Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1410: Nine-Nine Power【1】

"What am I doing?" Hua Yun's eyes widened incredulously when she heard the words, her face was full of anger, "I think you are fascinated by her! Don't forget the serious things!"

"Huh! You don't need to remind!" Yao Ning's eyes burst into anger, "I am a normal man, and you refuse to have **** with me, and now you are not allowed to see other women. You are simply worse than the old lady in my house. Be domineering!"

"You..." Hua Yun's face changed drastically, her delicate face looked slightly hideous, she snorted angrily, turned her head and stopped talking.

Because the voices of the two of them were very soft, others didn't hear them at all, but Ouyang Ying, who was standing behind Huayun, could hear her clearly. Her complexion was blue and white, which was very ugly.

She was adopted by her master since she was a child. For her, the master is not only the master who carefully taught her, but also her mother. Although the master has a bad temper and sometimes beats and scolds her often, the master's status in her heart It is extremely holy, she never thought that the master would be like this.

These days, when Master was with this man named Yao Ning, they were always very ambiguous. Although he hadn't broken through that layer of defense, he had touched everything he should touch.

In desperation, Ouyang Ying didn't dare to look for her master. She often stayed alone in the yard in a daze, so she missed her days on Wanhua Island.

"Master, let's not embarrass them anymore. Let's hurry up to complete the task assigned to us by the island owner, and then go back to Wanhua Island..." Ouyang Ying said weakly.

"Shut up!" Hua Yun looked grim, and coldly roared at Ouyang Ying.

Ouyang Ying turned pale, biting her lips, she really didn't dare to speak any more.

Mu Qianyue raised her brows and looked at the men and women who were facing each other with interest. Before they started fighting, they started fighting, and turned to look at the wind chimes next to Moshang. Man?"

Mo Shang Fengling twitched his mouth and looked innocent, "I didn't do anything!"

Mu Qianyue smiled and looked at her. It was precisely because she had done nothing that she made the opposite Huayun more crazy. At first glance, she knew that Huayun and Yao Ning were good old friends and did not have the status of husband and wife. Just now the two of them whispered softly, but Mu Qianyue could hear clearly, and naturally also heard them with the strength of Mo Shang Feng Chime, Xiao Ling and Jiujiu.

Jiujiu lightly curled the corners of her lips with disdain, and Nalan Xueling's beautiful phoenix eyes were full of mockery.

"What are you still trying to do? Why don't you catch the two little babies soon? Don't you become a god?" Hua Yun narrowed her eyes, and a seductive voice sounded in Yao Ning's ear.

Hearing this, Yao Ning's gaze couldn't help but deepen, and once again fell back to Mu Qianyue and his group. His voice was full of contempt and threats, "The two little babies are homeless people, I want to walk for the sky. Hand over those two little babies, and then you two can go."

The latter sentence was for Mu Qianyue and Moshang Fengling.

It is ridiculous that he is obviously out of his own desires, but he speaks so high-soundingly, it is really shameless!

Mo Shang Fengling sneered at the corner of his mouth, "If you want to take Xiao Ling and Jiujiu away, you have to see if you have that ability!"

Mu Qianyue’s black pupils were full of coldness. She did not hesitate to block Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu behind her. Xiaoling and Jiujiu were her children, even if she was fighting for her life. It won't let Yaoning touch the two of them!

"Huh! What a big breath!" Yao Ning snorted disapprovingly. Just as he was about to start his hands, his complexion suddenly changed, and he reached out his hand to cover his chest, only to feel a strange breath wandering in his body. , The corners of his mouth slowly turned blue immediately.

Hua Yun and Ouyang Ying on the side are the same.

Yao Ning quickly reacted. He raised his head and looked angrily at Moshang Fengling and Mu Qianyue on the opposite side, "You are poisoned?"

Mo Shang Feng Chime’s lips were filled with a cold arc, “Yes! It’s my poison, in order to poison your conscienceless scum! A dignified divine emperor actually attacked two children. Shameless!"

Just now she stretched out her hand and ran her hair and smiled at him. Could it be that she thought she was discharging him?

Oh, it's ridiculous, just to divert his attention!

As a **** emperor and a pill king, Yao Ning was naturally very arrogant, so he was negligent and did not expect that Moshang Windbell would poison him!

"Looking for death!" Yao Ning's face suddenly became cold, and a pair of bloodthirsty and icy chills surged in his eyes. When his figure moved, he rushed towards Mu Qianyue and Mo Shang Fengling.

Lift your palms out, and the two majestic roads are pressing like big mountains!

There was a sharp rubbing sound in the air, and passers-by had already slipped away with oil on the soles of their feet, moving faster than rabbits.

In this continent where Wu is respected, there are often battles in the city, so they have long been used to it.

"Mother, Auntie Feng, let us protect you this time!"

Jiujiu's voice fell quickly.

A small figure flashed out, and instantly flashed in front of Mu Qianyue and Mo Shang Fengling. The two small pink palms bombarded the front without hesitation, heavily bombarding Yao Ning's palm.


With a loud noise, this time Yao Ning was actually forced back dozens of steps by Jiujiu.

But Jiujiu stood still in place like a rock, and the wind blew his clothes, making his small figure look very tall for a moment, like an unattainable mountain!

The delicate and picturesque eyebrows are filled with cold and harsh colors, like a peerless sword out of its sheath!

"Cough cough..." Yao Ning coughed a few times. He didn't expect this result. His eyes were full of anger. Damn it, it must be the poisonous influence that made his strength less than 80%!

Otherwise, how could the kid on the opposite side be able to take this full blow of his own!

Yes, being poisoned and provoked, all this made Yao Ning's heart full of anger!

So he used all his strength in that blow just now, but he didn't know his strength was less than 80%!

Hua Yun's face also showed a look of shock, her eyes narrowed, "No, this is too poisonous, it can even swallow our true energy!"

"Damn it!" Yao Ning clenched his hand into a fist, his face was surging with anger, and his expression kept changing, "Let's go!"

If the trouble continues, the poison in the body will go faster and faster and become uncontrollable. The most urgent task is to find a place to control the toxin, and then find a way to detoxify.

With the strength of his pill king and **** emperor, formulating an antidote is not a difficult task.

The prerequisite is to guarantee that you will not die.

Hua Yun also realized the importance of the matter, nodded in agreement, raised her head and glanced at Jiujiu coldly, "I will let you go this time! Humph!"

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