything, but he does have a way to deal with it in his heart.

Mu Qianyue's refusal to express an opinion does not mean that she is afraid of Yaoxin and Yaozihe, nor does she want to help Yang Qinchun, but that she does not want to get involved in their disputes. Whatever they like, they can make trouble. It makes you die and the King of Medicine collapses. It's none of her business.

She only needs the fisherman to profit.

She just likes to solve the opponent in secret, and then get the most benefit.

And watching dogs bite dogs, isn’t it the most exciting thing?

As Mu Qianyue's words fell, everyone couldn't help but once again shifted their eyes to Sect Master Yao, with different thoughts.

"Yao Xin, you are the third young lady of Yao Wangzong, but you have violated the rules of Yao Wangzong. You have repeatedly raised the medicine people in captivity and done such cruel things. Now you have caused Yang Qinchun to miscarry. His behavior is too cruel and vicious, so you are no longer a member of my Yaowangzong from today! Read on the face of your father Yaozihe and your grandfather Yaoning, the master will not abolish your strength, But the medical books you have obtained, as well as all the resources of the King of Medicine Sect, must be kept. You go!"

Sect Master Yao's voice fell, and immediately caused an uproar in the hall.

Everyone looked at Yaoxin with surprise and different expressions.

Yaozi He was shocked when he heard this, and quickly raised his head to look at the Yao Sect Master above, and pleaded, "Sect Master, Xin'er is so young that she would do such a confused thing. On the one hand, it is because I have been thinking about it. She would be negligent to discipline, so that she could do such lawless things! I implore the suzerain to see that our family has been dedicated to the king of medicine for generations, and forgive Xin'er this time! I will spend my life I guarantee that Xiner will never make such a mistake again in the future!"

Yao Xin's complexion was instantly pale and bloodless, she bit her lips tightly, her eyes filled with unwillingness.

No, she cannot be expelled from Yaowangzong. Once she is expelled from Yaowangzong, she is an abandoned person. Not only is she notorious, but she has lost everything, and lost her superior status and status! Besides, this is her home!

"Sect Master, I never thought about raising medicine people in captivity. I made the pill that day. It was Yang Qinchun who wanted the pill and asked me to ask for it, so I kindly gave it to her. Thinking that she had taken it in private, the wicked filed a complaint. Sovereign, I was wronged!" She cried dimly with tears.

"You nonsense..." Yang Qinchun looked extremely pitiful, and his face was full of tears, "Sect Master, you must be the master of me! I was originally the fifth princess of Yunying Kingdom, but Miss Xin said that she was one of the poorest. Yaotong, let me come with her, and said that I saw that I was talented and would like to cultivate me, so I left everything and followed her. But she didn't want any cultivation of me, and she beat me at every turn. , It forced me to take those test pills... and said that I was only worthy to be a humble medicine man... Master Yao Fei pityed me, so he took me in, but I didn’t expect that Yao Xin was still unwilling to let me go. Cruelly hurt the child in my womb..."

"Yang Qinchun, don't talk nonsense!" Yao Xin's eyes were splitting, and she was angry.

"Yao Xin, in front of the lord, do you still want to continue to threaten me?" Yang Qinchun turned his head to look at her, with an angry and aggrieved expression on her face.

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