Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1557: Tian Shuo is dead... [2]

"Di Yuchen is the prince of the heavens, and the Pan clan's status is not lower than that of the heavens. You are the direct bloodline of the Pan clan, and your identity is naturally very noble! You and Di Yuchen are called the real earth creation design The world is unparalleled!" Speaking of this, Tian Shuo's face showed a smile with Rongyan.

Prince of the Celestial Clan?

Mu Qianyue's black and bright eyes couldn't help but stare, and he couldn't think of his status so noble! It turned out to be the prince of the Celestial Clan!

"Tongtian Tower Spirit?" The woman in front of Yan Shu who looked the same as Yan Shu narrowed her eyes, the expression on her face flickered, with a bit of coldness and contempt, "Tian Shuo, you are originally from the Celestial Clan. You betrayed the Celestial Clan, what a damn! Since you have been with the traitor, then I will ruin you today!"

The palm of the hand was lifted, and a palm slammed towards Tian Shuo. Obviously Tian Meng didn't want Tian Shuo to continue speaking the rest of the words.

Unconcealed murderous intent surged in her narrow, autumn-like eyes, and the majestic and mighty palm power directly blasted towards the sky.

The reason Tian Meng dared to appear here now is to take this opportunity to kill Mu Qianyue, but she did not count that Tongtian Pagoda recovered her memory at this time, and she also said that she was 60,000 years ago. thing!

The fierce and unparalleled power oscillated in the air, and the formidable coercion filled the entire space!

When this palm shadow fell, it was not only Tian Shuo that died, but also Mu Qianyue!

A touch of determination flashed in Tian Shuo's faintly blue eyes. His figure shook and turned into a huge green pagoda, which protected Mu Qianyue inside.

"No! Tian Shuo! Get out of here!" Mu Qianyue's beautiful face showed a look of horror, and her bright black eyes were full of fear.

"Master, it is Tian Shuo's luck that I can find you in this life. You gave me my life. It is my honor to die for you now! Take care of Mo'er for me and let her find a good man to remarry. Right..." Tian Shuo's voice slowly sounded in the air, but he never saw his handsome face and melancholy blue eyes again.


As soon as his words fell, the entire space was shaken fiercely.

The tower of Tongtian turned into countless fragments under the palm of Tianmeng!

It can be seen how powerful this palm is!

At the same time, Meng Ximo, who was far away in the Blue Wolf Kingdom, felt that today was always restless, brows violently, a feeling of inexplicable panic and palpitation slowly rose from the bottom of her heart, as if she had lost something most important...


Thousands of fragments, light and shadow are floating in the air, and I will never see that handsome man again...

Mu Qianyue’s mind is still wooden, and she hasn’t felt the shock and sorrow. She still remembers when she saw Tian Shuo for the first time, she was still a waste material, and he despised her for being too weak. Chestless, fart~no fart~share... She caught him and beat him up...

There is also the noisiness along the way, life and death depend on each other, he has already become an inseparable part of her life, has become her close relative, but now he is wiped out in front of her?


Mu Qianyue's body was impacted by the fierce energy and flew out, a mouthful of blood spurted out, her palm-sized face was pale and bloodless, and her expression was dull and hopeless.

His eyes were red, and tears rolled down like broken beads, covering his entire face.

Sky Shuo... Sky Shuo...

Why is he so stupid!

"Yue'er!" Nalanjing rushed forward to catch her thin and slender body, her purple eyes were filled with distress. Under the extremely powerful blow of Tianmeng, he had no way to resist, he just wanted to It's too late to rush up!

Tianmeng's strength is at least a high-level true god.

And he is just a beginner, far from the advanced true god...

"Haha... Qingnv, you are a broomstick star. So many people died of you thousands of years ago, and now they die because of you. If you had committed suicide a long time ago, I wouldn't have to live to harm others!" Yan Shu looked at. Mu Qianyue's desperate face couldn't help but laugh out loud, her face full of revenge pleasure.

Because of the fragmentation of Tongtian Tower, she could escape from it.

"Bitch! Shut me up!" Xiao Xuan'er rushed to Yan Shu's face, slapped her hands and slapped him fiercely. Yan Shu was already seriously injured, and there was no resistance at all from the slap of Xiao Xuan'er. force.

Yan Shu looked up at Xiao Xuan'er and his eyes were full of resentment.

Bai Xue and Mu Xueying also came around, each of them slapped Yan Shu to the north, and then directly tied her up with the mysterious iron chain, so as to save her from running away. They wanted to kill her with a single sword, but thought The damage she caused to the master and Xiao Ling, killing her with a single knife is too cheap for her!

You have to keep her and torture her slowly so that her life is worse than death!

"My lord, save me! Save me..." Yan Shu Chaotianmeng shouted again.

"Di Yuchen, are you willing to go back with me?" Tian Meng ignored Yan Shu's yelling, but looked at the opposite Nalanjing with gentle eyes, almost dripping with water.

Nalanjing squinted her purple eyes lightly, her eyes flickering, and did not answer her question, but asked, "What is your relationship with Yan Shu?"

"Since you want to know, it's okay if I tell you. Sixty thousand years ago, in order to protect the traitor Pan clan, you did not hesitate to fight with God. God was furious, punished you and let you reincarnate. I am afraid that you will be alone in the world, so I deliberately used a bone near my heart to fabricate a human figure, and injected my deep love for you, and let her accompany you. No matter how many reincarnations you go through, she can find you." Tianmeng is faint He opened his mouth and stretched out his hand to caress the place of his heart. In order to get the bone, there is still a scar on his chest.

With her ability, the scar can naturally be removed, but she is unwilling to remove it, because this is a trace left by Di Yuchen...

Nalanjing frowned in disgust.

Bai Xue, Chu Tiange, Xiao Xuan'er and others also had stunned expressions when they heard this. Yan Shu was so bad and so vicious that it was only caused by a bone of Tianmeng!

Wouldn’t it be a bad bone if it were replaced by a heavenly dream?

No wonder Yan is so vicious, and it's not without reason!

It's no wonder that Yan Shu has been entangled with Nalanjing for thousands of years. Yan Shu's obsession with Nalanjing comes from a dream!

"Whether you like it or not, you will return to the heavens sooner or later. That is where you belong, and there is your mission. You are the prince of the heavenly clan, how can you have a love for your children? You should shoulder the entire heavenly clan Responsibility." Tianmeng said meaningfully, but his eyes fell on Nalanjing's breathtaking purple eyes like glass, and he couldn't move away.

"Hehe... Tianmeng, you are not staying in the Primordial Realm, and you ran here to run wild. Does God know? The second prince knows?" At this moment, an old voice slowly sounded in the air, with a sneer and sneer. .

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