Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1467: The secret of Nalan Xueling

"I also know this, but I don't know how to modify this sword technique. I'm afraid it will be more troublesome to change it, and it will make its power greatly reduced. And this sword technique I follow my hands. Created by Frost Sword." Mu Ruke said.

"En, it is true." Mu Qianyue nodded in agreement.

It is obviously unrealistic to let Mu Rutian change his cultivation method now.

Changing the practice method means that everything needs to start again.

"You can incorporate the power of the Azure Dragon bloodline into the sword technique. In this way, the power of the sword technique will be doubled and the power will be greatly increased."

"Incorporate into the blood of Qinglong? I thought about it before, but I couldn't do it." Mu Ruke shook his head.

Mu Qianyue's lips twitched lightly, "I can teach Fang to you."

Mu Ru can hear the words and be overjoyed, again and again.

Then Mu Qianyue taught Mu Ruke how to impart the power of the Azure Dragon bloodline.

Now that Mu Ruke can be said to be hers, she naturally doesn't need to be stingy, let alone hide it.

Finally, Mu Qianyue told Mu Ruke his views and opinions on swordsmanship again, which made Mu Ruke's eyes bright.

Soon Mu Ruke was immersed in the swordsmanship, fascinated...

When Mu Qianyue saw this, she turned around and walked towards the courtyard next to her without disturbing her.

Encountered Luo Zhengqing on the road.

"Miss, Elder Huo is back."

"Oh? Where is he?" Mu Qianyue's eyes lit up.

"In Xiyuan, the little lady is playing chess with him." Luo Zhengqing replied.

The little lady was naturally referring to Nalan Xueling.

"Oh." Mu Qianyue nodded, and walked towards Xiyuan.

In the courtyard, two figures, one in red and one in pink, sat at the stone table.

There is a black and white jade chess on the stone table.

The Albizia tree next to it is in full bloom, with pink petals and clusters of flowers, blowing in the wind, fluttering and falling on their hair, shoulders, clothes...

The beauty is like a picture scroll.

A pink dress set off Nalan Xueling's white skin even more blew and breakable, as if it were fat.

She held a white jade in her tender and cute little hand and landed it on the chessboard, which was clearly and distinctly killed.

Then he raised his slap-sized face, raised his lips and smiled, revealing a neat row of cute little shell teeth.

"Uncle Huo Xi, it's your turn."

"It seems that Xiao Ling's chess skills have improved a lot." Huo Xi sighed, and his slender fingers grabbed the black jade in the jade cup and dropped it.

Only then did he look up at Nalan Xueling, a gentle smile appeared on his handsome face.

There is a little tenderness in the evil peach blossom, "It's you."

A pink petal fell on the chessboard.

Huo Xi and Nalan Xueling couldn't help but stretched out their hands to pick up the petal.

Huo Xi's movements slowed down for a while, and became a hand that held Nalan Xueling.

Huo Xi took it back with a faint expression, and there was no wave on his face.

Nalan Xueling's lovely face did not have a trace, as usual, but there was a flash of shyness in those slightly drooping eyes.

"Uncle Huo Xi, who do you think will win this round?" Nalan Xueling pressed down the beating heart in her heart, pretending to look at the man in front of her with a relaxed and indifferent expression, and asked with a smile.

"Who wins and who loses will be the final word." Huo Xi smiled, his eyes rested on the chessboard, "It's your turn."

The scene of the two playing against each other is as beautiful as a watercolor painting, quiet and harmonious.

Outside the courtyard, Mu Qianyue puts her hands around her chest, leaning faintly against the courtyard wall, the corners of her mouth rise, and there is a touch of deep meaning in her bright black eyes.


The moment Xiao Ling lowered his head, the shyness flashed in his eyes, but it did not escape her eyes.

And Huo Xi didn’t realize it, because Huo Xi didn’t even think that Xiao Ling would like him. In his heart, he always treated Xiao Ling like a daughter...

So when their hands accidentally touched, they didn't feel anything.

But Mu Qianyue was a woman, and she saw a hint at a glance.

Does Xiao Ling like Huo Xi?

As soon as this idea came out, Mu Qianyue felt a little uneasy.

His eyes narrowed slightly, it seemed that Xiao Ling liked Huo Xi, and there was nothing wrong with it...

Forget it, don't worry about these problems.

The two sides are willing to like each other, and Huoxi people are very nice.

If they are really together, there is nothing wrong...

As long as Xiao Ling likes it, as long as Huo Xi likes it, she has no opinion.

After thinking for a while, Mu Qianyue turned around and left without taking two steps to meet the oncoming Nalanjing.

The man is dressed in white clothes like snow, walking slowly, and walking in the soft breeze like a leisurely garden.

But the speed was extremely fast, and she arrived in front of Mu Qianyue in the blink of an eye.

"Jing, why are you here?"

"I'm looking for Huo Xi." Nalan Jing said lightly.

"Well, he is playing chess. How about we come back later?" Mu Qianyue took his arm.

The man's handsome brows lightly raised, a dangerous light appeared in his eyes, and his thin lips lightly opened. "Why stop me? Is there a secret in it?"

"" Mu Qianyue shook her head.

Nalanjing looked at her suspiciously, with a clear look of unbelief.

Mu Qianyue whispered her mouth silently, "Then you go in."

Sometimes the more you hide and stop, the more curiosity in people's hearts will be aroused.

So Mu Qianyue didn't stop him anymore.

Nalanjing took Mu Qianyue's hand and walked into the courtyard.

At a glance, he saw the two chess players in the yard, and there was peace in his purple eyes like glass.

Turning his head to look at Mu Qianyue, his eyes were obviously puzzled, and he seemed a little puzzled. The two of them were just playing chess. Why did he stop him from coming in? Is there any hidden secret?

"Uncle Huo Xi, I won again!" Nalan Xueling clapped her hands excitedly, smiling like a flower, brilliant and beautiful, "Uncle Huo Xi, what you just said, as long as I win you once, you will agree. I have one request!"

"What I promised will count. Come on, what do you want?" Huo Xi raised his eyes and looked at the elf-like little girl in front of him.

A red dress like a fire, in the pale sunshine, it seems that a mist of golden light is trapped in a cage, the evil charm is alluring, bewitching people's hearts.

Especially that pair of evil and enchanting peach eyes, in the rain of petals flying all over the sky, seemed even more thrilling.

"Um... I want Uncle Huo Xi to laugh often. Uncle Huo Xi is the most beautiful when he laughs." Nalan Xueling thought for a while.

"Well, this is the first request." Huo Xi smiled helplessly.

The shallow red lips are lightly raised, like acacia flowers flying all over the sky...

The evil and beautiful smile eclipsed the blossoming trees.

"Um...Uncle Huo Xi, you can only smile to me, not to other women." Nalan Xueling frowned slightly and added.

Huo Xi was slightly taken aback, "Why?"

"Because you look so beautiful when you laugh..."

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