Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1540: The soul of Nalan Ye [1]

"Okay, I promise you all." Wu Ya just thought for a while before agreeing.

As long as Qingqing is willing to stay, let him do anything.

Qingqing stayed, does it mean that his relationship with her will no longer be as rigid as before, and will return to the happy and happy time before?

The past few days in Moyue Sect had always been normal, Wu Ya also did not force Mu Qianyue anything as agreed.

He ate three meals a day with Mu Qianyue. At the beginning, Mu Qianyue refused, but Wuya said that there was only one request, and Mu Qianyue agreed.

The time flickered, and seven days passed, like quicksand at the fingertips, I couldn't keep it.

The evening sun was as red as snow, setting off the flowing clouds in the sky to be red, as if a fire was burning, it was gorgeous and colorful, like a dream.

Wu Ya came to Mu Qianyue's yard as usual. The dishes and wine were already placed on the stone table, and two maidservants were standing beside him.

"Qingqing, are you waiting for me?" Wu Ya came to the table and sat down. Seeing Mu Qianyue sitting at the table and not moving his chopsticks, there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

"Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival." Mu Qianyue said coldly, picked up a bowl and took a bowl of Codonopsis pilosula and Elk Soup, and drank slowly.

Moon Festival? Wuya heard this in his heart, saying that the Mid-Autumn Festival means reunion, Qingqing waited for the Mid-Autumn Festival together, did he consider him family?

Wu Ya's mood improved when he thought that Qingqing would no longer resent herself, and took a bowl of soup for herself, while smilingly looking at Mu Qianyue, she drank the soup.

After a bowl of soup, Wuya was in a good mood and poured a glass of wine for himself and Mu Qianyue, "Qingqing, have a drink with me at the bar, let us forget all the unpleasantness before and start again, okay?"

He raised the wine glass in his hand and looked at Mu Qianyue nervously.

Mu Qianyue glanced at him faintly, and still picked up the wine glass for a long time. There is no happiness or anger, no emotions in the beautiful face, and the voice is faint, "It doesn't matter if you have a drink with you, but we can't Go back to the past."

"It's okay, you are willing to drink with me. I am already very happy." Wu Ya smiled. He believed that as long as he gave him time to get along with Qingqing, she would definitely fall in love with him!

Perhaps because Wuya was in a good mood, he almost drank a pot of wine by himself, and almost ate the dishes on the table.

Wuya was already a little bit drunk, his eyes dim, raised his head, only saw Mu Qianyue stand up and walk towards him...

Under the moonlight, the woman was wearing a light purple dress, riding on the evening breeze, her unique fragrance was in the air, which was intoxicating.

The exquisite facial features, picturesque eyebrows and eyes, blended into the bright moonlight, cold and noble, like a viburnum blooming in the nine heavens, holy and beautiful.

Wu Ya stared at the woman walking towards her, her heart pounding, jumping faster and faster...

He stretched out his hand to caress his own heart, this heart beat for thousands of years for her, even if the vicissitudes of life, the earth will not change.

"Qing Qing..." he shouted.

The voice was a little dull, with a strange breath, he reached out his hand to her, thinking she would hold his hand...


Mu Qianyue slapped Wuya's face without mercy, which was exceptionally loud.

Wu Ya was directly slapped, staring at her with a dull face, and even forgot to react. It took him a long time to react from the consternation. His dark eyes were stained with anger, and he looked at Mu Qianyue with some anger. "Why are you hitting me?"

"I'm happy, I want to fight, do you have an opinion?" Mu Qianyue stood at the table, looking at him condescendingly, her narrow black eyes full of domineering.

"You..." Wu Ya was angry.

Suddenly he was shocked to discover that the true energy in his body did not know when it disappeared. This discovery made him stare in horror, "What did you do to me?"

"I didn't do anything, it just caused you to temporarily lose your true energy." Mu Qianyue looked at him coldly, her delicate lips gently evoked a sneer arc.

"You poisoned the food?" Wu Ya narrowed his eyes, a storm was brewing under his eyes, and his entire face was extremely gloomy and scary.

"Yes, besides the pill master, I am also a poison master." Mu Qianyue snorted coldly. In the past few days, she finally studied the upgrade of Thousand Soul Dispersion, which can temporarily lose the power of the true spirit realm. Fighting power, but only half of the time.

"Are you still refusing to forgive me? Did you lie to me by showing you just now?" Thinking of Mu Qianyue's poisoning in order to deal with herself, his heart hurts involuntarily. She had never done this like this thousands of years ago. Pass him...

"Did I show you okay?" Mu Qianyue raised her eyebrows, her voice still cold, her palms flicked, she took out a thousand-year-old profound iron chain to tie Wuya firmly, and threw it into the middle of the yard.

She had promised to stay before, in order to study poison against Wuya.

Fortunately, the disappearance of Thousand Souls disappointed her.

Wu Ya's eyes were gloomy, she really didn't, but when he said that today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, he fell completely.

"Qingqing, what do you want to do? Want to save Nalanye's soul? Heh... I advise you not to waste your efforts. He is a trace of my soul thought, and I have long been fused..." Wu Ya sneered Tao.

Mu Qianyue ignored him, but sat cross-legged in front of Wuya, lightly raised her right hand, and pointed her index finger between Wuya's eyebrows.

Closing his eyes, his consciousness plunged into Wuya's body.

Outside the courtyard, there are eight guardians including Mu Xueying, Bing Yan, and Xiao Xuan'er.

Mu Qianyue inspected Wuya's body dozens of times, but still did not find Nalanye's soul. Mu Qianyue couldn't help feeling a little anxious in her heart. Could it be that he was really swallowed and merged by Wuya?

Mu Qianyue continued to search Wuya's body without giving up, and finally found Nalanye's soul in Wuya's Tanzhong cave.

That touch is very transparent and faint, shrinking in the sandalwood, if you don't pay attention, you will miss it.

Seeing that his soul was still there, Mu Qianyue was secretly relieved. Prior to this, she had been worried and nervous, afraid that his soul would be completely swallowed by Wuya...

But Nalanye's situation is not optimistic now.

"Nalanye, Nalanye..." Mu Qianyue called out.

Nalanye closed his eyes, and his soul was particularly weak, as if it would shatter with a touch. He seemed to be asleep, quietly shrinking in that small corner.

Mu Qianyue stretched out her hand to pull him, but found that he was twisting his eyebrows in pain, his face was slightly distorted, and his face was terribly painful...

Mu Qianyue was so scared that she let go.

How is this going?

Nalanye's soul seemed to have taken root in this body, it couldn't be pulled out no matter what, if he insisted on pulling out, I am afraid his soul will disappear immediately...

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