Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1433: The crisis of Jingyue Pavilion [3]

At that time, Shangguan Leng Yi was in a state of irritability, and he was very annoyed by the sudden inquiries of the old man, "Find a genius and find it by yourself, don't bother me!"

It was that when he replied such a sentence, the old man almost broke his neck on the spot.

The reason why the old man didn’t kill him was because there was only Shangguan Lengyi in the mountains and forests, so he saved his life. When Shangguan Lengyi learned of the old man’s deep and terrifying breath, he was scared like a kitten. Dare to cross it?

The strength of the old man may surpass the **** king, like a huge mountain that cannot be crossed!

At first he thought that this old man, a big family, would come out to find geniuses so that he could bring them back to train them, but there was no such master in the Huanzhou Continent!

If there were, those clan sects would have been revealed long ago, let alone hide them.

Afterwards, he answered all the questions raised by the old man carefully. For fear of offending the other party, he stretched out his hand and broke his neck.

After his careful service, let him know a secret, this old man is indeed not from the Huanzhou Continent, but from a higher plane.

A more advanced plane than the Huanzhou Continent, that is only the Profound Heaven Realm!

As soon as I guessed that this old man came from the Profound Heaven Realm, Shangguan Leng Yi was extremely excited. If he could enter the Profound Heaven Realm to practice cultivation, he would have a bright future in the future, and it would be possible to become a God Emperor or God Emperor!

So Shangguan Lengyi waited for the old man cautiously like a dog. Shangguan Lengyi was not a fool. During the conversation with the old man, he gradually learned a message.

This old man didn't come to find any genius to cultivate, but had other goals!

As for what the purpose was, he could not know and guess.

What he has to do is obey the old man's words obediently and just do things according to his instructions.

After learning that the old man was looking for the most genius, not for training, but for another purpose, Shangguan Lengyi attracted the flame to Jingyue Pavilion.

He has not forgotten how Mu Qianyue killed his father and grandfather back then!

As a result, his line has since declined, and he has become a lonely man! All this is caused by Mu Qianyue!

Although Mu Qianyue didn't do anything, she played the most important role. If it weren't for her, grandpa would not die! And he is still a genius of the Shangguan family, and will take over as the patriarch of the Shangguan family, instead of handing it to Huo Xi's waste!

These drifts did not make his hatred disappear, but became deeper!

He knew that this time, his chance of revenge had come!

Mu Qianyue's development has been getting better and better over the years, especially Jingyue Pavilion, which seems to have become one of the upper-class families. Several other bloodline families have come to show their favors, so that he has no chance of revenge, and can only watch Mu Qianyue more and more. The stronger the Jingyue Pavilion is, the stronger it is!

Naturally, he couldn't swallow this breath.

Unexpectedly, God gave him such a great opportunity! Naturally very happy!

What excited him was that it was exactly the same as he had imagined!

When the old man heard about Mu Qianyue's peerless talent, his eyes flickered, and his expression was sometimes vicious, sometimes excited, which was very strange.

"I started practicing at the age of fifteen, and in just nine years, he reached the realm of a **** king, and he was still a ten-pin pill pharmacist... This talent can indeed be called a rare encounter in ten thousand years. Just her, take me there. Find this woman named Mu Qianyue!"

Later, Shangguan Leng Yi took the old man to Jingyue Pavilion, but this group of unconscious things refused to tell Mu Qianyue's current whereabouts.

Of course, ruining the entire Jingyue City with the strength of the old man was a matter of gestures.

But the old man didn't seem to want everyone to know his strength and the things he came from the Profound Heaven Realm.

For revenge, Shangguan Leng Yi deliberately intensified the conflict with Jingyue Pavilion.

The old man relied on his identity and strength to find someone from the Xiao family.

The Xiao family, as one of the six bloodline families, is naturally not to be underestimated. When he heard that the old man was going to deal with Jingyue Pavilion, he was naturally opposed. Jingyue Pavilion is now in full swing, with countless strong people, and is also known for its pill. The Xiao family must temporarily avoid the edge.

But the old man took out a few pills at will, and the three elders of his Xiao family became the powerhouse of the **** king level!

It is also the fact that several elders in the family have reached the intermediate realm of Emperor Martial Artist!

Knowing the strength and methods of the old man, the Xiao family naturally did not dare to resist.

What's more, the help of the old man made the strength of the Xiao family the first of the six bloodlines. The Xiao family was extremely happy, and of course he did not dare to defy the old man's instructions.

So there was this scene before me.

"It's just a group of ants. Since they refuse to cooperate, kill them all." A faint coldness flashed in the old man's muddy eyes, his face was as calm as a calm lake, and his whole body was very plain. It's palpitating and scary.

Hearing this, Shangguan Leng Yi was overjoyed, but the expression on his face turned hideous. He raised his head to look at the opposite Black Scorpion and others, "Did you choose how to die?"

"If you want to kill, kill! We in Jingyue Pavilion are not afraid of death!" one person said angrily.

"Yes! If you want to kill us, even if you fight for your life, it won't make your Xiao family feel better!"

"You grandchildren, let them go if you have the ability!"

The members of Jingyue Pavilion roared.

However, Shangguan Lengyi didn't seem to be in a rush to attack, and the corners of his lips raised a faint mockery, "You are determined to die, so that you want to help those people have more chances to survive? It's a pity, your plan is doomed. Failed."

Hei Scorpion and the others changed their faces when they heard this, especially the black Scorpion. His eyes were round and his canthus was splitting, and his eyes burned with raging anger and disbelief, "What did you say?"

"Isn't it clear what I said? Soon the bodies of those people will be thrown in front of you. This is the end of your disobedience to my master's orders!" Shangguan Leng Yi snorted coldly.

At this moment, how could Black Scorpion not understand the meaning of his words?

"Go! Go and support them!" Black Scorpion yelled, no longer staying, and turned around with everyone.

He never expected that the Xiao family would be so ruthless, so rushing to kill, and even sending someone to contain the old man and those women and girls...

Once they are caught by the Xiao family, then they will only die!

Especially when he thought of the old lady, their wives and children being mercilessly and cruelly slaughtered, the hearts of Hei Xie and others trembled involuntarily.

It is said that misfortune is not good for his wife and children, but the Xiao family is so cruel! So mean, so ruthless!

What a shame! !

It's just that Black Scorpion didn't take a few steps before they were blocked by three figures falling out of thin air.

These three are the elders of the Xiao family, with deep and strange strength, and unparalleled strength!

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