Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1482: Mandatory retention [1]

But as an outsider, she couldn't intervene in the affairs of Biyu Palace at all, and she was not as strong as others...

As far as Mu Qianyue knew, the ancestor of Biyu Palace was over three hundred years old, and it was said that his strength had reached the realm of a high-level **** emperor, which was terrifying.

It is not an exaggeration to say that just blowing a breath can kill the people below the **** king.

What can you do if such a person finds Bi Xiaotong?

Besides, I haven't looked for Bi Xiaotong for so many years, but now I suddenly look for her...

Although Bi Xiaotong had infinite doubts in her heart, she still followed Bi Qiyan and came to the peak where the ancestors, elders, and others lived. It was another mountain opened up. It was extremely quiet and there were almost no people. Come, so that the ancestors and those super elders can retreat with peace of mind.

There is only one huge yard on this mountain called Taishang Garden.

From a distance, I saw a figure standing in front of the courtyard, it was Bi Dongmo.

"Tong'er, you are here." Bi Dongmo greeted Bi Xiaotong when he saw Bi Xiaotong coming. Bi Xiaotong nodded and called the hall master.

"Tong'er, go in, I'll wait for you here." Bi Qiyan stretched out her hand and gently brushed her hair.

Bi Xiaotong nodded, and followed behind Bi Dongmo into the Supreme Garden.

In the courtyard, sitting five old figures are the ancestors of Biyu Palace, and the only remaining four elders.


Bi Dongmo and Bi Xiaotong shouted together.

The old man with white hair and beard sitting in the middle raised his eyes lazily, and finally his eyes fell on Bi Dongmo's body, "Dongmo, since you are here, let's stay together."

"Yes, ancestor." Bi Dongmo nodded respectfully.

"You are Bi Xiaotong, right?" Old Ancestor Bi glanced at Bi Xiaotong coldly, "I've heard of your talent. It's really amazing, but it's a pity..."

He didn't say anything afterwards.

Bi Xiaotong was taken aback and couldn't help answering, "Ancestor, what's a pity?"

Her delicate face was full of doubts, and she was a little puzzled about what the pity meant in the mouth of the ancestors. Why did she stop talking about it in the middle, and what did she mean?

He couldn't help looking nervously at Old Ancestor Bi.

It's a pity that the ancestor Bi did not intend to continue.

Instead, he said, "I will turn on Bihaiqingtian recently. Go in and retreat for a while."

"Bihaiqingtian?" Bi Dongmo's eyes widened incredulously when he heard the words, and he looked like a ghost.

"Bihaiqingtian? Where is it?" Bi Xiaotong's face was full of doubts, Biyu Palace has such a place? Why have you never heard of it before?

Bi Dongmo looked at Bi Xiaotong with a complicated gaze, and became even more confused about what the ancestor wanted to do.

Although the aura in the Bixin Realm is very strong, it is not a place for cultivation!

There is clearly a body that has not been transformed for ten thousand years...

But Bi Dongmo didn't say it. Now that the ancestor didn't say it, he naturally didn't dare to reveal a little bit.

"You will know when you go." Old Ancestor Bi said lightly, and said to the four Taishang elders behind him, "Now you take her over."

"Yes." The four elders got up, all with a childlike appearance, and led Bi Xiaotong towards the back mountains. Although Bi Xiaotong was full of curiosity, he could only quietly follow behind him. The bad premonition in my heart is getting stronger...

Seeing Bi Xiaotong left, Bi Dongmo and Bi Patriarch were left in Taishang Park at this moment.

"Dongmo, I know that your heart must be full of doubts." Old Ancestor Bi slowly raised his eyes, and glanced at him coldly and deeply.

Bi Dongmo listened humbly.

"Yes, that person in Bihaiqingtian is about to wake up."

The next moment Bi Dongmo's heart trembled fiercely by the words of the ancestor Bi, his eyes stared incredibly, "That person who has been sleeping for ten thousand years is going to wake up?"

"Yes, but a medium is needed..." Old Ancestor Bi's gaze looked at the flowing clouds in the sky, and said lightly.

Bi Dongmo's eyes stared incredibly, "Tong'er?"

"Yes! It's her!" Old Ancestor Bi nodded.

"Why is Tong'er? Tong'er is so talented, why must Tong'er make sacrifices? She is Yan'er's fiancee and Yan'er's favorite woman..." Bi Dongmo's face was full of incredible expression. Can't help but say loudly.

"Because the woman in Bihaiqingtian has taken a fancy to her, she must dedicate to the school. Only when the woman in Bihaiqingtian wakes up, our ancestors will return and lead us to the peak of strength!" At that time, Old Ancestor Bi's eyes flashed with brilliance.

"Ancestor, you said that the woman in the blue sea and the sky will wake up, the ancestor will return? Is this true?" Bi Dongmo's body couldn't help trembling slightly, his eyes filled with shock and consternation. , Looks unbelievable.

The secrets in Bihaiqingtian are only qualified to know the masters of the past dynasties.

And now Bidongmo doesn’t know much, only knows that Biyu Palace has an independent space called Bihaiqingtian, which contains a corpse ten thousand years ago...

And the masters of the Biyu Palace in the past are waiting for this secret, waiting for this woman to wake up, waiting for the return of the ancestor...

Time flies, ten thousand years have passed, they almost thought it was just a legend, or thought that the woman inside would never wake up, otherwise they would not have waited for ten thousand years to remain silent.

But now I didn’t expect the ancestors to say that the woman was going to wake up, she needed Tonger...

Bi Dongmo's expression was shocked and stunned, and at the same time very distressed, that was his daughter-in-law...

But that woman fell in love with Tong'er, what can he do?

This is not for Tong'er to retreat, but for Tong'er to die!

Even if he knew it, nothing could be changed at all.

"Okay, Dongmo, you don't have to be discouraged. Although Tong'er is no longer there, but according to Yan'er's conditions, I am afraid that I can't find a good one?" Ancestor Bi's eyes showed a trace of contempt, "Besides, if the Ancestor comes back At that time, I am afraid that Wanhua Island and Yanhuang clan will surrender to our feet!"

"Also, if the ancestor returns, then our strength can be improved, I am afraid that becoming a **** will not be a problem!"

Hearing what Old Ancestor Bi said, there was a faint expectation in Bi Dongmo's heart, and the heartache and regret in his heart faded a bit...

"Well, you go first, remember, you can't tell anyone about this now." Old Ancestor Bi exhorted.

"Yes." Bi Dongmo nodded and responded respectfully, preparing to leave, after a few steps, the voice of Ancestor Bi came from behind him.

"Oh, yes, the master who cured Tong'er's condition, let her stay first."

His words stunned Bi Dongmo. What does the ancestor leave behind Fen'er?

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