Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1497: Nalanjing VS Biyu【4】

Under severe injury, severe injury again!

"Ah!!!" Bi Yu let out a scream, his face was sullen, and the spear in his hand was raised. In the moment of life and death, he actually shook Nalanjing's sword light that had penetrated his body out of his body.

Biyu knew that he couldn't beat Nalanjing today, and might even die here, and immediately he no longer loves the fight, and his body moved, rushing towards Yan Shu who was in danger in the distance.

He repulsed Bai Xue with a palm, grabbed Yan Shu's arm, and tried to escape.

How could Nalanjing meet his wish?

The footwork flashed continuously, and he immediately chased up. The speed was extremely fast, and he quickly blocked the retreat of Biyu and Yan Shu. Without a word, the Nether Realm was directly displayed, and the two of them were instantly enveloped in it.

With the display of the Nether Realm, the heavens and the earth immediately changed color, and the dark night became darker and colder at this moment, the wind roared, countless ghosts and wolves howled, like a purgatory on earth.

Because Mu Qianyue and Bai Xue, as well as the people in Biyu Hall were blocked from the Nether Realm, they didn't know what was going on inside, and because the sky was too dark, they couldn't see clearly.

I just feel that the world is gloomy and cold, full of terrifying life.


There was a loud and earth-shattering noise, and the Netherworld domain was exploded, and a figure rushed from the inside, and disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye, almost as fast as a streamer passing by.

No matter how fast the figure was, Mu Qianyue still caught a trace of information, as if Yan Shu had run away...

A white figure slowly appeared in the darkness, and the cold moonlight shone on his face, looking pale.

"Jing!" Mu Qianyue quickly flew forward, reached out to hold his hand, and checked his body for his pulse. Seeing that he hadn't received anything, her tight heart relaxed a lot.

But Nalanjing's Nether Realm was exploded, and his mental power was still greatly affected.

"Jing, what happened just now?" Mu Qianyue said.

"Master, where's Biyu?" Bai Xue also surrounded him. Just now, she seemed to only see Yan Shu running away, not Biyu.

"He's dead." Nalanjing's face was pale, her purple eyes narrowed, "In order to break open my Nether Realm and let Yan Shu escape, he chose to explode."

The self-destruction of a ninth-order god, its power is very terrifying!

Nalanjing couldn't stop it at all, it was fortunate that there was no serious injury! At the critical moment, he used Bubushenglian and Yanhuang blood armor to protect himself, otherwise, he would be seriously injured.

Yan Shu took the opportunity to run away, and Nalanjing lost the opportunity to hunt her before letting her run away.

Bai Xue stomped bitterly, "That **** woman, every time she can't beat her, she runs! I really doubt that she is a mouse!"

"Not a mouse, can her mind be so dark?" Mu Qianyue said lightly.

But it was true. Every time Yan Shu couldn't fight, she would try her best to escape. She never fell in love with war. It was precisely because of this that she always escaped time and time again.

This time she didn't even care about Biyu's life or death. It was really in vain that Fei Biyu had loved her for ten thousand years. This time, she chose to blew herself up and died completely...

And she has never fallen in love with Bi Yu, maybe she has been using him from beginning to end. Thinking about it this way, Bi Yu is really pitiful!

Yan Shu chose to dismantle the soul for Nalanjing and pursued her for thousands of years, but Bi Yu waited for her for thousands of years. Now that Yan Shu returned, Bi Yu died before he could even say a few words.

I really don't know whether Biyu is worthy of loving her so persistently.

Maybe they are not worth it, but Bi Yu has no regrets.

"Lady, I'm sorry, let her run away." Nalanjing looked at her apologetically, thinking that this time she could catch her, torture her severely, and avenge Yue'er and Xiaoling, but she did not expect to let her give Ran.

"Jing, it happened that she ran away. Next time, I can deal with her by myself. I don't need to rely on your strength anymore. Only by avenging myself can I relieve my anger." Mu Qianyue's lips slightly raised.

When Bi Yu and the others heard the news of Bi Yu's death, all of them suddenly showed horror, and their eyes were full of fear when they looked at Nalanjing. Even the ancestor could be killed by the other party, let alone them?

Killing them is as simple as pinching an ant!

When Old Ancestor Bi and the others saw Nalanjing's glance, their legs trembled with fright. They couldn't even stand firmly. They hated Yan Shu to death. This **** woman is really selfish. The ancestor just returned, they didn’t even have time to say a word to the ancestor, the ancestor died!

But the woman abandoned them and ran away! Regardless of their life and death!

I really don’t know what the ancestor’s eyes were, and I would fall in love with such a selfish and ungrateful woman, and died!

Now they finally know why Yan Di has a soft spot for young girls, but dismisses Yan Shu's love. In other words, they would not choose a woman like Yan Shu. It is impossible to compare with young girls. ratio!

Before, they still worshiped the ancestor, thinking that the ancestor could kill the young girl and the Emperor Yan, and then lead them to the peak and glory...

Now everything is in vain.

Don't talk about the peak, it's brilliant, and now it's impossible to protect your life.

"Master, what should I do with these people?" Bai Xue looked at Old Ancestor Bi and the four Supreme Elders coldly.

"Kill." Mu Qianyue's voice was light, like a breeze, but it was full of coldness and mercilessness.

Old Ancestor Bi just wanted to kill themselves, how could she keep their lives? Bi Qiyan also died...

Hearing Mu Qianyue's words, Old Ancestor Bi and the four Supreme Elders collapsed to the ground completely helplessly, their eyes full of despair and unwillingness, "No, don't kill us! We are willing to surrender and surrender to you!"

" villains, my master still doesn't look down on it." Baixue snorted coldly, the slender white clothes exuding murderous intent.

It was naturally easy to kill them with Bai Xue's strength, so these five people were instantly shot into meatloaf by Bai Xue, and they couldn't die again!

The disciples of Bidongmo, Bidongyu, and Biyu Palace were so scared that their faces were pale, their legs trembled, and even some of them were timid and scared to urinate...

Bai Xue frowned in disgust.

When Bi Dongmo and others saw Mu Qianyue walking towards him, they backed desperately in fright.

Mu Qianyue didn't even look at them, but went straight to Bi Qiyan's body, took out acupuncture, and quickly pierced Bi Qiyan's body.

The violent spiritual energy in the world quickly rushed into Bi Qiyan's body. After a while, he saw Bi Qiyan faintly opened his eyes, and the beautiful and cold face appeared in his eyes. He couldn't help but be startled. "Am I dead?"

"My master saved you." Bai Xue said indifferently. She knew that the master did not want to owe Bi Qiyan a favor, because Bi Qiyan died to save Mu Qianyue.

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