Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1518: Conquer Lingyan Pavilion [2]

When she first heard the news, Mu Qianyue was really shocked.

Unexpectedly, Chu Tiange's father not only did not die, but also ran to the Profound Sky Realm and became the pavilion owner of Lingyan Pavilion. Ling Yan Pavilion also chased and killed Chu Tiange...


I don't know what to say.

Yuan dung is really a wonderful thing.

Fortunately, Chu Tiange is fine. If Chu Tiange dies in Lingyan Pavilion's hands, it is estimated that Chu Jingfeng will destroy the entire Lingyan Pavilion. There is nothing worse than this!

Mu Qianyue welcomed the arrival of Chu Jingfeng, and hosted a banquet for hospitality.

Chu Jingfeng didn't have a trace of air. He looked very friendly, perhaps because he and Mu Yan were about the same age. The two chatted so happily that they almost worshipped as brothers on the spot.

After the banquet, everyone also dispersed, and there was a rare silence everywhere, and the cold moonlight faintly poured down, revealing a quiet and elegant.

Mu Qianyue took Nalanjing's arm, nestled her head on his shoulder, admiring the bright moon.

The breeze blew, and the hairs of the two of them were entwined.

"Lady, don't you feel sorry to lose the first-class school like Wanhua Island? Moreover, if you inherit the inheritance of Wanhua Island, your strength may surpass me." Nalanjing looked sideways at the exquisite and beautiful woman Her side face, her small nose like Qiongyu is like white jade, she is really cute.

"Um... then do I want to go back now?" Mu Qianyue sat up straight, blinked at him with big bright eyes, with a serious look.

"Lady, do you really want it?"

"Stupid!" Mu Qianyue snorted and stretched out her hand to pinch his nose, "With you here, what Wanhua Island do I need? Your Nether Realm is so powerful, even if all the people in the entire Profound Sky Realm are added together It’s not enough to stuff your teeth."

There was a melancholy in Nalanjing's eyebrows, "But I still can't beat Mr. Pan Zhi!"

Speaking of Pan Zhijun, he was obviously gritted his teeth and was very angry. He was obviously very dissatisfied with Pan Zhijun's vain attempt to separate him and Yue'er!

"Jing, you are already very good. It is normal that you can't beat her. She is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and seeing her hate men so much, maybe she is still an old maiden now, so she decided something. The rules that prevent women from getting married are simply too cruel and inhuman!" Mu Qianyue curled her lips in disdain.

"A hundred thousand years old maiden? That's really old enough!" Na Lanjing twitched her mouth.

"Okay, don't be sad about this. If you are given more than 100,000 years of cultivation, she will definitely be like an ant in front of you." Mu Qianyue comforted. She didn't think she was wrong. This is the truth. That's it.

Besides, who knows if Mr. Pan Zhi has a conspiracy? She couldn't believe her just based on Pan Zhijun's words!

"Lady, I won't let her break us!" Nalanjing hugged her body and carried it into her arms, with a firm light surging in her purple eyes.

I thought I was strong enough, but I still need to work harder!

At this moment, two figures walked in, it was Chu Jingfeng and Chu Tiange.

Mu Qianyue was a little surprised at the arrival of their father and son on this big night. She stood up from her position, dusted the skirts of her clothes, and looked at the visitors, "Uncle Chu, Tian Ge, what's the matter?"

"Niece Yue, are you the master of Hongmeng Ding now?" Chu Jingfeng asked straightforwardly, his eyes shining like stars, tightly locking the woman in front of him.

Because he is the same generation as Mu Yan, it is not an exaggeration to call Mu Qianyue a Yue niece.

Chu Tiange was also very confused about his father's request to come to Mu Qianyue so late, but he still led the way obediently. He believed that his father would not embarrass the master.

"Yes." Mu Qianyue nodded, with doubts in her eyes.

Nalanjing also stood up and walked to Mu Qianyue's side, white clothes like snow, and a layer of veil in the bright moonlight, she was strong and hard to ignore.

Chu Jingfeng glanced at Nalanjing with some trepidation, and then returned his gaze to Mu Qianyue's body, "If you take the liberty to ask, can niece Yue prove that you are the owner of the great magnate?"

Mu Qianyue frowned suspiciously, obviously because of his strange request.

"Niece Yue, I am not malicious." Chu Jingfeng explained with some embarrassment, after all, such a request is indeed a bit weird.

"Uncle Chu, of course I believe you." Mu Qianyue raised her lips and smiled, her palms flicked, and summoned the Great Majestic Ding, the mind communicated with the Majestic Ding, and the next moment the Majestic Ding turned into a cute little bit.

"Master." Fenjiao Yuzhuo Xiaodu grinned, "Hey, Master, your aura is really strong in your space, my cultivation base has increased a lot recently!"

"Can Hongmeng Ding transform into shape?" Chu Jingfeng stared in surprise.

"Yes, Honghuang Hongmeng Ding is an ancient artifact. After such a long period of precipitation, it has given birth to spiritual wisdom, and now it can transform." Mu Qianyue reached out and touched Xiaomeng's head.

"Subordinates pay homage to the pavilion master." Suddenly Chu Jingfeng knelt on one knee to Mu Qianyue, with a pious expression on his face.


On the spot, Mu Qianyue Petrochemical's black eyes were filled with surprise, and he quickly reached out to help Chu Jingfeng up, "Uncle Chu, what are you doing?"

Chu Tiange was also surprised.

Nalanjing's face was calm and calm.

Chu Jingfeng stood up and said, "Pavilion Master, this is the rule of the ancestor of Lingyan Pavilion. The owner recognized by Honghuang Hongmeng Ding is the owner of Lingyan Pavilion! Pavilion Master, you will be the master of Lingyan Pavilion from now on!"

"Uncle Chu, you'd better call me niece Yue, so I'll get used to it." Mu Qianyue touched her chin in embarrassment. It would feel strange if Tiange's father called her pavilion lord. To accept someone’s son as a pet animal, but also to accept someone’s old man...


Although this ‘receiving’ is not the one, it’s finally not very kind.

The key is that Uncle Chu and his father hate to see each other late, and he wants to worship his son. If he calls his pavilion master, it is estimated that his father wants to shoot himself to death.

"Haha, good, then I will call your niece Yue from now on." Chu Jingfeng smiled, "niece Yue, when are you going to go back to Lingyan Pavilion with me to take over the ceremony?"

"Uncle Chu, you don't need to take over the ceremony. You should continue to take care of Lingyan Pavilion." Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed a little doubt, "Uncle Chu, can you tell me why the ancestor of Lingyan Pavilion wanted Are you loyal to the masters of the great and wild?

Both Nalanjing and Chu Tiange cast doubtful eyes at Chu Jingfeng, obviously waiting for his answer.

"I don't know the specifics. This is the order of the ancestor. I can only follow Cong. But the ancestor is a person from the ancient world and has lived for more than 100,000 years." Chu Jingfeng frowned.

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