Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1442: Family reunion【2】

Mu Hong was stunned. He raised his head and looked at the man who was calling. He suddenly stunned in place, as if he was nailed by a nail, and could no longer move.

His gaze fell tightly on the familiar face that was somewhat similar to himself, his eyes turned red in an instant, and his vision gradually became blurred.

His upright body suddenly trembled...

"Father! It's a child who is not filial!" Mu Yan strode forward, with red eyes, walked up to Mu Hong, bent his legs, and knelt down to him.

"Father! My daughter-in-law is not filial, she is back now..." Jin Yilan knelt beside Mu Yan, her eyes red, and her voice choked.

"Are you really Yan'er? Lan'er??"

Mu Yan trembled more severely, and tremblingly stretched out his hand to help them both.

"Father, it's me. Lan'er and I are back." Tears shed on Mu Yan's face, and Jin Yilan cried like a tearful person.

"Just come back, just come back, just come back..." Mu Hong said three times in a row, it was obvious that he was so excited that he couldn't even say anything else.

"Grandpa, father, mother, this is not a place to talk, let's go back first, let's talk!" Mu Qianyue stepped forward. This is the gate of the city. Although it is night, there are no people around, but some members of Jingyue Pavilion It's all there, it's a bit bad.

"En En En! Go home, go home..." Mu Hong nodded repeatedly.

Then the group returned to Jingyue Pavilion.

Although there was a big battle in Jingyue City, the battle was in the city, not in Jingyue Pavilion, so everything in Jingyue Pavilion was intact.

Everyone is also busy.

Inside the house

Mu Hong's face was upright and solemn, and his eyes looked slightly angry at Mu Yan and Jin Yilan, "Kneel down!"

With a cold drink.

Mu Yan and Jin Yilan knelt down without hesitation.

"Since you have been safe and sound, and have reached the realm of the God Emperor, why have you not returned all these years? If Yue'er doesn't look for you, will you not come back for the rest of your life? Or think you are already the God Emperor , I don’t need this bad old man, let alone Yue’er and Feng’er? In that case, what are you doing back now? You can get out!"

Mu Hong drank coldly.

When he was at the gate of the city before, he saw them two and saw that they were still alive, he was naturally extremely happy.

After returning to the Jingyue Pavilion, Mu Hong became more and more angry, so angry that his body couldn't help but tremble, and sat down on the chair, panting, as if he was very angry.

I thought the two of them had encountered some danger and couldn't go back to their home, so they couldn't come back.

Unexpectedly, the two of them are gods! Even in the Profound Sky Realm, he is considered a first-rate master, for 24 years, he has never returned! !

Fortunately, he still thinks about both of them all day...

Mu Qianyue didn't say much about Mu Yan and Jin Yilan, but only roughly said the strength of the two of them. Many things were explained by them to Grandpa in person.

Mu Rufeng, Tong Xiaoxiao, and Mu Qianyue were guarded in the yard and did not dare to enter the house.

The old man is mad, who dares to be in trouble?

Besides, Lao Tzu teaches his sons and daughters-in-laws. Those who are grandchildren, granddaughters, and granddaughters are even less qualified to enter.

"Father, don't be angry, it's our fault. If you want to beat or scold, we are willing to receive punishment. If you break your body, it will be bad..." Jin Yilan saw that Mu Yan was very angry. Kneeling forward quickly, stretched out his hand to gently stroke his chest, smoothly.

"Lan'er, get up first. I know you have always been filial. This stinky boy must not want to come back!" Mu Hong stretched out his hand to help Jin Yilan.

He is still very satisfied with this daughter-in-law.

Back then, under the intimidation of the Mu family, she did not fear, let alone give in, but vowed to the death to defend the general mansion.

It's a pity that they almost fell. If her father Jinlong hadn't taken the shot, they would have died.

Jin Yilan shook her head and did not get up, "Father, it is my fault. Everything is my idea. If you want to punish me, punish me!"

"Father, when we accidentally arrived at the Profound Sky Realm, we didn’t want to come back, but we were weak and couldn’t come back at all. To come back, we must have the strength of a **** king to pass through the space tunnel. Lan'er and I practiced day and night. It took a full fourteen years to finally reach the realm of a **** king from a warrior king, and also create our own power Feibaolou."

Mu Yan looked like a torch and slowly said, "Just as we came back, we accidentally inquired about the news that a force in the Profound Heaven Realm named Biyu Temple was also inquiring about the whereabouts of Tongtian Tower. Because we don't know Qingzhou Mu. Did the family obey the Biyu Palace’s orders before they act on us, so we dare not come back! Even the Biyu Palace is one of the best in the Profound Sky Realm, and there are even more powerful people at the Divine Emperor level!"

"Lan'er and I were afraid of the recurrence of the things back then, so we never dared to come back... This time I couldn't help it, so I wanted to come back and have a look. I didn't expect that the people in Biyu Palace had already attacked Jingyue Pavilion... "

Hearing Mu Yan's words, Mu Hong knew that he had misunderstood the two of them. It is said that this time he was going to slaughter Jingyue Pavilion and the person who took him was a **** emperor. He did not expect that he was from the Biyu Palace of the Profound Sky Realm!

It is precisely because Hei Scorpion and others want to make their escape smoothly, so they let Ye Hanqing **** them away, but Hei Scorpion and the others stayed to fight...

Mu Hong sighed heavily and stretched out his hand to support the two of them, "Get up, I have misunderstood both of you."

Only then did Mu Yan and Jin Yilan dared to get up.

Father and son, daughter-in-law, the three have not seen each other for more than 20 years. Naturally, there is a lot to say. Mu Qianyue, Mu Yan, and Tong Xiaoxiao did not bother, but the three of them sat in the yard for a whole night and had a long conversation. .

Since Mu Qianyue went to the Profound Sky Realm, Mu Yan and Tong Xiao Xiaoxi traveled all over the Huanzhou Continent, and they also rushed through hundreds of thousands of mountains and gained a lot of opportunities. That's why Mu Yan's strength has grown so fast. Already the third-order **** king.

Originally, his domain was just to increase strength, but in a life-and-death danger, he realized a speed domain, and now it is also a dual domain.

In this field, he can give people the speed and strength at will, and this field is also very against the sky.

"By the way, Yue'er, guess who did I meet when I went out to practice this time?" Mu Yan asked.

"Who? I know?" Mu Qianyue's eyes were stained with doubt, otherwise he would not say that.

"It's Nalanye!" The corners of Mu Yan's lips raised lightly, "I also saw him pestering that young lady of Yunzong..."

"Yun Shang?" Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed.

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