Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1422: The miserable Ouyang Ying [4]

A word completely calmed Hua Yun, her eyes stared incredibly, and there was a deep jealousy on her face, hateful! No wonder Hua Rong appears here!

It turns out that she actually climbed to Tian Yiheng! No wonder she felt confident when she saw herself!

In fact, she really thinks too much.

Even without Tian Yiheng, Hua Rong couldn't be afraid of her.

"Girl Rong, are you okay?" Tian Yiheng walked to Hua Rong's face and asked gently.

His face was full of concerns and worries, and the gentle expression made Hua Yun on the side look deeply jealous.

Hua Rong is really a vixen! Mu Yan was trying to protect her before, but now even Tian Yiheng is so gentle to her...

By the way, Mu Yan!

Thinking of this name, Hua Yun sneered contemptuously at the corner of her mouth, "Sect Master Tian, ​​I am afraid you don’t know? Hua Rong is not as cold and noble as you think. In fact, she had met men privately before that. A man named Mu Yan, unfortunately, after playing with her feelings, he abandoned her..."

After that, Hua Yun raised her lips to look at Hua Rong triumphantly, and said mercilessly, "I can't think that your movements are really fast. I was abandoned by other men in the first second, but in the second he hooked up with the Sect Master. , You really have a lot of means!"

Hua Rong squinted, and the cold light flashed across her eyes. There was a cold light in her eyes when she looked at Hua Yun, but she did not expect that she would pull Mu Yan in too!

She had a lot of misunderstandings about Mu Yan before, but since the last time Mu Yan came to find herself and told the truth about the matter, she realized that she and Mu Yan were originally married...

So the despair and sadness in her heart have long since disappeared. At this moment, it is useless for Ren Huayun to fight.

Seeing Tian Yiheng's face completely darkened, Hua Yun became even more proud of her face.

Tian Yiheng must have not known these things about Hua Rong before, so he admired her. Now that he knows, will he want her again?

And Hua Yun deliberately said Mu Yan's name in order to let Tian Yiheng understand that she didn't talk nonsense, otherwise she wouldn't even know the name of a man with a good face.

But she said it at this moment, undoubtedly beating Tian Yiheng in the face of the entire Tianmen Sect!

One second before Tian Yiheng also said that Huarong was her person, but one second after Huayun broke out such a thing, it felt like a green hat was buckled in public, making Tian Yiheng's face hard to see. pole.

But Huayun still doesn't know it.

If she had said it in private, Tian Yiheng might not be so angry yet!

"Sect Master Tian, ​​if you have something to say, she is also the saint of Wanhua Island no matter what." Yao Ning squinted, knowing that Tian Yiheng was angry, and quickly persuaded.

Hua Yun didn't know that Yao Ning was interceding for herself, her face was even more proud, "Sect Master, according to me, such a woman deserves to be abandoned, she's too shabby..."

"Shut up!" Tian Yiheng finally couldn't help being furious, staring at Hua Yun with gloomy eyes, "You say one more word, don't blame me for being polite!"

It doesn't matter what Wanhua Island or what is it!

Hua Yun was startled. It seemed that Tian Yiheng would yell at herself. At this time, shouldn't he thank herself for exposing Hua Rong's true face and let him see Hua Rong's hypocrisy?

But Hua Yun was not a fool, she was yelled by Tian Yiheng, her face changed, pale and pale, but she gradually understood, biting her lips, did not speak any more, just a pair of dark eyes.

"Girl Rong, I don't care what happened to your past, I don't care, I believe you." Tian Yiheng's eyes were affectionately and tenderly locked on Hua Rong's body.

Tian Yiheng's touching words immediately moved everyone.

Their suzerain is really affectionate!

I like this woman after all! And believe her!

Hey, yes, their suzerain has always been infatuated, otherwise he would not have never married ten years after his wife died...

Huarong frowned, and under the cold moonlight, her beautiful face was cold and indifferent.

"Thanks to the wrong love of Sect Master Tian, ​​Hua Rong cannot bear it."

A faint sentence was to reject Tian Yiheng's confession.

Tian Yiheng's eyes were full of blue, unpleasant color, **** it! She turned down herself in front of so many people! Who is he? He is the Sect Master of Tianmen Sect, possessing absolute strength and power, she actually refused! It must be for the man named Mu Yan!

It's a pity that he didn't kill him last time! Let him run away!

However, Tian Yiheng didn't show all this. There was a gentle smile on his face, "Girl Rong, don't worry about rejecting me. I know we don't get along for long. I'm willing to give you time to get to know me."

Hua Rong frowned again and did not speak any more.

There are so many people here, it can be considered a face to Tian Yiheng. No matter what, when his birthday passed, she would leave immediately, which was also regarded as his life-saving grace.

Seeing Tian Yiheng's appearance, Hua Yun was so angry that her chest rolled, she really didn't know what was so good about Hua Rong, each of them was fascinated by her!

After disturbing Hua Yun so much, she forgot to look for Ouyang Ying. She didn't think of it until she and Yao Ning returned to the residence, so she went out with Yao Ning and looked for it again.

It's just that they didn't find it for a whole night. In the end, Yao Ning invited Tian Yiheng to unleash the power of the entire Tianmen Sect, and finally found Ouyang Ying on a remote green meadow.

But at this moment, Ouyang Ying had no breath of life.

She was lying pale and silent on the green grass, a scary scarlet wound on her white left wrist appeared in front of everyone...

The grass under the wrist was stained blood red.

Ouyang Ying committed suicide by cutting her wrist.

I heard the amazing news yesterday, and was seen completely by her own father, which seemed to defeat her mind and made her extremely disappointed in this world. She was frustrated and chose to end her life!

When Hua Yun saw this scene, she was completely stupid, and rushed forward as if she went crazy, holding Ouyang Ying's cold body and crying bitterly, looking very miserable.

When Yao Ning saw Ouyang Ying committing suicide, his entire complexion became extremely pale, and countless self-blame and regrets flooded in his eyes. He unexpectedly learned that she was his daughter yesterday, but she died the next day. He died...

Huarong who came later was also shocked when she saw Ouyangying's body, especially when she was proud of her suicide, with a puzzled look in her eyes, how could Ouyangying commit suicide?

"Tian Sect Master, my apprentice has always been well-behaved, and there is nothing wrong with him, but now he died in your Tianmen Sect for no reason..."

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