Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1379: Two perverts

Humph, let her relax her vigilance first, let her be killed by grandpa!

"Really? Anything?" Mu Qianyue twitched at the corner of her lips, looking at her maliciously.

Yao Xin was shocked, and suddenly regretted in her heart. Wouldn't she let herself do that kind of thing?

Suddenly, a majestic and terrifying aura radiated from Mu Qianyue's body, terrifying, pressing like a huge mountain and shrouded in Yaoxin's body.

Yao Xin suddenly found out in shock that she could not move, her delicate face was full of endless anger and fear.

"Mu Qianyue, you bitch, what do you want to do? Let go of me, let me go! If you dare to touch my hair! My grandfather will definitely not let you go!"

"Well, let's talk about it when he leaves." Mu Qianyue's beautiful face appeared with a slight smile.

As her voice fell, a white light flew out of her slender fingers, rushed straight into Yaoxin's eyebrows, and poured into her mind.


Yao Xin only felt a bang in her mind, and a force that did not belong to her broke in, devouring her soul endlessly, and instilling a will that did not belong to her...

She hugged her head in pain with her hands and kept resisting, trying to expel the sudden intrusion, but she was firmly suppressed.

In the end, the light in her eyes slowly faded, and her expression became a little sluggish. After a while, her face gradually returned to normal.

"Master." Yao Xin bowed respectfully to Mu Qianyue and shouted.

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded lightly.

Just now she used God's blood contract to refine Yaoxin into a puppet.

Although Yao Xin had only the strength of an emperor martial artist, she was a Nine Stage Pill Pharmacist anyway, and her talent was good. As long as she was trained and cultivated, her future achievements would not be bad.

The most important point is that if she wants to build a power in the Profound Sky Realm, she must need a pill master of high rank.

So Mu Qianyue changed her mind and instead of killing her, she refined her into a puppet.

At the beginning, she wanted to kill Yaoxin, but after thinking about it, it was more useful to refine her into a puppet. With such a pill master, the development of the power will have financial resources and support, and he can also save a lot of time to practice.

In addition, Yao Xin also got the medical book left by Yao Qing, which will make her alchemy advance by leaps and bounds.

Moreover, ordering Yaoxin to work is also a relief!


"Yao Xin, you should stay here for the time being, practice hard here, and refine some pill when you are fine." Mu Qianyue indifferently ordered.

"Yes, Master." Yao Xin nodded, looking at Mu Qianyue with respect in her eyes.

"En. I have something to do, so I will leave first. I will let you know if I have anything to do." Mu Qianyue turned around and left.

The people coming and going on the street were very lively, and Mu Qianyue walked straight towards the address given by Yaoziqiu.

"Um... Donglai Inn, it should be here."

Among the tall buildings, a banner with Donglai Inn was waving in the wind.


In a luxurious wing room in the backyard of the inn.

"Haha, Dongfang Ao, why are you here?" Yaoziqiu looked at the person in front of him with excitement and smiled heartily.

"Of course I came to see you!" Dongfang Ao Qingjun pulled a touch of arrogance on his face, and he reached out and took a sip of the tea cup on the table, his movements elegant and natural.

Yaoziqiu rolled his eyes disdainfully when he heard this, obviously not convinced, "Why are you bringing a woman to see me?"

As he said, he raised his head and glanced at the woman sitting by the window. The woman was dressed in a pale green dress, white and beautiful, with delicate features, and her big bright eyes were like stars in the sky. She was tall and curvy, and she was a rare beauty, but her face seemed not very good, she had a gloomy face, as if she wanted to eat people.

"A poison master." Dongfang Ao said coldly.

"Poison Master?" Yaoziqiu's eyes widened in surprise, his face filled with curiosity, "Why would you be with a Poison Master? You are a Pill Master!"

His eyes turned around Dongfang Aohe's body, and there was a different breath in his eyes, "You have a traitor~ love!"



The two of them took a sip almost in unison, with contempt and disdain on their faces, they were all the same cold.

"I'm not raping~ Qing! Even the tone and expression of the speech are exactly the same!" Yaozi Qiu hummed, "You call me, isn't it for me to see you two show affection?"

"This woman peeped at me while I was in the shower, and gave me medicine, and then ran away. She just met and caught her." Dongfang Aojun's face was indifferent and cold, and he said coldly.

"Shameless! Who is peeping at you? Just your figure, a cucumber, I need to drug you?" Hearing Dongfang Ao's words, Mo Shang Fengling was so angry that he stood up from his position. Get up, glared, hands on hips, like a little wild cat with fried fur.

Dongfang Ao's face suddenly darkened.

Yao Ziqiu laughed and leaned forward and backward, "Hahaha...I'm so laughing! Dongfang Ao, yours is Gherkin! Hahaha...It's no wonder you haven't married your wife for so many years. No! You said earlier, do you need me to heal you?"

Dongfang Ao had a gloomy face, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the person in front of him, "Aren't you still unmarried? I guess you are a little loach."

At the next moment, Yaoziqiu couldn't laugh anymore, and his smile froze suddenly, full of black lines, and said angrily, "Fart! You are the little loach! Lao Tzu's obviously normal, I just indulged in Dan all my life. I don’t want to get married. It’s so troublesome to marry a woman and go home. If I get angry, I have to coax."

"I think so too." Dongfang Ao said lightly, still sitting in the position indifferently, without feeling guilty about it.

Mo Shang Fengling's mouth twitched fiercely and wiped, are these two perverted men talking about these wantonly in front of her, really okay? When is she transparent?

Ahhhhh! You two had better not fall into my hands, otherwise I will poison you all into little loaches!

Damn Dongfang Pride, he just fell into the water pool accidentally that time, but he insisted that he wanted something wrong with him! Why would she like him? What a narcissist! Hum hum!

Now I am catching myself even more!

Stingy man! !

It's so stingy!

She seems to have forgotten that she had ‘yang~weidu’ to Dongfang Pride...

Hey, it's a pity that I'm not as strong as a human being. I was sealed by this stingy man, otherwise he would not be spared!

Afterwards, Dongfang Ao and Yao Ziqiu also chatted happily, drinking wine, and hanging Moshang Fengchi by the side, their faces black...

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