Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1532: Let me take care of you [1]

"Master, whether you need my protection in the future, I will always follow you. This is my promise and will never change!" Mu Rutian clenched his fist firmly, even if the master did not need his protection, he Will not leave.

"Let you protect me, wouldn't it be overkill? You help me take care of Feibao Tower, and make Feibao Tower a stronger existence than Biyu Palace and Wanhua Island. This is your task. You think you can do it. Are you there?" Mu Qianyue looked at him with a slight smile in her eyes.

The reason why I say this is that I don't want Mu Rutian to continue to waste time on her, although he has not expressed his thoughts, how can he not understand that he is as smart as her?

Mu Rutian’s character is very stubborn, and persuasion is useless. The best way is to find something to do for him, so that he doesn’t have time to think about things, and he can get in touch with more people and things, maybe You can meet a woman who is worth his life to love...

"Ying'er, if you really love someone, you don't care about her strength, everything about her, otherwise it's not true love." Mu Qianyue looked at her and said lightly, "Tiange is not like that, you didn't You must have a low self-esteem, you are already very good! If he dislikes your poor strength, then he is not worthy of your love."

"I understand, I also know that Tiange is not that kind of person..." Bai Longying's gaze contained worry, her teeth bit her pink lips, "But... but he never said he liked me, to me It's neither cold nor cold, I don't know if he likes me..."

Just now after she learned about Mu Qianyue's strength, she was shocked. After being shocked, she was a little bit disappointed. Qianyue is a ninth-order god, then is Tiange also a ninth-order god? Thinking that she is still a **** king, she feels even more disappointed. The distance between her and Tiange will only get farther and farther. In the future, how will she stand next to Tiange, accompany him to laugh at the world, and look at the crowd?

I am afraid that I am not qualified!

Besides, Tiange doesn't seem to like her...

She asked Tiange for help. He never refused and readily agreed. She knew that the reason Tiange changed her indifferent attitude towards her was because when she was in the demon world, she blocked a sword for him, so he Will take care of yourself.

Otherwise, according to his cold and arrogant temperament, how could he care about himself easily?

Thinking about this, Bai Longying's heart became more bitter.

Hearing that, Mu Qianyue sighed lightly and didn’t know what to say. Although she also hoped that Chu Tiange could be with Bai Longying, but if Tiange didn’t like Yinger, she couldn’t force Tiange and Ying Er together...

After all, emotional matters are about the joy of love.

"Hehe...Who am I Bai Longying? How can I be discouraged by this setback?" Suddenly Bai Longying raised her head with a charming and brilliant smile, "Qian Yue, you are right, if you really love someone She doesn’t care about her strength. If I give up because of this, it proves that I don’t love him enough! So I won’t give up easily! No, I won’t give up even if I die! Unless one day he gets married and had children, Will give up!"

"As far as Jincheng comes, Jinshi is open. I believe that no matter how hard and cold the heart is, it will be melted by you." Mu Qianyue smiled.

"Hmm... I hope." A touch of sadness and loneliness flashed in Bai Longying's eyes. She took a deep breath and continued to encourage herself, and she returned to a state of vigor.

Seeing that she was fine, Mu Qianyue couldn't help but smile, Bai Longying's self-state was pretty good.

"Qianyue, you just came back, so we won't bother you to rest." Then Bai Longying, Mu Rutian and others said goodbye and went back to their own rooms.

Looking at Bai Longying's leaving figure, Mu Qianyue sighed quietly, and a pair of warm and generous palms stretched out from behind and embraced her slender and soft waist, "Lady, Chu Tiange and Bai Longying's business , Don’t worry about it, it’s useless to worry about it."

The gentle and mellow voice of the man sounded in her ears one after another, "You have done too much for them. After all, emotional matters are not alchemy and cannot be forced."

Mu Qianyue thought for a while and nodded, "I understand."

But she couldn't let it go.

Forget it, all depends on their own destiny!


Qingge Garden, located at the southeast corner of Feibao Tower, is the courtyard of Chutiange.

Bai Longying wandered outside the courtyard, trying to go in, but for the first time she found that she was timid, and she didn't have the courage to step inside...

In the end, she suppressed the hesitation in her heart, and Bai Longying walked towards the Qingge Garden. She just walked into the courtyard gate and ran into someone head on.

Under the dim moonlight, the man wore a cold black robe, and looked a little cold in the cold silver glow.

The knife-shaved face was cold and merciless, but the golden pupils were brighter than the stars in the sky.

"Ying'er, what are you coming to see me?" Chu Tiange looked at her and asked.

His voice was slightly cold, but it was very nice, Bai Longying suppressed the throbbing in her heart, looked up at her handsome face and smiled, "I heard that you are now a ninth-order god, I came to congratulate you."

"Congratulations on this, it's not my own practice. I'm soaked in the light of the master, otherwise I'm just a high-ranking king now." Chu Tiange told the truth, without a trace of boasting and complacency.

"But the world only looks at the results, not the process. Anyway, you are a ninth-order god, and Feibaolou will definitely become stronger in the future!" Bai Longying smiled.

"With the master, it's hard for Feibaolou to be strong or not." Speaking of Mu Qianyue, Chu Tiange's face melted like ice and snow, revealing a sincere smile.

"Tiange, let's go shopping on the street and eat by the way." Bai Longying suggested.

Chu Tiange nodded, did not refuse, "Okay."

Bai Longying's eyes brightened when she heard this, and she almost didn't cheer. Although she is from Feibaolou like Tiange, everyone is busy during this time, and she can say a few words when she really meets. There is very little time, and I rarely eat and go shopping together. He didn't expect that when she mentioned it now, he actually agreed!

The Canglang city at night is very beautiful and poetic, with a quiet and beautiful atmosphere. After dinner, Bai Longying and Chu Tiange strolled in the street together.

The clear river gurgled across the city along the moat, and boats floated on the river.

Even at night, you can clearly see the pebbles at the bottom of the river, under the shining of the moonlight, reflecting the twinkling light, sparkling.

The two stood on the edge of the moat, looking at the water flowing quietly through the city below, the breeze was blowing, and the air was quiet and beautiful.

Bai Longying secretly glanced at the man beside him, he was tall and straight, handsome and timeless, like a god.

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