Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1424: Go to Tianmenzong again [1]


Has he slept for thirteen days?

Hearing this, Mu Yan showed a touch of horror on his face and asked hurriedly, "Where is your mother? Yue'er, has your mother ever been to Yunlai Inn?"

Mu Qianyue frowned, "Is my mother here?"

While nodding, Mu Yan quickly put on shoes, raised his leg and walked outside, "She is in Tianmen Sect."

Mu Qianyue followed him closely, "Mother is in Tianmen Sect? Father, what happened?"

Tianmen Sect? Yao Ziqiu's face is also full of doubts, Madam Mu is in Tianmen Sect? Could it be that this body injury of Mu Yan was caused by the people of Tianmen Sect?

Thinking of this, Yao Ziqiu's face suddenly became cold.

"It's too late to say now, I must go to Tianmenzong immediately!" Mu Yan's face was anxious.

Lan'er said that he would come to the Yunlai Inn in the twelve days, but today is the thirteenth day, Lan'er hasn't come yet!

That day, Yiheng was not a good person at all, but a despicable and shameless villain. Lan'er must have encountered some danger, so she couldn't come! He must go to the Tianmen Sect to save Lan'er immediately!

Seeing the anxious look on Mu Yan's face, Moshang Fengling, Dongfang Ao, Yao Ziqiu and others also knew that something was wrong, so they quickly raised their legs and followed.

Jiujiu and Nalan Xueling also followed behind, and the group quickly went to Tianmenzong!

While on the road, Mu Qianyue asked what happened.

It turned out that the father found the traces of his mother and was rescued by Tian Yiheng, and Tian Yiheng fell in love with her mother, so he fought his father and almost killed him!

Had it not been for his father to have such a powerful blood aura as the Azure Dragon bloodline, he would have been buried in it long ago!

That was the case, his father also chose to burn the true blood of the Azure Dragon to escape.


Yao Ziqiu realized that the woman Tian Yiheng asked him to save was the mother of Mu Girl! At that time, the woman had no vitality. He used the Jinlian Huisheng Pill given by Mu Girl to save her life. Is this considered fate? It's so fate!

But when he learned what Tian Yiheng had done, he was shocked. He didn't even expect Tian Yiheng to be so mean!

He and Tian Yiheng have known each other for more than ten years. He doesn't seem to be someone who can do such things!

This made Yao Ziqiu's heart full of doubts. Could it be that Tian Yiheng's performance was so good that he didn't see it?

In Yao Ziqiu's doubts, everyone quickly reached Tianmenzong.

A quiet and elegant courtyard.

"Tian Sect Master, thank you for your hospitality these days, since your birthday and birthday banquet is over, then I should leave too." Hua Rong said.

"Miss Rong, why don't you stay in this Tianmen Sect, how about building the prosperity of this Tianmen Sect together with me?" Tian Yiheng smiled and looked at him tenderly.

As his Tianmen Sect Master, he was another **** emperor, handsome in appearance and distinguished status, and he could not refuse any woman.

Besides, is he so affectionate to stay?

Tian Yiheng's face also had a lightly confident smile, Hua Rong is a smart person who should know how to choose.

Hua Rong frowned slightly, "Sect Master Tian, ​​I said that the rule of my Wanhua Island is that you can never get married for a lifetime. I also hope that Sect Master Tian will not force it."

Tian Yiheng squinted his eyes slightly, and a look of disapproval appeared on the handsome man's face, "The rules are all set by people, not to mention that if you leave Wanhua Island, even the Wanhua Island team will not be able to control you, if you are willing Stay, you will be in the Tianmen Sect, Mrs. Sect Master!"

Hua Rong frowned, her face already showing a hint of displeasure.

"What's more, what good is it for you to stay in Wanhua Island? Faced with a group of women all day long, pure-hearted and undesirable, living without waves and no fun at all. And in my Tianmenzong, I will give you Thousands of pets!"

"Sect Master Tian, ​​why should you be too hard for you. That's the end of the story, say goodbye." Hua Rong said lightly, flicking his sleeves, turning around and leaving.

It's just that she didn't take a few steps, and was blocked by Tian Yiheng.

Lifting his head to meet Tian Yiheng's slightly gloomy eyes, Tian Yiheng's mouth raised a faint mockery, "You refused to stay, is it because of the man named Mu Yan?"

Huarong feet stepped suddenly.

"Heh! It really is because of him! The rules of Wanhua Island that you can't get married for a lifetime are a lie! You pretended to be so pure and clean, right? Since you can break the rules of Wanhua Island for Mu Yan Distance, why can't you stay for me?" Tian Yiheng stared at her sullenly.

"Not to mention the old rules of Wanhua Island, I don't like you at all, why stay for you?" A thin anger appeared on Hua Rong's face.

Now that he knew it, there was nothing to hide.

To put the matter through, it also saves him from thinking about it, and completely cut off his thoughts.

It was true that he saved himself. There are thousands of ways to repay the grace, and she can't do anything to promise him in order to repay his life-saving grace.

This is absolutely impossible.

It doesn't matter even if he wants her life back, but it is absolutely impossible to want her to stay and marry him!

"Huh! Don't like me? It seems that you like the man named Mu Yan, but it's a pity that he can't show up in front of your eyes again." A cruel and disdainful expression surged in Tian Yiheng's eyes.

Hearing this, Huarong's face changed drastically, "What did you do to him?"

Suddenly, she suddenly remembered that the great battle that shook the entire Tianshan Mountains a few nights ago, the flames soared to the sky, the Tianshan barrier was broken, and Tian Yiheng said at the time that a gang broke in.

The dignified Tianmen Sect is a second-rate force in the Xuantian Realm, how could there be gangsters breaking in? This is simply impossible!

Those rascals would not be so short-eyed! It's like bandits robbing the palace, is it possible?

I actually believed it at the time, but now when I think about it, she knows that Tian Yiheng is lying to her! That night, after Mu Yan met him, it was a coincidence that something like this happened!

And it was getting late, Tian Yiheng deliberately asked himself to play chess...

The only possibility is that Mu Yan from the Tianmen Sect will make a move!

Hua Rong's beautiful face was full of anger, and she looked at the man in front of him with cold disgust, "Tian Yiheng, you are so despicable! What do you do to Mu Yan?"

"Naturally is dead." Tian Yiheng snorted coldly, "This is my Tianmen Sect. He trespassed into Tianshan Mountain without permission and tried to invade the wife of the Sect Master. Naturally, he will be slashed by thousands of swords!"

Hearing this, Huarong's face suddenly turned pale, and Jiaogu could not help but tremble slightly. Did he kill him?

Thousands of knives?

Hua Rong's heart throbbed at the thought of the death of the man who was so gentle and affectionate towards her.

She raised her head and looked at the opposite Tian Yiheng with cold and bloodthirsty eyes, "I killed you!"

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