Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1555: Group fight【2】

It was like Monkey King was crushed under the pressure of five fingers, and she couldn't escape no matter how hard she struggled. The three thousand golden lotus in her hand was directly shattered into powder under the powerful and unparalleled momentum of the Tongtian Tower...

"Qing girl, Mu Qianyue, you let me out! Let me out!" Yan Shu's roar came from inside.

Mu Qianyue ignored her screaming, but with a flick of her finger, a strand of Azure Dragon Underworld Fire was thrown into the Tongtian Pagoda, and a raging fire ignited in the Tongtian Tower. This Azure Dragon underworld fire was powerful for the soul. Harmful, after a while, Yan Shu’s painful and screaming cry came out, extremely miserable...

The people of Nalanjing, Yanhuang clan, Mu Xueying and others all stood by and watched indifferently. Many unrighteous acts would kill themselves.

So no one will help her, all of this she is nothing but ill results!

People like her should have died a long time ago. They killed so many people, and now everyone wants her to die!

"Green Girl, if you kill me, your lord will definitely not let you go!" Yan Shu roared with a sullen expression.

"So what? Even if she comes, you will die!" Mu Qianyue's eyes were cold as a knife.

Nalanjing’s purple pupils were also gloomy. He had long guessed that there was someone behind Yan Shu, but that person could easily make Yan Shu reach the realm of the true gods. Does her hand also have a true **** pill like that against the sky? ?

"Brother Yan, the adult's strength is unfathomable, far beyond what you can contend! If you let the young girl let me go, I won't summon the adults! Otherwise, once the adults appear, you will all die!" Yan Shu held his hand A piece of quaint jade pendant, she raised her head and looked at Nalanjing with hope. After all, the only person she hates is Mu Qianyue. She does not want Brother Yan to die too...

Nalanjing's brows were cold, her expression was contemptuous, and her white slender body exuded a cold and domineering aura, "Yue'er means what I mean! Yan Shu, you have done a lot of evil, killing my wife and daughter is absolutely impossible for me. Let go of you!"

"Brother Yan, why are you doing this to me? What is wrong with me? I love you, is it wrong? I just want you to take a look at me, I just want to stay with you That's it! Why can't you satisfy me even this little wish of mine? If you were willing to accept me as a concubine ten thousand years ago, none of this would happen! The three of us are still inseparable as before and talk about it. Let’s ride horses and sing together, wantonly rivers and lakes..." Yan Shu's expression was ferocious and ferocious when he first started. When speaking later, he seemed to recall those happy and happy times before, the expression on his face softened and his voice softened. After a few minutes, with a hint of expectation and a hint of happiness, "We planted viburnum in the yard together, boiled wine together, enjoyed the snow together, and watched the flowers bloom and fall, the clouds are soothing..."

Then her face changed, and she looked at Nalanjing bitterly, "But why did you refuse to give me a chance! Why! Anyway, we grew up together, I have loved you for so many years, you are so cruel. ?"

"Love is not the reason you can hurt someone." Nalanjing's expression is indifferent, and her beautiful face exudes a chilly breath. She is covered in white snow like snow, shrouded in golden sunlight, like a fireworks. The banished immortal.

Like Yan Shu's mind is so vicious, even if she becomes his concubine, she will do whatever it takes to hurt his beloved, because Yan Shu has never been a person willing to be ordinary.

Besides, he still doesn't love Yan Shu, even if she cried and begged him to accept her, he wouldn't look at her again!

Because he only has Yue'er in his heart, which is the case in his previous life and this world. Since he has filled Yue'er in his heart, he can't hold anyone anymore...

"Okay! Since you are so cruel to me, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Yan Shu roared with red eyes.

Seeing her palms were slightly hard, the jade pendant was quickly crushed, she raised her head and stared at Mu Qianyue viciously and resentfully. When the adults came, they would all die! No one will be an adult's opponent! Although she has never seen the strength of an adult, the feeling that the adult gives her is so unattainable!

After a while, a figure of a woman slowly appeared in the sky, and the person was dressed in a luxurious pale gold gown, exquisite and gorgeous, with golden silk embroidered with a flying phoenix that only spread its wings, beautiful and gorgeous!

Mu Qianyue's gaze fell on the incoming person, and her whole body trembled. This woman actually looked exactly like Yan Shu! !

It's almost carved out of a mold!

Even Yan Shu was stunned. He didn't seem to think that the other person's appearance was so similar to himself... No, it was similar, but the same appearance...

She hadn't seen the adult's true face before, so she didn't know, but now after seeing it, she can't recover for a long time.

"My lord, you..." Yan Shu was stunned for a while, unable to say a word.

The corners of the woman’s lips were slightly curved, and a charming and elegant smile appeared, "Are we all the same? Yan Shu, you are originally from the Primordial Realm, and you are from my Celestial Clan."

Celestial? Yan Shu heard these two words, and the blood all over her body boiled with excitement. If she hadn't been trapped in the Tongtian Tower and couldn't get out at this moment, she would have rushed forward to kneel and lick it.

"Really? Am I from the Celestial Clan?"

"Yes." The woman nodded, and she waved her sleeves, and the flames in the Tongtian Tower suddenly went out.

Without the burning of the flames, Yan Shu felt refreshed and her body no longer hurts. She raised an excited smile on her face, great! It turns out that she is from the Celestial Clan! Her status is much higher than that of the young girl!


In the legend, it is the heavenly clan that rules the entire Three Realms! Represents the gods, represents the supreme existence, and can control the life and death of all beings!

Mu Qianyue saw that the other party extinguished her Azure Dragon Underworld Fire with a casual wave, her face couldn't help but fell cold, the power of Azure Dragon Underworld Fire was so powerful that no one could do it with a wave just yet...

Moreover, Nalanjing's Nether Realm disappeared between the opponent's sleeves...

The woman turned her gaze and fell on Nalanjing next to her. There was a trace of obsession hidden in her autumn-like eyes. After more than 60,000 years, they finally met again...

He is still so good, so charming, even after the two worlds, he is still beautiful and breathtaking!

It's a pity that he can no longer recognize himself...

Mu Qianyue's gaze has been paying attention to the woman in front of him from beginning to end, so the look in the opponent's eyes has changed, and she has not missed a trace, all in her heart, it seems that the other party and Jing are old acquaintances?

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