Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 150: Enter the secret world【1】

"That's it, I won't care about you." Dan Lingzi waved his hand and walked back to Chu Nanxing's body. He wrinkled as he looked at his charred black skin, exuding a pungent and unpleasant smell. He closed his nose and said slowly, "The Patriarch’s injury is too serious. It doesn’t seem to be burned by ordinary flames. I really can’t help it. I can use this Nine Ranked Golden Pill to temporarily save Patriarch’s life, but it can only For three days, after seven days, I have no choice."

While speaking, he took out a pill and fed it into Chu Nanxing's mouth.

The elder Chu had a solemn expression, and it seemed that someone had to find someone to save the family. At the moment, the ancestor is in retreat, and the eldest lady is not in good condition. Now he can only notify the mistress. At the moment, he immediately asked the second elder Chu to inform the mistress.

"What?!" Chu Banxue heard this, like a bolt from the blue sky, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

Daddy's life is worrying? She didn't dare to imagine what she would be like if her father were gone. Who would support her when she was bullied?

Not long after, a woman dressed up with a thick powder on her face ran in, and when she saw the burnt black figure on the couch but still dangling, she burst into tears. "Ah! Southern Star! Is this my Southern Star? Whoever kills a thousand swords dares to kill my husband! I must cut him a thousand swords!"

"Mother, I am from Huangqimen." Chu Banxue said while wiping away tears.

"Huangqimen? The force that has just emerged? The imperial flagmen that has stirred up the city?" The woman gritted her teeth and asked. This woman is no one else, but Chu Nanxing's wife and Chu Banxue's mother, Pang.

"It's them!"

"I won't let them go! A group of ants dared to scatter wild on my store's head. It's so tired of life! I'll send someone to the emperor gate to copy it later!" Pang said angrily.

"Mother, should we now discuss how to save the family?" The elder Chu rolled his eyes speechlessly, the two were unclear.

Ponzi immediately came back to his senses, and Chu Nanxing, who looked at the black man, cried again, "Pill Lingzi, can't you save Nanxing?"

"Mother, I have tried my best. The Patriarch is seriously injured, and I am afraid I can't help even if I invite Lao Tong. I have given the Patriarch the Nine Rank Golden Pill, which can save Patriarch's life for the time being." Dan Lingzi said truthfully.

"Pill Lingzi, I have remembered your love this time, thank you." Pang said, the Nine Ranked Golden Pill is the treasure of the Pill Lingzi, and it is very precious for life extension. He did not expect him to take it out. Take it for Chu Nanxing.

"Seven days are enough. I will immediately repair my book and go to Heishui City. This time I will destroy the Imperial Banner Gate!" Pang said with a ferocious face and a vicious look in his eyes.

Hearing the words Heishuicheng, Chu Banxue's eyes burst out with pride and cruelty. Humph, Mu Qianyue, you won't be arrogant for long!


Because Chu's family is now in a mess, Qingshui Street was taken over by Huangqimen without any difficulty, and expanded into the scope of Xicheng Pedestrian Street.

The struggle between the Chu family and Huangqimen quickly spread throughout Qingfeng City.

Especially in the morning of the struggle and confrontation between the two forces, in the end it was the Chu family surrendered and gave a lot of compensation. This matter was considered to be revealed. For a while, everyone lamented the power of Huangqimen! More and more people joined Huangqimen.

Qingfeng Academy

"Qianyue, do you have a plan to deal with the Chu family?" Jun Lintian frowned, sitting next to Mu Qianyue, and asked aloud.

"Brake statically and wait for the moment." The corners of the lips raised lightly, evoking a graceful arc.

Jun Lintian curled his lips speechlessly, "Do you need me to repair my book and return to Beiming?"

"No need." Mu Qianyue chuckled a trace of warmth in her heart.

When Jun Lintian heard this, he looked up at the spotless white Nalan Jing beside him, muttering to himself: "Yes, there is this perversion, you have no pressure at all."

Mu Qianyue rolled her eyes and said, "Nalan has to take action against them. Isn't it an overkill? Moreover, this is also a good opportunity for training. If you have the ability to deal with it, don't always think about relying on others, otherwise, how to grow? "

The most important thing is that this is an excellent opportunity to try the Huangqimen. During this time, the members of the Huangqimen have grown too fast, are unstable, impetuous, and not united enough. Perhaps after this exercise, you can let Huangqimen became more solid.

"It makes sense." Jun Lintian muttered and nodded.

At this time, Xu Yurong came over, "My grandfather asked me to give you a word. If Huangqimen encounters difficulties, our Xu family will help."

"Okay, thank you Grandpa for me." Mu Qianyue pursed her lips and smiled, with Xu's words, enough.

With the help of the Xu family, it is much easier to deal with the Chu family. In addition, with the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, Mu Qianyue does not have to worry at all. The Fengyun Chamber of Commerce and Huangqimen have a cooperative relationship. Of course, Nangongyu will not watch Huangqimen. Be destroyed.

In the past few days, there have been many strange faces in Qingfeng City. Almost all the inns in the city are filled with people, perhaps because the star secret realm of Qingfeng Academy is about to open.

Qingfeng Academy is in an atmosphere of excitement. The Star Secret Realm of Qingfeng Academy is only opened once every ten years, and both new and old students can enter. This is a great benefit for the students of Qingfeng Academy. There is a kind of opportunity, if you can meet one of them, maybe you can develop from then on, soaring into the sky!

But other people are not so happy. Those who are not admitted to Qingfeng College can only look at them with jealousy.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day when the Star Secret Realm was opened. All the freshmen and old students of the outer courtyard of Qingfeng Academy gathered on the martial arts field of the outer courtyard, with more than a thousand people.

Each class is arranged in order. There are a dozen classes in total, and there is a tutor in front of each class to guide.

"Dear students, line up and get ready to go." The instructors of each class said, standing in front of their class.

Under the leadership of their instructors, each class walked towards the back of Qingfeng Academy, passed through the high walls, bypassed the winding path of the outer courtyard, Qinghu, and finally came to a golden palace with two simple writings on top Feihong elegant characters, inner courtyard.

Everyone followed the mentors and walked into the hall, and through the hall was a huge courtyard. The ground paved with bluestone and jade was slender and dust-free. They walked around the courtyard and walked towards the trail behind. They walked for almost a moment. The clock's time has finally reached its goal.

Mu Qianyue noticed that there was a square in front of it resembling an altar. It was made of white jade, glowing in the sunlight, crystal clear. The eight tall white pillars on the white jade platform looked very magnificent. Stubborn atmosphere.

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