Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1394: Misunderstanding, leave【3】

At that time, her heart was only slightly uncomfortable, maybe she hadn't fallen in love with him yet!

In the rest of the time, they met each other and made her slowly fall in love with him, love his meticulous care, and love him always when danger comes, blocking her for the first time and covering her. Wind and rain, like his affectionate look when he looks at himself, like everything about him...

After a while, she did not hear him calling Lan'er again, nor did she ask.

She thought Lan'er was just a name from the past in his life...

She can also deeply feel his love for her.

So when he encountered danger yesterday, she would only say those confession words when he was dead for a lifetime, but she never expected that when he learned that Xiaoling and Jiujiu were his grandsons, he thought with The two of them reunited with the woman named'Lan'er'...

What's ridiculous is that he has become a family a long time ago, with children and grandchildren...

And he is just a dispensable joke.

She loves him, she doesn't mind his past, but she can't tolerate deception!

At the beginning she thought that the woman named Lan'er was no longer in this world, so she was willing to be with him, but she didn't expect...In any case, she would not be a person who would destroy other people's feelings!

While she was walking in a muddle-headed manner, suddenly a cold mocking voice came from the road on the left.

"Oh, Saint Huarong, why is it that your old friend is dead?"

Hua Rong returned to her senses, turned her head and looked around, and saw Hua Yun and Ouyang Ying and his group walking from the woods on the left. It seemed that they had just passed by here.

Hua Yun had a triumphant smile on her face, her hands around her chest, and a high expression.

At this time, she was dressed very noble and beautiful, and she swept away yesterday's embarrassed appearance like a bereaved dog.

"Let me guess, did he turn into a pool of blood in front of your eyes?" Hua Yun's face was full of triumph. It must be the man who died and turned into a pool of blood. That's why Hua Rong was like that. A heartbroken look.

Otherwise Hua Rong would not come here alone.

Moreover, the strength of the Ten Thousand Flower Cage is unmatched. Could that man's strength be easily broken?

Thinking of this, Hua Yun's face was even more proud.

Hua Rong frowned, because she was in a bad mood, so she didn't want to pay attention to Hua Yun, and continued to move forward.

But obviously Huayun didn’t intend to let her go just like that. When Huayun moved, she stopped her way in an instant, “Hua Rong, you ignore the rules of Wanhua Island, you will meet a man and give birth to the wild. Kind of, I will kill you for the island owner now, with the clear rules of Wanhua Island!"

Without the help of that man and the two weird children today, Hua Rong will undoubtedly die!

For Huarong’s death, she only needs to tell the island owner that Huarong’s private meeting man was caught by her. Huarong resisted and killed his compatriots. With so many charges, the island owner would not hold herself accountable, but instead would Reward yourself.

Besides, there are Ouyang Ying and others beside her. With them'testifying', the island owner will never doubt.

At that time, she will have the opportunity to become the next owner of Wanhua Island!

"Hua Yun, I don't want to do it with you today." Hua Rong's face was calm, and there was a layer of frost on her cold beautiful eyes.

"Huh, what do you mean by not wanting to do something with me? I think you are afraid to take the opportunity to escape, right?" Hua Yun sneered, and said to Ouyang Ying and others beside him, "Give you a chance to do meritorious service, catch her!"

"Yes, Master."

"Yes, Saint Flower Yun."

Ouyang Ying and the eight female disciples nodded and drew out the long swords in their hands with a ‘swish’. The steps under their feet flickered, surrounding Huarong.

The nine people all used their feet to surround the Huarong in the center of the encirclement circle, and the sharp sword light whizzed out, with terrible and ferocious murderous intent!

Hua Rong's expression was cold, and the zombies in her hand were held, and the sharp and ethereal sound of the sword sounded, and an unparalleled sword energy scattered in all directions, like a surging wave, and suddenly all Ouyang Ying and others Sweep out.

One by one was lying on the ground in a panic, blood spilling from their mouths, as if nine of them were seriously injured by Huarong!


Hua Yun snorted when she saw this, she drew out the long sword in her hand with a'swish', and rushed towards Huarong. The long sword in her hand turned into a giant sword more than ten meters long and chopped away. The sharp sword light was just Flying in the air, Huarong felt a thrilling murderous intent.

The dress was blown by the wind, and the ink hair was flying in the wind, which made the beautiful face of Huarong even more cold and elegant!

Like a fascinating and independent purple lotus!

Just when Hua Yun's sword light was about to fall on her, Hua Rong raised her wrist, and the long sword in her hand suddenly greeted her.


There was a loud and clear noise, deafening.

Hua Yun's figure was instantly pushed back by nearly ten meters, and Hua Rong's footsteps shook, but she stepped back a few steps to stabilize her figure.

Hua Yun's face suddenly became very ugly. She and Hua Rong are both the ninth-order emperor, but she is not Hua Rong's opponent. Just because Hua Rong is a metallic physique, her combat power will be 1.5 times higher than his opponents of the same order!

This is enough Huarong to beat herself!

Hua Yun's eyes turned, and a cruel color was revealed in the bottom of her eyes. She raised her wrist again, and the bracelet with a faint seven-color light on her wrist reflected a charming and dizzy light in the mottled light and shadow.

Wanhua prison.

She must use the Ten Thousand Flower Cage to defeat Hua Rong!

It is a pity that there are three Wanhua cages, one was lost yesterday, and two are left now, enough to deal with Huarong.

"Hua Yun, this Ten Thousand Flower Cage must have been assigned to you by the island owner, right? You used it to deal with me, haha, how would you punish you if the island owner knew about it?" Hua Rong looked at him without fear Met her gloomy face.

Hua Yun's face was very ugly when Huarong was hit by the pain. She gritted her teeth, her eyes filled with anger.

Hua Rong was right. The island owner gave her the Ten Thousand Flower Cage for this mission, and the mission had not been completed, so she lost a Ten Thousand Flower Cage. If the island owner knew about it, she would definitely punish her heavily!

So she must not let Huarong go back alive!

"After killing you traitor on Wanhua Island, I will explain to the owner of the island. You don't have to worry about it!"

Hua Yun snorted coldly, and the light on the seven-color kaleidoscope on her wrist narrowed, and she saw a cage formed by thousands of flowers quickly shrouded in Huarong!

It's like a giant net that shakes the sky, and quickly rushed down!

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