Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1514: Pan Zhijun【1】

Eyelashes trembled, she opened her eyes, and looked at her body with a look of confusion. She was seriously injured just now and was dying. Why did she suddenly heal?

Just now she seemed to feel that someone was feeding her something...

Looking up at Jin Yilan in front of her, her gaze became complicated.

"You saved me?"

"Island Lord, you saved my life, so I won't watch you die." If the island owner hadn't saved her, healed her throat, and restored her appearance and dantian, she would have died long ago. It is even less likely to reunite with her husband, nor to reunite with Yue'er and Tian'er, and reunite with his family!

This kindness is as deep as the sea, no matter what, Jin Yilan can't forget it.

If you watch Hua Lian die, what is the difference between her and Hua Yun?

"Fine! Let's go!" Hua Lian stood up, glanced at Jin Yilan with complicated eyes, waved her hand, the expression on her face could not tell whether it was disappointment or what, she seemed a little emotional.

"Husband, Yue'er, Jing'er, let's go." Jin Yilan looked at them and said.

Mu Qianyue nodded, this result is still barely acceptable, since my mother doesn't want to continue to struggle with this, then she will not embarrass her mother.

Just as Mu Qianyue and her party were about to leave, Old Ancestor Hua shouted angrily, "Don't leave! Leave the mysterious map!"

Mu Qianyue paused and looked at her with a cold look. Nalanjing's purple eyes were lightly narrowed, and her eyes were flickering and cold.

"Huh! You are really bullying too much! Really think Wanhua Island is good for bullying? My strength is indeed not as good as you, but my ancestor of Wanhua Island is still alive!" The ancestor Hua shouted angrily, if he let them go like this today, What is her face on Wanhuadao? Wouldn't it be true that in the future, any cat or puppy dare to climb on the head and run wild?

Ancestor Hua flipped his fingers and crushed a piece of jade pendant.


I saw the sky, which was originally a clear sky, suddenly cracked a hole, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the figure of a woman slowly stepped out of the clouds.

The woman wore a water-blue smoky cage gauze skirt, combed with an exquisite fairy cloud bun, and her ink hair was flying in the violent wind, exuding a cool and independent atmosphere, elegant and refined.

The woman has a delicate and beautiful face, with a vermilion mark on her forehead, which makes her beautiful face even more charming.

Mu Qianyue stared at the figure in the air with dementia, her delicate brows wrinkled tightly, she felt a familiar feeling for some reason.

Nalanjing's brows were also frowned tightly.

"The woman's eyes are so beautiful, they are somewhat similar to Yue'er." Jin Yilan murmured.

"Yes." Mu Yan nodded.

"Ancestor, these people are bold enough to trespass into Wanhuahua Island, kill my Wanhua Island disciples, and take away my Wanhua Island property. What a damn! But my strength is not as good as the other party, I can only watch him kill me Wanhua. Disciple of the island! Now I implore the ancestor to call the shots and kill this group of arrogant gangsters!" Hua Pao said angrily.

There was a complicated look on Hua Lian's face, her lips were pursed, and she didn't speak. She wanted to intercede for Hua Rong, but she didn't know how to speak, because half of what the ancestor said was true.

All the disciples on Wanhua Island stared at Mu Qianyue with an angry expression.

The woman's eyes from above swept lightly and landed on Mu Qianyue's body. A touch of joy and excitement flashed in her otherwise plain black eyes, "Yinyin, you are back!"

The woman's voice is as elegant as a song, with an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Mu Qianyue frowned and looked at her suspiciously. As if thinking of something, she trembled in her heart, this voice... wasn't it the voice that she heard when she was in the Hall of Unfeeling? The woman who claimed to be her sister...

Although Mu Qianyue had only heard that voice once, she never forgot.

Unexpectedly, I met here...

The woman's figure flickered, and the next moment she appeared in front of Mu Qianyue, with a charming and bright smile on her lips, "Yinyin, I have been waiting for you for a long time. You finally come back. My sister knows you will Coming back!"

Tears flickered in the woman's eyes, and she reached out to hug her, Mu Qianyue stepped back without a trace, and looked at her warily.

Mu Qianyue's deliberate estrangement made the woman's face stiff, and she felt a little sad.

The people on Wanhua Island were stunned long ago, especially the ancestor Hua with his mouth slightly open, with a look of horror on his face.

what? sister? The ancestor claimed to be his sister in front of Mu Qianyue. What does this mean?

Is she the sister of the ancestor? impossible! The ancestor seems to have lived for more than ten thousand years, how could there be such a young sister...

"Ancestor, did you admit the wrong person? This person tried to murder our Wanhua Island..." Before the words of the ancestor Hua, he was blown out by the palm of the woman, fell to the ground, and was seriously injured again.

The woman’s eyebrows and eyes were cold and stern, "Bold! She is the sister of the deity, why did she harm Wanhua Island? Even if she wanted to destroy Wanhua Island, why not? When I founded Wanhua Island, I was waiting for her. Return!"

The woman's words made Old Ancestor Hua's heart tremble fiercely, what? The ancestor founded Wanhua Island back then, just to wait for this little girl's film?

Jin Yilan and Mu Yan also looked shocked.

"Yinyin, it's normal if you don't remember your sister. After all, more than 100,000 years have passed since this incident...I believe you will remember your sister slowly." The woman looked at Mu Qianyue with gentle eyes. , Said with a light smile, "My name is Pan Zhijun, and your name is Pan Yinyin."

Pan Yinyin? This name sounds familiar...

Mu Qianyue thought hard, and finally remembered the name Panyinyin, which seemed to refer to the Tongtian Tower, the ancient artifact, cast for Panpan...

In other words, Pan Yinyin is the first master of Tongtian Tower!


Tian Shuo had always said that the owner he was looking for was Pan Yinyin?

If she is Pan Yinyin, then she is the master Tian Shuo has been looking for?

After going around such a big bend, Mu Qianyue felt a little dizzy and unacceptable.

"Will you admit the wrong person?" Mu Qianyue asked tentatively.

"How is it possible to admit mistakes? You are my sister, can I admit mistakes?" Pan Zhijun looked at her angrily, "Our Pan clan members will have a dark blue Panshi mark on their right wrist."

Mu Qianyue rolled up her sleeve, her right wrist was clean, "There is no mark on what you said, you really recognized the wrong person."

"Yinyin, I know you won't believe it now, because your memory has not been awakened, and your body is not more than a hundred thousand years old. Naturally, the mark will not exist! When you regain your strength in the ancient times, this The mark will naturally appear." Pan Zhijun looked at her with a trace of distress in his eyes.

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