Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1508: Wanhua Island【3】

Only recently did Mu Qianyue see the entire island, at least tens of kilometers in area!

The huge island, standing on the blue and broad sea, is as beautiful as a picture.

Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing moved to the island and landed on the island. When they landed, they saw a group of slender, slim and beautiful women approaching and surrounded them.

"Who are you who dare to trespass into Wanhua Island!" The leading female disciple looked at the two uninvited guests with alert and sullen eyes.

And the young girls standing behind the female disciple looked at Nalanjing next to Mu Qianyue with stunning and surprised eyes. They were fascinated and sunken in his incomparable beauty. Above, especially those purple eyes like glass, clear and charming...

They have never seen such a good-looking man...

There have never been men on Wanhua Island. They have lived on Wanhua Island since they were young. Some were brought to Wanhua Island by guardians and saints from other places when they were young. Except for women, there are women on the island, and there is no shadow of men at all.

Seeing such a beautiful man at this moment, one by one has long been fascinated.

Even after the female senior sister's gaze fell on Nalanjing's face, she was stunned, and then blushed one by one.

Oh, what a handsome man, more beautiful than women, more beautiful than the saints of the island...

Seeing these people staring at her face, Nalanjing frowned unhappy, but did not get angry.

After all, they just stared at him, didn't say anything, didn't do anything, he was naturally not good at getting angry at others, but the coldness on his face was very obvious.

A group of female disciples seemed to feel Nalanjing's displeasure and anger, and they recovered one by one, and did not stare at him again, but occasionally peeked at him.

"We are here to find the Saintess of Huarong." Mu Qianyue said politely.

"What is the relationship between you and Huarong?" the senior sister asked.

"My husband and I have received the life-saving grace of Saint Hua Rong, and I am here to thank you." Mu Qianyue said lightly, which was naturally just a rhetoric.

"The two of you, please come back. Huarong didn't guard the door rules, seduced a man, and brought him into Wanhua Island. She is no longer the saint of Wanhua Island." The senior sister said coldly.

Mu Qianyue's heart sank slightly, "Where is that Huarong now?"

"Later she and her adulterer will be burned alive." The senior sister hadn't spoken yet, and a woman behind her could not wait to speak, her eyes filled with contempt.

"Burn alive?" Mu Qianyue's eyes changed slightly.

"Yes! My rule on Wanhua Island is that once I join Wanhua Island, she will not be married for life. She was deprived of her body before, had emotional injuries, ruined her dantian, and ruined her voice. Our island owner sees She rescued her poorly, but she did not expect that she was still dead, with a heart on the man's body. The island owner was furious and arrested her and her adulterer together. Decided to use samādhi at noon. Burn them both alive!" The senior sister took over.

Mu Qianyue's eyes suddenly burst into a piercing coldness, and Nalanjing's purple eyes also contained a terrifying murderous intent.

"You two, please come back! Without the permission of the island owner, men are not allowed on the holy land of Wanhua Island! I will let you go today!" The senior sister took a deep look at Nalanjing, preparing to take everyone go back.

Mu Qianyue moved her body and stood in front of them, "Where are Huarong and them now? Take me over!"

The senior sister was furious when she saw this, "I kindly let you two and one horse, don't know what is wrong!"

Mu Qianyue reached out and grabbed her wrist, her eyes were as cold as ice, "Take us over, otherwise, die!"

As the word ‘death’ fell and the wrist was tightened, the senior sister suddenly let out a miserable howl. Obviously, under Mu Qian’s force, the bones on her wrist had been crushed, causing her face to turn pale and cold and sweaty.

She looked furious, but she had no ability to resist. When the other female disciples saw this, they all reacted, drew out their swords and slashed towards Mu Qianyue, a burst of energy emanating from Nalanjing's body, They all flew out, and one by one fell to the ground in an extremely embarrassed manner, vomiting blood. Obviously, they were seriously injured under Nalanjing's momentum. They haven't taken any action yet...

This scene made the senior sister's eyes stared incredibly, her eyes showed a look of horror, and the balance was three. She nodded, "You let me go, I will take you."

Mu Qianyue let go, forgiving her for not daring to think too much.

Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing followed behind her.

Pieces of peach forest, dark fragrance floating, breeze blowing, the petals are falling like rain, fluttering.

For this beautiful scenery, Mu Qianyue has no intention to watch it.


"Hua Rong, you are really shameless, you actually brought a man to Wanhua Island, and the owner of the island is so good to you!" Hua Yun looked at Jin Yilan who was tied to the stone pillar with cold eyes, bloodthirsty at the corner of her mouth. She sneered, staring at her angrily. If it weren't for her, how could Yinger die?

Her poor daughter was almost insulted by Yao Ning's beast father!

Every time she thinks about this, she feels heartache and full of hatred and anger. She has never thought that it is her own problem. She just wants to put all the hatred and anger on Jin Yilan's body!

Thousands of disciples were gathered around the altar, all women, all pink dresses, swallow rings were fat and thin, and beautiful as gods.

There are two people **** on two columns in the middle of the altar, a man and a woman, Mu Yan and Jin Yilan.

"Mu Yan is my husband, and I am married to him in a dignified and upright manner. Why do you shamelessly say that? It is the Yao Ning of you and Yao Wangzong who seem to be a bit unclear!" Jin Yilan snorted coldly.

Even in the face of the danger of being burned to death, there is still no trace of fear on Jin Yilan's beautiful face.

Hearing Jin Yilan's words, Hua Yun couldn't help but her face paled, and a panic flashed quickly in her eyes. She glanced at the island owner who was standing under the altar, and saw that there was no change in her expression on her face. Tone.

Hua Yun's face was grim, she stepped forward and slapped Jin Yilan's face with a slap, "Bitch, if you seduce a man by yourself, even if you want to slander me? Do you think you are thinking, the island owner will Are you fooled?"

Seeing Jin Yilan being beaten, looking at the bright red finger prints on her snow-white cheeks, Mu Yan's eyes were cracked, angry and angry, but she couldn't help but, "Hua Yun, you shameless woman, you have the ability to attack me. Come!"

"It's a dead duck with a hard mouth!" Hua Yun's eyes were cold, and he hit Mu Yan's abdomen with a punch, making his face pale with pain and his face twisted.

"Husband!" Jin Yilan cried.

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