Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1451: Killing the King of Medicine【5】

Mu Qianyue was unaware of the threat of the two of them, her phoenix squinted lightly, her sharp edge swept at Yaoning and Yaozihe like a sharp sword, "You will destroy my Feibao Building and kill my subordinates. Now, should the wicked sue first?"

"Humph! If it wasn't for you to tie up my Xin'er, we wouldn't make trouble! It's obviously your vicious mind!" Yaozi He said angrily.

"Heh...really?" Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with a sneer, "Have you ever asked Yaoxin, when did I tie her?"

"Father, grandpa, the master didn't tie me, everything is my voluntary!" Yao Xin raised her head and said calmly, so angry that Yao Zihe and Yao Ning's expressions changed drastically, extremely ugly.

"Sect Master, look, what we say doesn't work, Mu Qianyue said ten sentences against us. It wasn't that she manipulated Xin'er with Gu art? The poison master should be blamed on everyone!" Yaozihe was furious.

"Sect Master, if you refuse to uphold justice for us, we can only do it ourselves!" Yao Ning's eyes narrowed lightly, with a strong threat in his eyes. This is the King of Medicine Sect. She thought she could bring two people up. Kill yourself?

Heh...she really thought she was the tenth elder of Yaowangzong?

His lineage has lived in the Medicine King Sect for more than a hundred years, and has been a member of the Medicine King Sect for generations. From their surname Yao, it can be seen that they have a high status in the Medicine King Sect!

And they have a very wide network of people in Yaowangzong, and there are hundreds of children under their line.

Mu Qianyue and the three of them dared to rush forward, really looking for death!

"You want to injure my father-in-law? You want to take my sons and daughters?" Nalanjing's purple eyes narrowed lightly, her cold eyes fell on Yao Ning's body, and her voice seemed to be moist with cold bones. Breath.

Yao Ning's expression changed slightly. He looked at Nalanjing on the opposite side, and the corners of his mouth made a mockery, "Which green onion are you? You dare to talk to me like this?"

Just a handsome little white face!

Sect Master Yao's complexion suddenly changed when he heard the words, and his eyes glared at Yao Ning, "What? Are you still fighting against Mu Yatou's family?"

Although it was the first time he saw Nalanjing, from the eye contact between Nalanjing and Mu, we could see that the relationship between the two of them was unusual. Now that he heard Nalanjing's words, he could be sure The husband and wife relationship between them.

It's just that I didn't expect that girl Mu would actually get married and have a pair of children, which is really a pity!

Yao Ning's face sank, and he said stiffly, "They don't have eyes and they offend me!"

"Sect Master, today this is the grievance between me and Yao Ning, and I hope you don't interfere!" Mu Qianyue's eyes were filled with anger, and she swept towards Yao Ning coldly.

Sect Master Yao was very depressed. One told him not to interfere, and the other threatened him. His Sect Master was really embarrassed!

"Lady, let me deal with these people. You can just watch them from the side. Don't worry, I won't be soft-hearted!" Nalanjing stretched out her hand to put on Mu Qianyue's shoulders and motioned her not to get angry.

This villain dared to move his father-in-law and his mother-in-law, but also wanted to take his children for research, and didn't kill him with his own hands. How to solve the hatred?

"Tiange, you are not allowed to do it." After saying that, he ordered Chu Tiange again. Chu Tiange, who originally wanted to perform well, had to curl his lips and retreated to Mu Qianyue's side.

Needless to say, the fate of these two people with the master's shot, it must be miserable.

Yao Ning's mouth was sneered with disapproval, "Don't be afraid of flashing your tongue!"

Not to mention that this is the King of Medicine Sect, just by his own strength, he is already a Tier 9 Divine Emperor! If he hadn't been conspired last time, he would be the **** emperor that everyone awed, how could he fall to the ninth-tier **** emperor? All of this is Mu Qianyue's fault!

Mu Qianyue is really his nemesis!

Not only did she cause Xin'er to be expelled from the sect, but her parents and children also forged enmity with herself!

So this hatred is deep, it is absolutely impossible to easily resolve it, and Yao Ning does not intend to resolve it.

Looking up at Nalanjing, who was looking cold, the sneer on Yao Ning's face became more and more wide, and he congratulated Yaozi, "Son, you go kill this arrogant kid!"


Yaozihe nodded, his chin was lightly raised, and the expression on his face was triumphant and contemptuous. He rushed towards Nalanjing when he moved, but he was kicked out mercilessly before he even touched Nalanjing's clothes. , Fell severely at the foot of Yao Ning.

"Puff puff……"

Yaozihe's face was instantly pale as paper, and blood spurted out of his mouth with a mouthful of blood. His chest sank deeply, and a huge footprint appeared on his chest.

Obviously, Nalanjing's foot directly trampled him on, dying, lying on the ground and rolling his eyes, as if there was less air intake and more air out.


Yao Ning's face changed drastically, and he could no longer maintain the arrogance and sneer on his face. He exclaimed and hurriedly took out a few of the best healing pills and fed him, but unfortunately there was no reaction at all, and the blood still seemed unnecessary. Money usually poured out of his mouth.

The next moment, I saw Yaozi He head crooked and died.


Yao Ningxuan's eyes were splitting, and his eyes were filled with raging anger. He didn't seem to expect Nalanjing's strength to be so powerful that he would kick his son! How can I say that Zihe has the strength of a ninth-order emperor warrior! !

He was kicked to death like this!

Sect Master Yao was also stunned, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes when he looked at Nalanjing. The strength of this white man was so terrible! He didn't even think that Nalanjing would kill if he didn't agree with him!

This was something he hadn't expected. It was too late to stop him. He could only watch Yaozihe die in front of him.

"Ah! You beast, I'm going to kill you and smash you into ten thousand pieces!" Yao Ning came back to his senses, and his eyes were completely red. He never expected that he would kill the medicine because of a word of his own. He Ge was killed!

If he could kick him to death, how could the man in white clothes also have the strength of a senior **** king or **** emperor!

But he obviously looks so young!

A look of disdain surged in Nalanjing's glass-like purple eyes, "It is easy to let him die with one kick. However, you will not be so lucky!"

"Animal! You are looking for death!" Yao Ning roared and charged up.

The peak strength of the ninth-order **** emperor was all revealed at this moment, with a menacing, majestic and terrifying vibe.

Like an eagle, he rushed forward in anger, but he was kicked out before he even touched Nalanjing's clothes, and he was seriously injured in an instant!


Yao Ning also spouted a mouthful of blood, and his face was instantly pale, but he did not die, but was seriously injured...

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