Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1431: The crisis of Jingyue Pavilion [1]

Seeing her disappearing into the night, Huo Xi shook his head helplessly, the tenderness and pampering in his eyes still for a long time.

After Mu Yan and Jin Yilan stayed in Feibao Building for three days, the two decided to return to the mainland of Huanzhou to see their long-awaited relatives.

Mu Qianyue had no objections, and decided to return with them, just to return to Jingyue Pavilion to see how it was going.

But Nalan Xueling volunteered to stay, saying that he wanted to stay in Feibao Building, and learn how to look at Feibao Building from Huo Xi. Thinking of the strength of God Emperor Huo Xi, Mu Qianyue gladly agreed. Huo Xi is here, so naturally no one can hurt Xiao Ling.

Jiujiu also chose to stay, saying that he was going to retreat and attack the realm of God Emperor.

So the only people who returned this time were Mu Qianyue, Mu Yan and Jin Yilan.

And if Mu Xueying, Chu Tiange and the others came back, they would wait for them to gather in Feibao Building. After dropping this order, Mu Qianyue and the three set out on the journey back to the Huanzhou Continent.

After the teleportation array, Mu Qianyue and the three set foot on the land of Huanzhou Continent.

Feeling the familiar breath, both Mu Yan and Jin Yilan showed excitement on their faces, and they finally came back!

They will soon see their long-lost relatives...

Thinking of this, both of them couldn't help but blush.

Mu Qianyue took the two of them and swiftly headed towards Jingyue City. When she left, Grandpa was guarding Jingyue Pavilion in Jingyue City, and Grandpa would often stay in Linna.


Under the night sky, Jingyue City, which was originally quiet and beautiful and picturesque, was full of flames.

There were chaotic footsteps, shouts, and chaos everywhere.

But the atmosphere in Jingyue Pavilion was solemn as if ink could drip out, and there was a tragic breath in the air.

At this time, Jingyue Pavilion's high-level officials almost gathered here. Twenty elders, two hundred captains, and the disciples were all waiting in the courtyard for orders.

"Elder Black Scorpion, the people of the Xiao family have reached fifty miles outside the city, and they will soon attack the city!" A Jingyuege disciple walked hurriedly from outside the courtyard with a solemn expression on his face.


The black scorpion's rough and handsome face showed an angry look, and his eyes were burning with raging anger.

"The people of the Xiao family are too much! Our Jingyue Pavilion has always kept the water from their wells, but this time we shot our Jingyue Pavilion for no reason. It's really hateful!" Green Scorpion clenched his fists.

"Huh! I'm fighting with them now!" The white scorpion was furious, and he was about to rush out, but was stopped by the black scorpion.

"We sent a letter for help to the Mu family, the Shangguan family, the Bai family, the Ling family, etc., but it seemed like a stone sinking into the sea! These nasty grandsons! We usually look like our Jingyue Pavilion flattering and flattering, not for the sect master. Pills? Now we are facing distress in Jingyue Pavilion, no one can help out!" Hao Yun's face was even more angry.

Hao Yun was encountered by Mu Qianyue when he was in the wild ancient world. At that time, Hao Yun was brutally murdered because he informed her. It was Mu Qianyue who rescued him. After learning from the wild ancient world, he then Joined Jingyue Pavilion, and is now the seventh elder of Jingyue Pavilion, with a strength of the eighth-order emperor.

"This time the Xiao family made a move against us Jingyue Pavilion for no reason. Don't you find it strange?" Qiao Zixian frowned and thought.

Like Hao Yun, Qiao Zixian was a good friend of Mu Qianyue's acquaintance in the wild ancient world. Her strength was the same as Hao Yun, and she was an eighth-order emperor.

It can be said that this kind of strength, looking at the entire Huanzhou Continent, is a rare powerhouse.

But in the face of the Xiao family's attack this time, it didn't seem enough.

Because this time there are several **** kings in the Xiao family!

Her voice immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"What's weird?" another elder asked.

"In the past, when there were any difficulties and dangers in Jingyue Pavilion, the Bai family, Ling family, Mu family, and Shangguan family were the first to come out to help. This time they turned a blind eye, not because they were afraid of the Xiao family! The strength of the Xiao family is at the bottom of the six bloodline families!" Qiao Zixian frowned, analyzing.

"Furthermore, why did the Xiao family have so many more **** kings? If the Xiao family had so many **** kings, it would not be possible to endure it for so many years, presumably the Xiao family would have become the head of the six bloodline families!"

Qiao Zixian's words instantly caused everyone to fall into contemplation.

Yes, this is weird!

But obviously there is no time to give them too much consideration, because the people of the Xiao family will soon arrive in Jingyue City!

"No matter how weird the Xiao family is, we don't have time to guess! Now is the critical moment for our Jingyue Pavilion's survival!" Black Scorpion's eyes were cold and firm. "The master and deputy master are not there, but at the door Before the Lord leaves, let us take care of Jingyue Pavilion! We must not let the door master down! Even if we die, we must protect Jingyue City, protect Jingyue Pavilion, and protect the people in the city!"

"We are willing to coexist and die with Jingyue City!"

The crowd roared in unison.

The neat and loud voice went straight for nine days, circling in the darkness.

The black scorpion raised his hand and signaled everyone to silence. All the voices stopped immediately, and they were completely clean, extremely neat and unified, as if they had been tempered.

"But our Jingyue Pavilion can't die! Now I announce that Qiao Zixian, you will **** the old man with ten people to quietly leave from Nanmen. Hao Yun, you quietly leave from Ximen with your clan genius and elite disciples... Ten elders, You take all the women, girls and children in the door and leave quietly from the north gate." Hei Xie quickly ordered.

His words fell in the crowd and quickly stirred up waves.

Elder Black Scorpion is going to let them leave?

"No! I'm not leaving! I want to stay and live and die with Jingyuecheng!" Qiao Zixian's soft face showed unyielding fighting spirit and determination.

"Qiao Zixian, the old lady is one of the few relatives of the sect master besides Rufeng! Do you want the sect master to see the ashes or tombstones of the old lady?" Hei Xie said angrily.

"But..." Qiao Zixian was taken aback, a trace of sorrow and helplessness surged in her heart.

"It's up to you to protect the old lady! You must protect the safety of the old lady, otherwise, what face do you have to face the master?" Black Scorpion said.

"Yes..." Qiao Zixian's voice weakened, and her hands under her sleeves clenched tightly.

"Elder Black Scorpion, let us stay!" Hao Yun and Elder Ten were very dissatisfied when they heard Black Scorpion's order. Why did he let them go?

He knew that Black Scorpion had planned for the worst and decided to retain a part of Jingyue Pavilion's strength, and the remaining people were no different from waiting here for death!

"Jingyue Pavilion can't die! This is the foundation of the master's hard work!" The fist under the black scorpion sleeves clenched, the veins violent, and the loud voice resounded in everyone's ears...

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