Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1504: Father and son recognize each other【2】

Seeing the figure standing in front of him without hesitation, Chu Tiange's eyes were touched. He didn't expect that besides the master and Yinger, Bai Chen would also be willing to use his life to maintain his dignity!

"Bai Chen." Chu Tiange pulled him with his hand, and Bai Chen turned his head to look at him, "No need to say, I won't leave you and run away! Since we are here together, we must go together. , Even if you can’t leave, we die together. I believe Mu Qianyue will avenge us!"

Chu Tiange's eyes were moved, "Okay!"

He regards him as a close friend of life and death, then he will not give up on him! What a big deal!

It is impossible to escape from this situation!

Seeing Bai Chen and Chu Tiange's brotherly affectionate appearance, the corners of the lips under Chu Jingfeng's black mask couldn't help but raise a slight curve.

"Listen to their nonsense? Humph! If you broke into Lingyan Pavilion and killed Lingyan Pavilion, this man was killed. As for this poor stranger, you can accept it." Ling Zhi in the crowd looked gloomy. He walked out, after a few days of recuperation, his injury was much better, but his face was still a little pale. He raised his head to look at Chu Jingfeng in front of him, his tone was arrogant and trivial, "Pavilion Master, I think this poor stranger Come on, don't you want to grab me?"

Chu Jingfeng looked at him coldly, like ice skates, and kicked him out with a kick, "Go!"

Chu Jingfeng's strength was not weak. Lexus was seriously injured and was caught off guard. He was kicked to the ground by Chu Jingfeng and couldn't get up for a long time.


Everyone screamed, who could think that the pavilion master would suddenly attack the deputy pavilion master?

Ling Zhi opened his mouth and vomited several mouthfuls of blood, and looked at him with a look of resentment, "Don't think you can do whatever you want with the pavilion master, the ancestor is still there!"

"Humph!" Chu Jingfeng snorted coldly. He didn't even look at him. Instead, he pushed away Bai Chen in front of him with one hand. His gaze fell on Chu Tiange's body. Seeing his handsome face, he couldn't help but stretch out his hand. Touch his face...

Chu Tiange looked wary and suspicious, while Bai Chen looked like a guarded lion.

When Chu Tiange saw the golden pupils of Chu Jingfeng, his eyes stared unexpectedly, "You..."

"Son, you have grown up since you haven't seen you for so many years." Chu Jingfeng sighed.

His words blasted like a thunder in the stone hall, smashing everyone in and out to black. Before they could react, Chu Jingfeng took off the black cloak on his head, revealing a brilliant blond hair, and Chu Tian Song-like blonde, gorgeous and charming...

Immediately afterwards, he took off the mask on his face again, revealing that handsome face like a knife, it can be seen that it is six or seven points similar to Chu Tiange.

"Father!" Chu Tiange's eyes widened with excitement, and a mist of mist appeared in his eyes.

He knew that his father was not dead. When he returned to the Demon Realm, he did not see his father. There was no news of his father in the Profound Heaven Realm. He never expected to meet here, and never thought that his father was Ling Yan. The patron of the pavilion!

In this scene, not only Bai Chen was stunned, but even Ling Zhi, Ling Zhen and others all had stunned expressions, which looked like a ghost!

Because the pavilion master wears a mask and a cloak all year round, almost no one has ever seen Chu Jingfeng’s true face. He only knows that he has a pair of golden eyes that are different from ordinary people, but because of his identity and strength, no one has ever thought about it. But he is not a human being, he is a Warcraft!

So at this moment, when Chu Jingfeng's true face was exposed, everyone was really shocked, each of them messed up in the wind, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

"Tian'er, your strength is growing very fast, you are already a Tier 1 Divine Emperor, you deserve to be my son! By the way, what about Xue'er?" Chu Jingfeng asked with a smile, with undisguised appreciation in his eyes.

"Xue'er is at home." Chu Tiange said, Xue'er did not follow in the Demon Realm, and the reason why his strength has grown so fast, he did not tell Chu Jingfeng that the number of people here is naturally not a place to talk.

Ling Zhen was stunned for a long while before finally coming back to his senses. He finally knew why he didn't say something wrong, and the pavilion master kicked himself without saying anything. It turned out that Chu Tiange was the pavilion master's son! He let the pavilion master's son be a mount for the pavilion master, it's strange that the pavilion master didn't kick him to death!

It's just that they don't even know that the pavilion master is not a human being, but an ancient fierce beast!

If Chu Tiange hadn't appeared this time, I'm afraid they would never know!

However, Ling Zhi climbed up from the ground with a gloomy look, his face was extremely sullen, and he said in a weird manner, "Chu Jingfeng, you are a beast!"

Chu Jingfeng's eyes became cold, and he raised his hand and slapped his face, "Follow the crime, you will die!"

Ling Zhi was kicked, and now he was slapped again. He was angry and roared, "Why are you hitting me? You can beat and scold me if you think you are the pavilion master. I am also a deputy pavilion master anyway! Humph, you beast is not worthy to be the pavilion master of Lingyan Pavilion! I will go to ask the ancestors!"

Humph, a monster of warcraft still wants to override his Lexus head? Even if he Chu Jingfeng is the ancient beast Qiongqi, what about it? If the old ancestor knew that he was a matter of monsters, he would definitely abolish his position as the pavilion master, and then use Chu Jingfeng as a mount. As for the little beast, Chu Tiange, he would fall into his hands. He will also have a Qiongqi mount.

He had long seen Chu Jingfeng not pleasing to his eyes. Twenty years ago, when Chu Jingfeng arrived at Lingyan Pavilion, he began to be an ordinary killer. Later he showed amazing talent and his strength rose very fast. It was so fast that he had become a senior **** emperor, and he had also taken away the position of the pavilion owner who originally belonged to him. This made Ling Zhi very annoyed!

Now that he knew that Chu Jingfeng was a matter of Warcraft, he naturally wanted to seize this opportunity and not let go!

Would Chu Jingfeng fail to see his thoughts? The golden pupils were icy, "I am the pavilion master, and I am not qualified to hit you? Even if I kill you, the ancestor will not say anything!"

Keep calling him a beast? What happened to Warcraft? Want to accept his son as a mount?


Chu Jingfeng's eyes flickered with cold light, and he directly raised his hand to strangle Ling Zhi's throat, "Don't think that I don't know your little thought, how noble my son is, do you dare to delusion?"

Ling Zhi kept struggling. At any rate, he was also a Tier 4 **** emperor, but he was as weak as a chicken in Chu Jingfeng's hands, and had no ability to resist. The powerful breath of death enveloped his head, making him suffocate and palpitate. , But for a while, he was sweating coldly, like a fish out of the water!

Chu Jingfeng raised his wrist and threw him out like trash.

Ling Zhi was severely injured and suffered a foot and a paw. At this moment, he was thrown out again, making his eyes dizzy and he was vomiting blood...

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