Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1392: Misunderstanding, leave【1】

"I said he and I are just friends. Even if they are just friends, I won't let you kill the innocent!" There was a chill in Huarong's cold beautiful eyes.

"Heh, will friends be so close? A grandfather Mu and a grandma Hua have become a couple, and they are friends? Do you think I would believe it?" Hua Yun snorted coldly.

A series of pale white rays of light radiated from the bracelet on her wrist. The holy white light was brilliant and bright. I saw the Wanhua cage that imprisoned Mu Yan tightened suddenly, and Mu Yan's body followed Wanhua's cage. Tightened and became slightly twisted.

His complexion was instantly green, slightly deformed!

Hua Rong was shocked when she saw this, and the kaleidoscope in her hand struck the opposite Hua Yun, "Let him go! Otherwise I will kill you!"

"It's impossible to let him go! Just watch him die!" Hua Yun's mouth cast a cold and vicious smile.

Once the power of the Ten Thousand Flower Cage begins to rotate, the people trapped in it will turn into a pool of water and blood in half an hour!

Few can escape from it.

This man is dead, she just wants to look at Hua Rong in pain! This is the fate of her and herself vying for the position of the future island owner!

"Ugly woman, you are looking for death!" Jiujiu's pink face immediately became gloomy, and the beautiful purple eyes contained strong murderous intent, and the whole body was even more icy.

Seeing the fierce Jiujiu, Hua Yun was so scared that she took Ouyang Ying and the others and fled away in panic.

When Jiujiu's anger rushed over, Huayun and his group had disappeared into the air out of thin air, which made the hands under Jiujiu's sleeves clenched up, and the breath on his face became even more cold.

"Grandpa Mu, Grandpa Mu, how are you?" Nalan Xueling rushed to the front of Wanhua's cage, her beautiful face covered with worry.

"I'm okay..." Mu Yan's face was a little pale, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Grandma Hua, do you know how to open this Ten Thousand Flower Cage? Why did they run away without even the Ten Thousand Flower Cage?" Nalan Xueling asked, turning her head to look at the same anxious flower face beside her.

"Without the seven-color kaleidoscope, you can’t open this ten thousand flower cage. Half a quarter of an hour later, if the people in the ten thousand flower cage die, this ten thousand flower cage will automatically disappear and return to the seven-color kaleidoscope chain." Hua Her face was solemn, when she raised her eyes to look at Mu Yan, a layer of mist filled her eyes.

"Mu Yan..."

"Rong'er, don't cry, I won't die." Mu Yan looked at her gently.

"But no one can open the Ten Thousand Flower Cage..." A touch of sadness and despair appeared on Huarong's face. Looking at the handsome face of the man, her heart was filled with distress, self-blame and guilt, it was all her!

If it weren't for her, he wouldn't be locked in a cage by Hua Yun!

Crystal tears rolled down from her face, making Mu Yan's heart tighten, and his eyes looked at her affectionately and tenderly with a hint of excitement.

"Rong Er, are you crying for me?"

This is the first time that Lan'er cried for herself after spending such a long time together after losing her memory!

This means that Lan'er still has him in his heart, right?

"Mu Yan, I always thought I would not fall in love with others, but when I met you, it gave me a familiar feeling from the depths of my soul. When I was with you, I always felt inexplicably relieved..." Hua Rong stared at him, and said seriously.

An excited smile appeared on Mu Yan's face. Even if Lan'er lost her memory, the last person she fell in love with was still herself!

"Mu Yan, if you die, I will come with you! I will not leave you alone on Huangquan Road! But I must kill Huayun first!" Huarong's eyes filled with bloodthirsty and cold killing Yi, she raised her hand to wipe the tears from her face.

"Rong'er, I said I won't die, you guys get away." With a smile between Mu Yan's eyebrows, he stood up, with a confident look flying in his narrow black eyes.

I saw him squeeze the tactics with both hands, "The blood of the blue dragon, the talent is open!"

The tenth-rank perfect bloodline was opened, and a terrifying and powerful coercion enveloped the world.

I saw the momentum of Mu Yan's body soaring instantly, and his hair turned into a bright blood red, and the narrow and deep eyes also turned blood red. The evil charm is domineering and shocking!

The blood-colored armor was all over his body, setting off his slender and cold figure even more majestic and cold.

I saw Mu Yan grabbed the two styles of Wanhua's cage with both hands, and violently pulled it, and suddenly heard a muffled noise, the entire Wanhua's cage was torn in half!

Countless petals flew down in the air, and finally turned into a little light, disappearing.

Hua Yun, who had escaped, suddenly turned pale, and spit out blood with a ‘poof’. There was an expression of shock in her eyes, “Someone broke the cage of Ten Thousand Flowers! How is this possible?”

"Mu Yan!"

Hua Rong looked at the man emerging from the cage with excitement and joy, couldn't help rushing forward, hugged him, and tears kept falling.

Mu Yan stretched out his hand and hugged her into his arms, with joy and satisfaction on his face.

Does he have to thank Hua Yun? Otherwise, Lan'er would not re-accept herself so quickly! Even if Lan'er can't recover his memories for a lifetime, he can't remember their past, their little bit, he doesn't care!

As long as she still loves him, it belongs to him!

Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu looked at the pair of men and women hugging each other with complex and tangled faces.

"Sister, that... Grandpa Mu is also of the Azure Dragon bloodline, will he be our grandpa?"

"In terms of age, it seems to be quite the same, but I don't know if he is from Qingzhou Mu's family..." Nalan Xueling's beautiful white face was full of chagrin. Grandpa and Grandpa asked for the name of Grandpa.

As soon as Mu Yan turned around, he saw two little guys with strange expressions on their faces, and couldn't help asking, "What's the matter?"

"Grandpa Mu, are you from the Xuantian Realm?" Nalan Xueling asked.

Mu Yan shook his head, "I come from another dimension, Tianwu Continent."

Nalan Xueling's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Are you not from Qingzhou Mu's family?"

A look of shock and confusion appeared on Mu Yan's face, "Xiaoling, how do you know Qingzhou Mu's family? Are you two from Huanzhou mainland?"


He had always thought that the two of them were descendants of a big family in the Profound Sky Realm, otherwise the talent would not be so abnormal!

Unexpectedly, they were from the mainland of Huanzhou!

"Because my mother is also of Azure Dragon blood..." Nalan Xueling added.

The light in Mu Yan's eyes flickered, as if thinking of something, his eyes were incredibly big, suppressing the beating heart in his heart, took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on Nalan Xueling and Jiu again. On Jiu's body, "What are the names of your mother and father?"

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