Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1390: Ten Thousand Flower Cage【3】

She got up with the help of Ouyang Ying, opened her mouth and vomited a mouthful of blood, mixed with dust. She raised her head and her eyes were cracked, and looked at Hua Rong angrily and hate, "Hua Rong, you have committed a crime, not only do you not plead guilty." , It's a big fight against the same clan! It seems that I can only use the Wanhua cage!"

She reached out her hand to wipe the blood from her mouth, her expression became savage, her eyes filled with terrible bloodthirsty killing intent.

"Ten Thousand Flower Cage?" Hua Rong's complexion changed slightly, and there was a trace of dignity in her narrow and beautiful eyes.

Hua Yun squeezed the tactics with her hands, her body flew into the sky, and a ray of light flew from her fingers. Numerous petals of pink, red, purple, blue and other petals were flying around her, flying with her dress, beautiful It was thrilling.

I have to say that all the women on Wanhua Island are as beautiful as flowers, especially the saints, who are as beautiful as fairies.

Hua Yun's appearance is not much worse than Hua's tolerance. At this moment, the scene naturally attracted everyone's attention, and each one was incomparably surprised, as if he had seen a fairy of nine days.

I saw thousands of flowers forming an unbreakable cage in her hands, and heading towards Huarong!

Hua Rong's eyes became cold, and there was a cold chill in her eyes, her palms flicked, and she took out the kaleidoscope tube, pinched the kaleidoscope with her fingers, the majestic true energy gushed out, and she saw the kaleidoscope tube in her hand. A bright and dazzling light burst out from above, and greeted it fiercely towards the shrouded ten thousand flower cage!


In the next moment, the two forces collided fiercely, and the collision produced a bright spark!

The fierce energy drove everyone on the street away, and the roofs turned ashes and dust in this terrible force...

The streets and neat houses that were originally scattered and neatly became disastrous in an instant, as if they had been baptized by war.


Huarong was bounced back under the impact of that powerful energy, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed out of her mouth, and her face instantly turned pale.


The Wanhua cage rushed down like a tiger.

"Rong Er!"

Mu Yan's complexion changed drastically, and a trace of cold light of dark prey surged in the narrow and deep phoenix eyes. When his figure moved, it turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the Wanhua cage.

As the tens of thousands of flowers enveloped her, Hua Rong was pulled out.

But a force rushed behind him, pushing Mu Yan in.


There was a muffled sound.

The next moment, Mu Yan was shrouded in the cage of Wanhua.

"Mu Yan!"

Hua Rong's complexion changed drastically, and the sword light in his hand chopped down and slashed on the cage of ten thousand flowers. The flowers that seemed to be extremely fragile were extremely strong and indestructible. Under the full blow of Mu Yan, there was nothing. Damaged!

"The cage of Wanhua is the artifact of my Wanhua Island, can you tear it apart?" Hua Yun's figure slowly fell from the sky, with a sneer of disdain at the corner of her mouth.

Just now this nasty man dared to kick himself with his feet, and now he is in his own hands, she must severely teach him to torture him!

"Hua Yun, the person you are going to deal with is me, let him go! I'll go back with you!" Hua Rong's expression was cold, turned to look at Hua Yun, and said coldly.

Hua Yun looked contemptuous, and a bloodthirsty cold light surged in her eyes, "What right do you have to negotiate terms with me? He, I want to take it away! You and the pair of wild species will never want to escape!"

"Sister, this ugly woman calls us wild, what should we do?" At this moment, a milky voice sounded behind her.

When everyone looked back, they saw a little boy with a pink jade carving and a little girl who was beautiful as a fairy walk out of the restaurant.

The little boy’s face is exquisite like a knife cut, and his beautiful purple eyes are clear and charming, as if talking. The cold black robe is cut appropriately, which perfectly outlines his small body, which exudes a cold breath. .

The little girl was slightly older, with a faint smile on her beautiful little face, and slowly walked over.

The red dress fluttered in the wind, setting off her white and lovely face even more stunning, charming and unparalleled.

At the age of eight, he is already so beautiful. Can you imagine how upside down all beings when you grow up, causing harm to the country and the people?

The two brothers and sisters were all stunning faces, and they attracted everyone's attention as soon as they appeared.

"Who do you think is an ugly woman!" Hua Yun said angrily with a black face.

"Apart from you the ugliest here, is there anything uglier than you?" Jiujiu stood still in front of her, with her hands around her chest, her beautiful Danfeng eyes lightly raised, looking at her coldly.

"Grandma Hua, you find a way to save Grandpa Mu, this ugliest woman can be dealt with by me and Jiujiu." Nalan Xueling blinked at Huarong, with a cute and smart appearance.

Hua Yun listened to Nalan Xueling and an ugly woman yelling to herself with anger, her face was blue and her body trembled. She missed her beautiful Wanhuadao Saintess, a symbol of fairies, no matter how she looked. Still temperament is one in a million.

No one has ever dared to say that she is ugly, is she obviously beautiful?

These two **** little wild species are as damning as Huarong!

"You two are looking for death!"

Hua Yun's face was savage, and she raised her hand and blasted towards Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu who were not far in front of her.

When everyone saw this, their eyes were filled with unbearable expressions. This Hua Yun was really vicious, and she actually attacked two lovely children!


I'm afraid the two children will turn into meatloaf after this palm!

Although everyone's eyes showed sympathy, no one dared to intervene. This is undoubtedly provoking Wanhua Island. They are just ordinary warriors and families, and they don't dare to be an enemy of Wanhua Island! That is looking for death!

Just when everyone thought that Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu were bound to die, they saw the two of them quickly hid, and two palm shadows fell on the ground, instantly blasting the hard Dali bluestone into two pits!

Everyone sighed and sighed secretly that the two little babies were so lucky that they were avoided like this.

Only Hua Rong knew that this was not luck, but their strength.

She had seen Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu's strength with her own eyes and felt relieved, so she decided not to delay anymore and turned around to rescue Mu Yan who was trapped in the cage of Wanhua.

It's just that the power of the Ten Thousand Flower Cage is too strong, she can't tear it apart with her power, and can't help but feel anxious for a while.

"Rong'er, you go help Xiaoling and Jiujiu, don't let them suffer any harm! I will deal with this Ten Thousand Flower cage myself!" Mu Yan's face was cold, his handsome eyebrows were like a sharp blade, sharp. pressing.

"Okay." Hua Rong thought for a while, nodded, after all, Hua Yun had a cage of thousands of flowers in her hands.

Hua Rong's figure moved and turned around to deal with Hua Yun.

"Grandma Hua, I said you go to help Grandpa Mu, this ugly woman, I can deal with my sister." Jiujiu purple eyes flashed coldly.

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