Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1552: Hard to fly with wings [1]

The air condensed, solemn and cold, the majestic aura radiated from the slender purple figure, causing Yan Shu to stare in disbelief. Is this the breath of a true god?

"No! How could you be a true god!" Yan Shu's eyes widened, and the anger of jealousy surged in his eyes like autumn water. She was clearly the god! Why suddenly became a true god?

This is impossible! !

Even if she didn't believe it, the facts lay before her eyes and she had to believe it.

How did she and Brother Yan become true gods? Is there someone behind them?

She used her own power to deal with a true god, even if she couldn't defeat the opponent, she would never die!

But if Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing join forces, she is definitely not their opponent!

"Yan Shu, today I will beat you upright in the hall! Let you know the gap between you and me, just because you are worthy of being compared with me? You are not even qualified to give me shoes!" Mu Qianyue's eyes were cold and clear. Frost, the cold voice does not carry a trace of temperature.

Yan Shu's face showed a hideous look, "Green Girl, you weren't my opponent ten thousand years ago, and you still are not ten thousand years later!"

The fists under his sleeves clenched tightly, shaking uncontrollably.

"Really? Let's try our sights! I will show you how I trampled you under my feet!" Mu Qianyue's lips twitched slightly, and the mockery was very obvious, "Yan Shu Ah Yan Shu, you Your talent is really not so bad. Anyway, you are also an old witch who has lived for ten thousand years. I was preaching in person ten thousand years ago. How can you barely reach the realm of true gods in ten thousand years... if I His talent is as bad as you. You committed suicide a long time ago, saving you from wasting air when you were alive, wasting land when you were dead, and wasting gold coins when you died."

Sure enough, Yan Shu's mouth was crooked with anger, his face was blue with dark clouds, and finally couldn't help but roared, "Chen, you shut me up! You claim to be more talented than me, but in the end it is not dead. In my hands? You exploded your dantian before!"

"If you didn't collude with Demon Lord Wuya and hurt me secretly, if it wasn't for my 100% trust in you, do you think you can kill me with your ability?" Mu Qianyue's eyes were as cold as a pool, "You look good Not as beautiful as I am, and not as talented as I am, it’s only strange that Jing would like you! Even if you chase for two lifetimes, Jing doesn't bother to look at you, you should save the time."

"Brother Yan is mine! Why are you fighting with me? Obviously Brother Yan and I are childhood sweethearts. If it weren't for you, Brother Yan would have been with me! It was you who seized love first, so don't blame me for starting. Ruthless!" Yan Shu was completely angered, and roared savagely. Her whole body trembled uncontrollably, extremely angry.

Every word of Mu Qianyue hit her pain point fiercely. She claims to be an unparalleled beauty in the world, and she prides herself on her talent for stunning the world. In Mu Qianyue's eyes, she is nothing, and she can't be in front of her. In comparison, even the one she loves the most disdain to look at her more, even she lowers her body, as long as she can be by his side is enough, but he refuses without hesitation, saying that he doesn't want his wife to be jealous...

He was so gentle to her, but so merciless to himself...

Every time I think about this scene, those memories are painful!

In the past, what she admired and admired most was Mu Qianyue’s enchanting and almost abnormal talent. No matter what she reads, she can learn it. No matter what martial arts, she can easily master the essentials, reach the peak of perfection, and create a peerless book. Gongfa, as well as various elixir...

At that time, she was the most talented girl among the Yanhuang clan. She had a lot of love and aura and was the object of envy and admiration by countless people, but after meeting Mu Qianyue, all her auras were Cover up and become a shadow behind Mu Qianyue.

At that time, she really admired and admired Mu Qianyue’s talent, so Pi Dian Pidian followed her. Mu Qianyue did teach her a lot of things, teach her alchemy, and explain her martial arts. They talk about everything, they are intimate friends of life and death...

When did all this slowly change?

It seems that since Brother Yan and Mu Qianyue were together, the sisterhood between them has slowly changed...

She began to hate her enchanting talent, hate her indifferent like water, hate her momentum of turning her hands into clouds and rain, hating her existence...

"You hate me, I can understand, but why did you collude with the demon lord and cruel the entire Yanhuang tribe, they are your tribe, your relatives." Mu Qianyue has a long jade body, purple clothes lightly raised, and a wave of her body exudes. The quiet and indifferent breath, the words spoken lightly, caused 10,000 critical strikes to Yan Shu.

The anger in Yan Shu's heart was once again ignited to a new height. Thousands of magma seemed to be surging in her chest, almost bursting out of her chest. She roared without thinking, "Those old things of the Yan and Huang clan We all support you, but don’t support me! I am the saint of the Yanhuang clan, and my body is flowing with the noble Yanhuang blood, but they help you as an outsider. Damn it! All those who prevent me from being with Brother Yan, Damn it!"

Her words fell like thunder in the ears of the Yanhuang elders, all of them dumbfounded, as if they had misheard them.


The person who colluded with the demon lord and killed the entire Yanhuang clan ten thousand years ago was Yan Shu? Not a young girl?

Yan Shu held these words in her heart for a long, long time, and couldn't find anyone to talk to her. Now she can say it out, feeling extraordinarily relaxed and comfortable. She did not notice the angry and shocked expressions of the crowd at all, but continued to say proudly, "Let What I am most happy about is killing you and Brother Yan’s child Xiao Ling'er. She is so cute and innocent. I really like her so much. How I hope she is the daughter of brother Yan and me, but why is she you and Brother Yan’s child? Every time I see her, my heart is very contradictory and painful. This kind of pain is like taking root in my heart. Finally, after your defeat, the first person I kill is Xiao Xiao Ling'er. I still remember her painful, desperate and confused eyes... it's really pitiful..."

Yan Shu said to himself, his voice sometimes light, sometimes weak, and sometimes full of anger and resentment, as if he had a double personality.

Nalanjing didn't speak from beginning to end, but retreated from a distance and watched indifferently. She believed that Yue'er could solve it perfectly. He didn't need him to act. He also understood what Yue'er intended to provoke her.

At the beginning, Mu Qianyue's words really made Yan Shu look like someone stepped on her tail, and she was very angry. Later, Mu Qianyue's questioning brought a touch of soul-shearing effect...

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