Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1516: Pan Zhijun【3】

"You also said that it happened hundreds of thousands of years ago. It was the entanglement between Pan Yinyin and Di Yuchen. What is it to me and my lady?" Nalanjing wrinkled her brows and her face was full of Unhappy.

Pan Zhijun snorted coldly and looked at Mu Qianyue, "Yinyin, I can promise you not to kill him, but you must leave him and accept Wanhuadao's inheritance, and never see him again! Wait for your acceptance! With the inheritance of Wanhua Island, all your memories will be restored, and you will be restored to the peak strength of the ancient times! You will understand that I did not lie to you, everything I said is true!"

Pan Zhijun’s voice fell in Mu Qianyue’s ears, and there was a trace of ripples in her heart. A mutilated and vague picture flashed in her mind. She wanted to capture, but she couldn’t capture anything. The heart was full of pain, and the pain made her a little suffocated...

She shook her head and raised her head to look at the person on the opposite side. There was determination in her clear, black, star-like eyes, "I don't need any inheritance, and I don't want to revive any memories, let alone leave because of these. The one I love! So you die this heart!"

What's more, how can it be possible that Pan Zhijun wants to make himself believe her?

Even if what she said is true, so what? That's all from the past, and she doesn't want to pursue anything...

Fingers clenched Nalanjing's generous and warm palm, "Jing, no one can separate us."

"Lady, I won't let these people take us apart!" Nalanjing also squeezed her hand. These people are really annoying. They finally drove away a Yan Shu, and now there is another Pan Zhijun. Claiming to be the lady's sister?

It's hilarious!

"Yinyin..." Pan Zhijun shouted unwillingly.

"My name is Mu Qianyue, not a pan-yin."

"Whether you admit it or not, you are my sister Pan Yinyin. You will never change this!" Pan Zhijun said angrily.

"Okay! Since you said you are my sister, how did I die hundreds of thousands of years ago? Why did I be killed, but you who are my sister don't know? Or you just watched me. Dead?" Mu Qianyue said unceremoniously.

Pan Zhijun's eyes reddened suddenly, "Yinyin, when I learned the news, it was too late to rush over. You are dead. Yinyin, I know that my sister is sorry for you. It is because my sister did not take good care of you that made you suffer. This catastrophe, the person I would rather die is me! Do you know? At that time you almost lost your soul. I finally collected all your souls, but your soul is too weak and I have exhausted everything Nothing can awaken you... In desperation, I can only let your soul enter the cycle of reincarnation and reincarnate into this mysterious realm. I wanted to wait for you to reach the realm of a **** and welcome you back, but I didn’t want you to be stricken by the flames. That **** killed..."

"I wanted to kill her for you, but... Yinyin, if you want to blame me, blame me, it's my sister that is useless and didn't take care of you..." Her face was covered with tears and her eyes were red. It's so pitiful to cry with rain.

There is no trace of falsehood in her expression, sincere and moving.

"Hey, Pan Zhijun, I really am not Pan Yinyin." Mu Qianyue sighed quietly.

"It was he who bewitched you! I will kill him now!" Pan Zhijun looked at Nalanjing angrily.

"If you dare to kill him, kill me first!"

"You!" Pan Zhijun had a look of hatred for iron and steel, and she waved her sleeves coldly, her beautiful face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, "Well, since you want to protect him, neither will I I am embarrassed, Yinyin, you will regret it! Let's go!"

"Father, mother, let's go." Mu Qianyue squeezed Nalanjing's hand, said to Jin Yilan and Mu Yan beside him, and walked towards the direction outside the altar.

"Oh." Hearing Mu Qianyue's voice, the two of them recovered from the shock, and followed Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing.

"Yinyin, if one day you regret it, go back to Wanhua Island to find me, I will wait for you." Pan Zhijun's voice sounded behind him.

Mu Qianyue walked forward without stopping, without the slightest nostalgia.

The scorching peach blossoms seemed to be coated with a layer of warm glaze in the golden sunlight.

The breeze blows, the peach blossoms are flying, the sky is full of flowers and rain, falling on Mu Qianyue's hair, cheeks and clothes, beautiful and picturesque.

"Lady..." Nalanjing paused and turned to stare at her. There was a trace of worry in his purple eyes. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and hugged her tightly in his arms, "No matter what, I will not It will hurt you, let alone hurt you. You are also the person I love the most in this life. How can I be willing to hurt you? I would rather hurt the person who is me than you!"

Mu Qianyue understood his thoughts, stretched out her hand back to hug his waist, pressed her cheek to his chest, feeling his strong heartbeat, it made her feel so relieved.

"Jing, those are the past, why should you care? Besides, who knows that what she said is not true, maybe she admits the wrong person."

Jin Yilan and Mu Yan knew that they had something to talk about. The two of them were very witty and went forward hand in hand. While admiring the scorching peach blossom, they couldn't help feeling a little worried...

Nalanjing hugged her tightly, as if to rub her into her blood, "What if what she said is true? Would you believe me?"

He couldn't believe that he would really hurt Yue'er hundreds of thousands of years ago. He would personally kill his favorite woman as Pan Zhijun said...

Thinking of this, his heart couldn't help but throbbed hard, desperate for life.

"Jing, I believe in you! You are my husband. If I don't believe in you, don't you still believe in others? Besides, that was a matter of hundreds of thousands of years ago. As long as you don't do things that are sorry for me in this life, then I will also truly love you for the rest of my life, and will never be separated with you.” Mu Qianyue smiled.

"I, Nalanjing, swear to the sky here that I will never betray Yue'er! If I break my oath..." He put his fingers together and swears to the sky. Before he could say anything, he was caught by the soft lips of the woman. Blocked back, "I believe you, don't swear."

They have been married for two lives. Although they had only been a couple for a few years in the previous life, they trusted each other. That love, that trust, and that tacit understanding can't be replaced by anyone...

Even in the reincarnation, in this life, they meet again, know each other, love each other, stay together...

Who can replace this love?

If she and Jing don't trust each other, who can she trust in this world?

"Go, let's go home, they are all waiting for us at home." Mu Qianyue smiled and held his hand.


The two clasped their fingers together and walked towards Taolin's exit.

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