Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1474: Looter【3】

"En. Where is your medicinal material library?" Mu Qianyue asked.

"What are you doing in the medicinal material library?" Bi Dongyu looked at her warily.

Mu Qianyue rolled her eyes unhappily, looking like an idiot, "Doesn't I need medicinal materials for treatment? Do I still need to pay for it?"

Bi Dongyu's face became stiff, "Just tell me what medicinal materials you want, I'll send someone to get it."

"Bi Dongmo, I will ask you if this disease is not cured? That's how your Biyu Palace treated me? That's how you suspected me?" Mu Qianyue frowned dissatisfied.

"This is the token of the medicinal material library. You hold it. You can get whatever medicinal material you want from it." Bi Dongmo flicked his palm, and directly took out the token of the medicinal material library and handed it to Mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue unceremoniously reached out to take it, and nodded in satisfaction. This Bi Dongmo was considered a master, and he gave him a little pressure.

In her opinion, the reason why Bi Dongmo is so easy to talk about is because he feels ashamed to Yu Fen before...

With his guilt towards Yu Fen, it was really convenient to act.

After taking the token, Mu Qianyue was not polite, pointing at Bi Qiyan and Bi Xiaotong and said, "You two will go with me to the medicinal material storehouse and get me the medicinal materials."

Seeing Mu Qianyue instructing her son and future daughter-in-law to do work, Bi Dongyu turned pale with anger, her body trembled, and she was about to get angry, but when she thought about it, the presence of the two of them would naturally stop this woman. Swallow medicinal materials!

If Mu Qianyue's side is not followed by anyone, who knows if she will take the opportunity to empty the medicinal material warehouse?

Thinking about it this way, Bi Dongyu stopped talking, and didn't refute. Instead, he said, "You two go with her."

Bi Dongyu was so sensible suddenly that Bi Dongmo was surprised.

"Husband, if Tong'er's disease can be cured, it doesn't matter if we spend more medicinal materials. We have medicinal materials in Biyu Palace." Bi Dongyu smiled softly at him.

Bi Dongmo nodded in agreement, "Just figure it out. Yu'er, don't always fight against Yu Fen, maybe she can really cure Tong'er's disease. My affairs with her are in the past. Don’t worry about it anymore."

"Well, husband, I understand." Bi Dongyu laughed, but a flash of anger flashed through his eyes, and he said that it was a thing of the past with her? One mouth is to speak for her!

Had it not been for this woman to use it, she would have driven her out of Biyu Palace!


Under the leadership of Bi Qiyan and Bi Xiaotong, Mu Qianyue left the hall and walked all the way to the southeast.

"Tong'er, are you getting better lately?" On the road, Bi Qiyan turned her head to look at Bi Xiaotong beside her and asked, staring at her tightly with worry hidden in her eyes.

"Brother Yan, I'm fine." Bi Xiaotong gave him a faint smile.

Hearing this, Bi Qiyan's eyes lit up and she couldn't help but stretched out and held her hand, "Tong'er, you are finally willing to call me Brother Yan..."

"Brother Yan, I'm sorry, those words before, it was not me...I didn't mean it, I also couldn't help myself, I couldn't control myself..." Bi Xiaotong's eyes were filled with tears and apologetics.

She sobbed her lips, but she didn't say the rest.

Because she didn't know how to say it.

"I know, those words are not from your heart." Bi Qiyan squeezed her hand.

Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at Mu Qianyue beside him, "Master Yu, do you see something?"

Mu Qianyue did not answer, "What do you know?"

There was a complicated and tangled expression in Bi Qiyan's eyes. After a long while, he seemed to have made some difficult decision, "Master Yu, I was rude to you before, please don't mind. As long as you can cure Tong'er's disease, You can let me do anything."

"Brother Yan..." Bi Xiaotong's eyes flashed with tears, and Chu Chu looked at him pitifully and moved.

"Tong'er, you know, no matter what I do for you, I am willing." Bi Qiyan's eyes were full of affection.

"You two don't want to show affection here." Mu Qianyue looked at them both with ugly eyes.

What about when she is dead?

"Master Yu, what did you mean by the lack of soul?" Bi Qiyan asked suddenly.

"Her soul is incomplete, and of course she can't control her body, and her temperament has changed drastically." Mu Qianyue said casually.

Since Bi Xiaotong is unwilling to tell the matter, there is a reason for Ning. Then she wouldn't say it casually.

Bi Qiyan frowned, and shook his head, "It's not like this. The lack of soul shouldn't be like this, but it will reduce intelligence, just like a child, severe cases will become idiots..."

As he said, his deep gaze fell on Bi Xiaotong again, "But Tong'er's symptoms are a big change in temperament, like two people with different personalities, like two souls living in her body... I suspect that Tong'er was taken away!"

Mu Qianyue's eyes were stained with surprise, she looked at him in a little surprise, but he didn't expect him to see it!

Bi Xiaotong also looked at him in shock, her red lips slightly opened, "Brother Yan, how did you know?"

"Sure enough!" Hearing Bi Xiaotong's words, Bi Qiyan knew that his guess was correct. His eyes couldn't help but a touch of distress overflowed, and he reached out to touch her face, "Silly Tong'er, what happened so big? Why didn't you tell me earlier? Instead, you have to bear it alone?"

"Brother Yan, I won’t say it out, but I’m afraid that the Lord and Madam will help this looter, because her strength and talent are too strong. Once I succeed in seizing my body, she will completely integrate with me and be promoted to God..." Bi Xiaotong's eyes showed a helpless and painful expression.


That is beyond the existence of the **** emperor, it is the highest level and the highest strength of the entire Profound Sky Realm! !

Since the appearance of a **** in Biyu Palace thousands of years ago, no **** has appeared, and even the Biyu Palace has declined a lot.

After all, the gods are too sensational, too shocking!

It is inevitable that Bi Dongmo and Bi Dongyu will not abandon her for the sake of the looters...

If Biyu Palace had a god, it would definitely become the head of the six sects, and command the Profound Heaven Realm!

With such a good opportunity, how could the Lord and Elders be willing to give up?

So she can't say.

Bi Qiyan naturally understood the meaning of her words all of a sudden, and her face couldn't help but become hard to look like a sigh.

This is also the reason why Bi Xiaotong has been hiding, and has been silently bearing it without saying it!

"Your personality has become very strange recently. We grew up together. I understand your affection for me. But recently, you have been hot and cold towards me... I was sad and confused, and felt suspicious. I went to Zangshu Pavilion and checked a lot of books, and finally I found a book. Your symptoms are similar to those of Deprivation. But I'm not sure..." Bi Qiyan's eyes were filled with distress, and she pressed her tightly. In his arms.

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