Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1499: Lingyan Pavilion【2】

After finalizing this plan, Chu Tiange and the four went to a place called Ghost Valley within the Fuqian Mountain Range the next night. This is where they met with the people from Lingyan Pavilion.

There is a huge black rock in the ghost valley, three meters high and one meter wide.

Anyone who arrives here, as long as they put their hands on this black rock, there will be people from Lingyan Pavilion appearing here immediately without a cup of tea.

Lingyan Pavilion is a killer organization, and it is also at the bottom of the ranking among the six major sects. Even at the end, it is far more powerful than those first-class clan sects. In addition, Lingyan Pavilion's all killers are cruel and ruthless, so No one dared to trouble Lingyan Pavilion unless it was impatient to live.

It can be said that the people of Chu Tiange are not only bold in their ideas, but even courageous.

But Bai Zhi was the only one who showed up, and Chu Tiange, Bai Longying, and Bai Chen held their breath, hiding in the dark.

Bai Zhi placed his palm on the black rock, a white light flashed, and then quickly fell silent.

After about half a cup of tea, a black figure slowly appeared in the night. The man was wearing a tight-fitting black dress and a mask with purple fetters, revealing a pair of eyes and mouth.

"Who do you want to kill?"

The visitor asked directly, his voice was low and gloomy, and his eyes exposed to the darkness were as deep as the sea, full of bloodthirsty and murderous intent.

The tight and cold black robe exudes a chilly killing intent in the darkness, extremely cold.

"The person I'm going to kill is the master of Yaowangzong, and the reward is a pill that can bring the dead back to life." Bai Zhi's face is not red and heartbeat, and to be honest, he has just been here not long and has heard the most. , The most familiar is Yao Wangzong.

Moreover, both Yao Xin and Yao Fei were the gold alchemists of Feibao Tower, so in desperation Bai Zhi could only go to Yao Sect Master.

In the Medicine King Sect, Sect Master Medicine sneezed loudly for no reason, with a look of confusion, "How do you feel that something bad..."

"Okay, deal. Because Sect Master Yao is a **** emperor, it will take one month. After a month, we will send Sect Master Yao's head here." The black-clothed man said coldly, his voice still like an ancient well without waves. .

"Okay. Here is the Pill of Resurrection to Life, you can check it." Bai Zhi took out a bottle containing the pill and handed it forward.

The man in black took it, opened it and smelled it, his face changed greatly, "This is not a resurrection pill, but a poison pill, who are you? You dare to lie to me in Lingyan Pavilion and look for death!"

After all, he raised his hand and was about to blast towards Bai Zhi.

Only after he walked out of two steps, he stopped and fell straight to the ground.

Since the establishment of Lingyan Pavilion, no one has dared to make fun of Lingyan Pavilion and deal with Lingyan Pavilion, so the man in black did not expect that the bottle was filled with poison!

Even if he just took a sniff, he reacted and fell straight to the ground.

"Haha...This is the bite-eating fragrance reformed from the bite-element pill. Even if the **** emperor smells it, he will lose his true energy in a short time." Bai Zhi sneered, and quickly carried the man in black quietly.

It seemed that the things I got from Moshang Fengling were really good, and they deserved to be a famous poison master in the Xuantian realm.

After a few breaths, Bai Zhi carried the person to the place where Chu Tiange, Bai Longying and Bai Chen hid.

Bai Zhi threw the man in black on the ground, and tore off the mask on his face, revealing a rather ordinary face. From his appearance, the opponent seemed to be thirty or forty years old, and his strength was the fifth-order **** king.

The people in black felt that they were aggrieved. Who are these people, even the people of Lingyan Pavilion dared to tie them, and they simply didn't want to live!

Regardless of what he was thinking, Bai Zhi raised his foot and kicked him, lowered his voice and reprimanded, "Be honest."

Only then did he raise his head to look at the three Chu Tiange, Bai Longying and Bai Chen in front of him.

Chu Tiange's eyes fell on him, but no matter what they asked the man in black, the man in black didn't say anything, and in the end they wanted to take poison and commit suicide.

Chu Tiange had quick eyes and quick hands, and strangled his jaw, taking out all the poison he had hidden between his teeth.

The man in black had poison hidden in his teeth. Once he was caught and had no chance to escape, he would take the poison and kill himself. This is a tactic used in killer organizations.

Seeing this, the people in black were all discovered by Chu Tiange and couldn't even die, so they couldn't help showing fear.

"Say, how can I enter Lingyan Pavilion?" Chu Tiange asked in a cold voice.

The man in black decided to kill him without saying, "I will say it if I don't say it."

"If you don't say it, believe it or not, I will kill you now?" Bai Chen threatened coldly.

The man in black disdainfully snorted, "I was going to kill myself by taking poison, but you stopped me."

"Oh, being a prisoner, still has such a bad temper?" Bai Chen said angrily.

The man in black looks like I just don't say you have the ability to kill me.

Bai Longying frowned, "What should I do? If he is dead, we won't be able to get any useful information even if we catch him."

A touch of complexity flashed in Chu Tiange's golden pupils, "There is a soul-searching technique in my heritage. I will search for his memory now. You guys will protect me."

The three of Bai Longying nodded their heads, and immediately released their mental power quietly, looking around.

Chu Tiange performed the soul search technique very smoothly. About half a cup of tea was over, but his face was a little pale. As for the man in black, he fainted. Otherwise, the man in black was awake. Will cooperate.

Chu Tiange briefly talked about the information obtained by the search for souls, and understood the method of entering Lingyan Pavilion, and how many strong people there are in Lingyan Pavilion.

The four finally discussed it, and Bai Chen disguised himself as the man in black and entered the Lingyan Pavilion, while Chu Tiange turned into a miniature monster to hide in Bai Zhi.

As for Bai Longying and Bai Zhi, they guarded the man in black and must not let him run away or die.

Otherwise, once he dies, the life card belonging to him in Lingyan Pavilion will be broken, and it will be suspicious then.

Bai Chen quickly took off the clothes of the man in black, put it on his body, and then put the mask on his face. This way, even the disguise was saved, and Bai Chen’s strength was the same as that of the man in black. They are all Tier 5 God Kings, and their stature is extremely similar.

Chu Tiange's figure shook, transformed into a bird with a palm, and got into Bai Chen's sleeves, holding his breath.

Lingyan Pavilion is not far from Nether Valley. It is also in the Floating Mountain Range, but above the Lingxiao Peak inside the Floating Mountain Range. If the speed is fast, a cup of tea will arrive.

Bai Chen reached Lingxiao Peak smoothly all the way.

The entire Lingxiao Peak looked plain and unremarkable, and there were no palaces or houses.

Bai Chen followed the route described by Chu Tiange and came to the cliff of Lingxiao Peak. He pushed aside the thick branches, and a stone gate appeared in front of him...

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